Monday March 11

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Breezy Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Mar 11, 2024 11:18 am

Got my bedroom window open enjoying the nice breeze flowing in!

At 11, I am going to our end-of-season Putters luncheon. Having lasagna for all of us! Yum! I think some games and prizes too.

Still need to change most of the clocks in my house. Have only changed my alarm clock and my watch, the important ones!

Had a really busy frustrating day at work yesterday. Just me and the newer guy who still has problems doing hair cuts. We were really busy all day. I had to take time out to help him with several of his haircuts, while the lobby was full of customers waiting. I never got to take my lunch. I did let him go to lunch later in the day, after a family asked if I could do all their haircuts because they didn't want him to do them. So I did all three. I ended up doing 16 haircuts in 6 hours! :shock: I didn't even have a chance to sit down at all the whole day, so needless to say, I was in a lot of pain by the time we closed! I have a new pain now in my lower back which I think is my left hip. I stopped at Planet Fitness on the way home and laid on the hydrotherapy bed for a bit. That really helped relax all those muscles. Still was sore but at least I could walk without as much pain.
I need to talk to my manager about having a third person on Sundays again.

Took some Ibuprofin before bed and laid on the heating pad for awhile last night and feel better this morning. I have a follow up appointment tomorrow with my orthopedic surgeon.

I am wondering how much longer I can keep working before I end up with some serious back/hip, etc issues. Even my left shoulder is giving me problems again. I don't want to keep pushing myself until I end up having to have surgery or doing permanent damage.

Anyways, need to get up soon and go have some fun and eat yummy lasagna!

Thanks Karen, for the advice on the wifi setting on my phone. I checked it and it was off! No wonder I ran out of data! Got it turned back on and all is well (after having to buy more data!).

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Monday March 11

Postby Shirlv » Mon Mar 11, 2024 11:19 am

Afternoon All, I hate wind it has been blowing a gale for a couple days . The sound puts my teeth on edge. Some nice days coming up this week so I will stop complaining. Rubio is bring up his Sunshine bill again so fingers crossed it passes. I prefer Daylight Saving time. #1 daughter hates getting up in the dark so I offered my grow light . lol. She is only 5’ tall so might be a win win. Will go whine to Garfield, he doesn’t mind listening.
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Re: Breezy Monday

Postby Cudedog » Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:33 pm

Barbie, so sorry to hear you are having worsening physical issues.

Hope that you can find a solution soon. It sounds like you are between a rock and a hard place.

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Re: Breezy Monday

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:48 pm

Good morning. Cloudy and rain predicted after lunch. BUT this weekend is supposed to be great for being able to work in the yard. Low 70's. Need to charge my personal saw so I can trim my tree out front. Charge my sprayer as things are growing that I dont want growing LOL Will be nice to have a couple of days to just have zero rain. Put another coat of sealer on my VOG wall areas with tears that happened when we removed the existing tub and shower enclosure. Then will be ready to paint with my primer when it dries.

Today I am going to work on my taxes. I need to stop procrastinating LOL I know I will owe and I hope I can figure out where and how to put the entries on the IRS forms. I sold some stocks last year so I could buy my new car so hopefully the instructions will guide me. We shall see. Also had to pay my car insurance. I always pay in full for the 6 months I dont like monthly payments LOL I do like that I can use my Amazon Prime charge card so I can get the points wahoo. I pay my card off each month so the credit card company doesnt make anything off of me.
I am not minding the time change so much. I still wish they would just do one or the other. I seem to acclimate to this spring forward better than the fall back. Not sure why. The dog isnt a problem she just does whatever I am doing. I go to bed so does she. I get up so does she. Easy peasy
Hope everyone is having a good day. and weather improving. C'mon Spring..soon.

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Re: Monday March 11

Postby Othersharon » Mon Mar 11, 2024 2:25 pm

Good afternoon all. Yesterday was windy with the snow squalls all day and today the sun is out but the wind is brutal so no walk for us. Of course it makes it feel much colder too. I supposedly had 2 boxes delivered yesterday but I never got them. So waited today to see if they’d show up but by 2 they hadn’t so went to the PO to check on delivery. Long story short is that after only being gone about 20 minutes I went to back into my driveway and there they were right out front. I waited for the lady to call me back after the carrier came in to see what might have happened. Apparently he delivered I would guess to the apartment building and he didn’t have them so assume apartment person set them out front. Not for sure on who might have brought them but PO lady indicated that was what happened. I’m just happy they are intact and are now inside my house! I need to finish putting the doggie treadmill together so suppose I should tackle that next. Today would be a good day for Buddy to walk on it! I noticed my spring bulbs out front have some buds so I’ll just bet they are blooming soon. Mid week temps are supposed to be in the high 50’s with sun. Like several of you have mentioned I also wish they would stick with one time and not change all the time. Meanwhile I’ll just have to readjust to this time change. Karen, good that you will have a couple of rain free days to work outside. Enough is enough but here we are getting into our rainy season so just have to work around it for awhile! Judy, glad you’re feeling a bit better. Barbie, sure hope something breaks on your home soon so you aren’t working on your feet all the time. It’s crazy how they schedule your newer co-workers. So that’s about all for me so far today. Break’s over so need to move on to my next project! Have a good rest of your day everyone!
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Re: Monday March 11

Postby JudyJB » Mon Mar 11, 2024 2:50 pm

Barbie, have you tried sitting in a straight chair (like a folding chair or a bench) and spreading your legs wide apart, then bending over slowly so you are putting your head as far down between your legs as possible? I do this when my back starts hurting, which is usually when it goes into a spasm. This bending forward stretches your back, and at least for me, it pulls the spasm out so my back feels a lot less painful.

