Thur March 7

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Thur March 7

Postby Bethers » Thu Mar 07, 2024 4:03 pm

Sorry, the forum went down this morning. Turns out it was running on a version of php that's now outdated. All up to date and back. Unfortunately, I want sure how to do that update, but customer service with the hosting company did it. So let's hope it doesn't happen again for awhile. He said it's now running on the latest version.

Still warm and muggy here. Windy, which is not too bad because it makes going outside livable. Laundry done, including getting the bed made. Good thing my mom isn't here. I do know how I'm supposed to put the top sheet on a bed, but wasn't paying attn and didn't. I don't think Ty cares. :lol:
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Re: Thur March 7

Postby OregonLuvr » Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:53 pm

Glad we are back up and running. I tried to log on a couple of times earlier but of course no luck. Foggy start to our morning but about noon the sun came out and it is pleasant outside this afternoon. I took Emma to the groomers this morning and ran a couple of errands while she was there. It only takes Bethany about an hour to do her, now she smells so good. It is handy that the salon is only 5 minutes from my house. I usually come back home but today had a couple of things to do while I was out.
Nothing much else happening today. Taco salad for dinner. I made 4 chocolate chip cookies yesterday and planned on eating 2 yesterday and 2 today. WELL I was bad and ate all 4 yesterday so today I have none, darn good thing too.

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Re: Thur March 7

Postby Othersharon » Thu Mar 07, 2024 6:03 pm

Beth, thank you for the clarification of why I couldn’t get on this morning. I always wonder if I did something different or if it’s on the other side of things! Just getting home from a running afternoon. I had to make another jaunt to pick up a piece for the walk thru gate I got the other day. I was able to get 3 of them for what probably would have been the cost for one on Amazon. I’m getting tired of stepping over gates all the time. And until I can trust Buddy not to chew anything he can get in his mouth the gates will stay. Glad you have things worked out with moving your TT to its new location. Good that you’ll be able to get your eyes done too. I saw a huge difference after I had the surgery. Velda, glad Chris is improving but please take care of you too. Judy, I too must have missed about your aunt. Hope you can get through all the paperwork with as little trouble as possible. Been there, done that! And glad your son is improving. Anita, hope your brother does well with the treatments. I noticed today that the trees and underbrush are starting to turn green. It’s a bit early but with all the warm weather we been having. Sunday we are forecasted to get some snow but only flurries and the temperatures are going down quite a bit. So crazy! So not much else happening here. Just doing “normal” things around the house. Both inside and outside. I almost forgot the time change this weekend! Be nice to have that extra hour each day to have the sun. At least when we have sun!! But now I need to think about some dinner and get Buddy fed. Unfortunately we didn’t get out for a all today so for sure tomorrow. I need to get the new treadmill I ordered for him put together and decide where I want to put it. I’m hoping it’ll help his energy level lower when I can’t get him out. Have a good evening all.
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Re: Thur March 7

Postby Acadianmom » Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:18 pm

I missed the forum excitement because I had an appointment to get my hair cut. I knew my appointment was at 11:30 but I managed to get there 40 minutes early. I don't know what I was thinking.

I won't need to go back to the restaurant we went to last night. I don't know if it was Greek or Turkish food but I wasn't impressed. I ordered lamb kabab and the meat was so tough I had to spit some of it out. They brought us some kind of bread that was about 6 inches round and puffed up with some dipping sauce. That turned out to be the best part of the meal.

Sharon, I really like the walk thru gate I got for Luna and the cats. The cat food is in the big bathroom and I put the gate going into the bedroom. It keeps Luna out of the cat food and the cats can get away from her. Some of the cats she totally ignores and a couple she wants to mess with.

It is suppose to rain tomorrow so I decided I better mow. It was very windy and I needed a jacket but wouldn't quit mowing to go get one. I will have to pickup some cans of gas before I can mow again. I haven't started the truck in probably over a month so need to see if it will start.

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Re: Thur March 7

Postby JudyJB » Thu Mar 07, 2024 10:05 pm

Good news about my son--he is eating real food and apparently tolerating it OK, so he is going back to work on Monday. I am a bit worried about him going back so soon. He was scheduled to go back on April 2, after spring break, but I guess he is anxious to get back into the classroom. And for those who missed it, my aunt just stopped breathing while they were getting her dressed on Jan 24th, so it was an easy death. Much better than a painful death or dying in the hospital. I will inherit a little bit of money that I am going to put aside to help pay for assisted living if I ever need it.

I saw the kidney specialist this morning, and he suggested that the lasix that I have been taking for a couple of decades is causing me to be dehydrated and causing my kidneys to leak calcium into my blood, contributing to kidney stones. So, I will very very slowly take less of the lasix to see if it causes any problems with my heart. I think I got started on it way back when I had pancreatitis and they switched all my blood pressure meds while I was in the hospital. Way back then, my blood pressure kept going up, but they were very limited in what they could give me then so as to not cause more problems with my pancreas. I remember laying in bed with my recently replaced knee and my blood pressure hitting 200/130 and they were getting desperate. Anyway, I will try cutting down and see if my body can tolerate going off of it.

Two more motorhome problems--my toilet flapper is not opening or closing on its own and the rollers on the bottom of my shower door have rusted and are disintegrating. Almost got stuck in shower the other day. Not sure if it is repairable or will need replacement. Calling Camping World or whoever about a new toilet tomorrow. I can shower with the door open, but using the toilet is a lot more critical, if you know what I mean.

And to make things even more fun, somehow I got several more insect bites on my legs. One area has three bites and is red and swollen.
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Re: Thur March 7

Postby snowball » Fri Mar 08, 2024 1:03 am

I've been AWOL for a week laziness sorta was really busy and on the go while gone for the weekend for the wedding left Utah on Sunday got to my sister in laws to pick up mom. had made arrangements to stay at her house because my dd's car was having issues with her brakes and although we felt ok coming back (it was vibrating) so she wanted to get it worked on before taking us back and although son in law would have on Sunday he had to work and daughter was too tired from the trip all in all we stayed at sister in law's Sunday planned one of my nephew's volunteered on Monday to take us but he has a pickup and not sure we could get mom into it and lots of stuff still in dd's car that I didn't want to leave behind some of which was my oxygen tanks even though I use the consentrator most of the time didn't want to not have any other than the one I had with me... so opted to stay put then it snowed and the roads were closed there was no way of getting into the valley to go over the pass and it was intermittently closed and we couldn't get down the highway to the canyon as part of it was closed... then on Tues mom woke up with a large swollen area not knowing how it happened trip to instacare (sister in law took her) x-rays a no idea what foot dr wants a MRI so they called me to come in had that said it wouldn't be read until the next day not out of town when they called and said it was a hematoma so to come in and they would drain it .... which was both fascinating and gross big clots little clots blood yuck they put a wick in it and wrapped it and told us to come back on Thurs or if we are able to go back home to see the dr there ... after thinking about it felt it was wise to stay over till after seeing the dr the highways actually opened yesterday but we stayed over another night and sister in law took her to the center and another milking of the area and more clots and smaller clots guess quite a bit of blood and rewicked and wrapped need to see the dr again on Saturday but decided to come back regardless will need to go to a med center as her regular dr is closed on Saturdays... it's been a week!!!
sorry to hear about your aunt Judy but you are right much better to pass away that way than many others ... and good news about son hopefully it's for short days that he isn't over doing it
I have only read today's I have so much reading to catch up on think I will try doing a couple days each day so that I'm not over whelmed I should have read the other day before commenting but I didn't...perhaps if I want to make a comment on anything I'll come back and do an edit
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Re: Thur March 7

Postby JudyJB » Fri Mar 08, 2024 2:00 am

Problem with being a high school teacher like my son is that you have to go all day with five classes and 30+ kids in each class. I remember from the five years I taught in late 60s that worse part was not being able to leave a class to even use bathroom!!

He has good classroom control, and it is amazing to me that he has been teaching for 26 years now!! Met his wife there but since she is an administrator she has to work at different high school. There are four in Napa.
Son will have to snack every hour but school knows that and he has very good friends who are other science teachers. ( son teaches biology)

Sorry for the problems your mother had, Sheila. Did she bump into something to cause all that? Sounds painful
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