Still got my sleep hours messed up. Can't get to sleep because nose is stuffed up, then end up sleeping in too late in morning. Throat is a little less sore, but head is still stuffed. I have used Flonase at night, and that helps, but not enough. Also use one of those nose things to try to keep it open.
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Re: Monday March 11

Postby Redetotry » Mon Mar 11, 2024 3:21 pm

Cool and windy here but we have sunshine. I too wish they would keep daylight time. I can easily reach the all of the clocks in our house that don't reset automatically but one. Aggh I finally climbed on a step stool to reach it with DH 'spotting' me and got it changed this morning. It was making me crazy as it is the one I usually look at. A tall friend was here Sunday and I should have asked him to do it. He stops by occasionally on Sundays with his 7 year old daughter. This week I was showing her how to brush Pippa out using a slicker brush and a comb. Pippa was sitting on my lap and was not real happy but cooperated.
Sharon I'm anxious to hear how Buddy does with the tread mill. Barbie have a good time at your putters luncheon. I've been hungry for lasagna. Karen my taxed are done I put the check in the mail this morning, but I had someone do them for me. Shirl I need to get a grow light, I'm shrinking :lol: Judy I hope you feel better soon!
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Re: Monday March 11

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Mar 11, 2024 4:40 pm

Barbie, you already have serious back issues...... I would wonder about any surgeon or back professionals that haven't recommended PT and the continuing exercises that they recommend to strengthen backs and improve the flexibility and strength of your muscles and joints to support the aging spine you have. Our backs and spines will not suddenly get younger and grow new discs. Watching the people around me at my Y, makes me realize the truth of what my PT told me last summer. Maintaining a functioning back is not taking a "magic bean" but requires work and maintenance for the rest of our lives. We are not going to get younger.....and grow new spines.... Surgeries are not guaranteed for one and not the answer for many back issues....

Good Luck.....but respect your back.
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Re: Monday March 11

Postby snowball » Mon Mar 11, 2024 11:55 pm

was going to take mom to the dr after breakfast/brunch but she sat down and went to sleep so waited a bit talked to the youngest ... she hasn't been feeling well so finally went to the dr thinking she might have strep turned out to be pneumonia :shock: on antibiotics for 5 days wonder if that is the new time frame mom was on her antibiotic for 5 days as well... stopped at the store to finally get her pain pills will see if that helps her pain ... got in the car and told mom we were going home she said that she thought we would be going out to eat... looked at the clock and said we will be eating in just a couple hours do you want something to eat she did so we went through the drive up as I didn't bring her walker had planned on getting the wheel chair so she wouldn't get her feet wet (one is bandaged up) so no way I could get her into the eatery whatever one we went to without it so got frosty's should have just got the one for her but didn't then when we got into the house and I looked at a clock realize that it was really close to supper time the one in the car I've not changed the one on the stove I need to remember to change it when I'm not using the oven I guess ... the one in the car I need to remember how to do it... and the other one I've yet to figure out so will have to remember to ask someone else to do it...
while at the pharmacy the pharmacist told me that several were going to come over and clean off the roof... (we attend the same church at the same time) so guess Wed the roof will get cleaned off... :)
wish Henry could be rented out I'd hire him for a time :lol: do need to vacuum will have to do that tomorrow
I saw a video on FB on how to make home made sauerkraut looked really easy so I am going to try doing it might have to try that tomorrow as well you let it sit for 5-7 days in the dark and burp it daily hopefully it will work if not what am I out of some cabbage and a bit of salt... and 7 days of burping :lol:
how was your son's first day back to work Judy? and hope you get to feeling better
we were suppose to get a small amount of snow tonight hasn't happened read somewhere or heard it that Drigg's Idaho a town just west and north of us about 40 minutes away has had 100 inches of snow I guess they have some gauge that shows the depth of snow it's starting to recede here I can tell by my flamingo starting to see more of her .. :lol:
I need to go cut the pain pills in half and give mom one before she takes the regular one... think I will try alternating them the rx I just picked up is Tylenol with codeine will see if it gives her some relief
and get tp into the bathroom as every time she comes out she asks if we have any more tp and I tell her we do will get it later we aren't out it's just the last visible roll is in use meant to do it earlier but over looked it
made french toast and bacon for supper actually the bacon turned out the best that I've done in awhile :oops:
you all have a great day
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Re: Monday March 11

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:22 am

My thermometer says it got up to 78 but it didn't feel that warm. I did manage to walk without a jacket but it was cool.

I should do exercises for my back and hip but don't know what would help. I try to walk Luna everyday but some days my hip hurts too much.

Barbie, they should pay you extra for training the help. I haven't had lasagna in a long time. If I ever get the food in the freezer down I might make one.

I made one load out to the camper and brought all my Christmas shirts in. I haven't camped since the Christmas campout the first of December. This weekend the weather isn't looking too good.

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Re: Monday March 11

Postby SoCalGalcas » Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:04 pm

Good Morning, Hi all. I have not adjusted to the time change. Wish they would leave it one way or the other. The large clock in the living s the one I constantly use. It is too big for me to get down. So I have to wait several days for my daughter to come over and change it. It gets frustrating if I forget to add an hour in my mind.
The exercise Judy recommended to Barbie is a good one. I do it frequently. It feels so good when those tight muscles relax!
We had another rain shower before sunrise today. I like it when it rains prior to my walk! No yard work for me, but I love blooming plants. I have three African Violets that do well. Noe this time of year I will buy a Hyacinth. I lfovethat smell. They don’t last long, but while they are blooming it’s wonderful!
Softball game on early this morning I’m watching.
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Re: Monday March 11

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Mar 12, 2024 12:51 pm

Lyn, I too love the smell of hyacinth flowers! One of my favorites besides Lilacs!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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