Cold Sunday Morning

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Cold Sunday Morning

Postby Colliemom » Sun Jan 14, 2024 7:54 am

Morning all. Thought I would pop in this morning. Wanted to get a move on yesterday Morning and get the snow from Gerri cleaned up while we had a lull before the Lake Effect started in. Got 6 Inches from the Blizzard, but the winds were blowing at 43 mph. So there were drifts in places. Temp was dropping steady all day and lake effect started about midday. But as is the nature of Lake Effect, it comes and goes and shifts with the wind directions. I think there’s about 3 inch’s out there right now, but we are under a Winter Weather Advisory till 7 p.m.. Currently it’s 17°. I don’t know at this time if I am going to go out and buy the cleaning this up or just let it do whatever is going to do today and deal with it tomorrow. I don’t mind the coldas I I have the clothes for that. I joke that between my fleece pants and my ski bibs, my heavy weight fleece jacket under my windproof, -50 below rated coat, my hat, gloves, warm boots and face mask when needed, I am a complete outdoor winter package :lol: but in all actuality, I am warm while I am out there and sometimes I hate to come in.

I haven’t seen that movie some of you are talking about, but since I’ve been into Diamond Painting, I hardly watch TV other than my local news and CBS Evening News. And then I am also spending some tine keeping up with the groups I am in, on Facebook, half watching whatever I happen to have on TV the late evening.

Forum is working good this morning, got right in. See everybody seems to be dong well and keeping up with day to day things. Carol, good luck getting to the airport tomorrow and enjoy your trip. Judy, sounds like your son is on road to recovery despite some rough spots to get through. Weather seems to be affecting everybody. Sharon, hope your furnace is working now. Wondering how Pat is doing out there in SD with this weather and snow.

Almost time for TV Mass, so am going to sign off. Have a nice dsy, stay safe.
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Re: Cold Sunday Morning

Postby Irmi » Sun Jan 14, 2024 8:04 am

Good morning Sue and all!

Judy, I hope your son continues to recover and I'm glad you got the motorhome fixed. Carol, have a wonderful time in Mazatlán and report in when you can. Beth, it's okay to take a day off from working in the tt. Sue, I sent you a pm.

Although it's not nearly as cold here as where Sue is, I just went out to put my music in the car, and the wind went right through me. Later on this week, our night time temperatures will dip into the 30's. I am so over this cold weather, but I know it will get better.

Enjoy today!
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Re: Cold Sunday Morning

Postby IrishIroamed » Sun Jan 14, 2024 11:15 am

Mornin' ladies!~~~
I usually read your news daily, but don't reply. So now I just caught up on posts that I couldn't get to while there were problems. Thanks for getting it fixed Beth.

Not a whole lot new since I posted glad all surgeries seem to have good results, but waiting (or did I miss?) that all is well with Liz too.

Haven't done much of anything because of the cold here in Apache Junction, but may finally get to 70° this week. Then I can get out to find the Salties again (Salt River wild horses).

After the last few years of being stationary for months at a time , I'm thinking about being a real snowbird, so have been driving around areas since Wyoming trying to figure out where and what. I'd love to have land, but know I'm getting older and lazier. Park models in resorts are too small and hate how close they're all crammed in. So for the time being, I'm thinking more of a 2 bedroom mobile home that can be an emergency landing place if needed, place to settle in the winter and could be my home when I get off the road. Probably in Central AZ since I've got friends and family here, including BFF from grade school/ high school that just sold their house in IL and arrived in Mesa yesterday to look for a place themselves and their daughter's wedding in February.

So that's what I've been doing. Thinking, thinking and more thinking. Nothing exciting. Have a great day ladies.
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Re: Cold Sunday Morning

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Jan 14, 2024 11:26 am

Good morning gals!

I went to bed coughing and woke up coughing :roll: Ugh! Am so tired of it! I can feel stuff in my lungs and keep coughing until it comes up. I am exhausted! The cough medicine I bought is nasty tasting but works. I just eat a small peanut butter cracker right after and it cuts out the taste right away.

I ordered a small humidifier which I got yesterday but forgot to set it up last night :roll: . Will do that soon here. I also just ordered some L-Lysine with vitamin C and zinc. I know that works to heal the sore tissues in the throat. I had a bad cough once that lasted over a year and wouldn't go away no matter what I did. One day I had bitten my tongue and my supervisor recommended L-Lysine to help heal my tongue faster. Three days later my tongue felt much better, but also my cough was gone! :o I have used it ever since to help heal my nagging coughs.

Yesterday I went and picked up my hamburger at the clubhouse BBQ and came home with it. This morning is a pancake breakfast which I had planned to go to, but between not being able to get to sleep last night until almost 4am, and my current coughing fit, that isn't gonna happen for me. :(

Clipped Romeow's claws last night which went OK. Then tried to clip Sophie's. That didn't go so well. :( We had to abort the procedure after she freaked out and bit me (just lightly, no broken skin). Just a warning bite but I let her go and calmed her down some. Will try again another time. I did get 4 claws on one front paw done.

Tomorrow is the Putters pot luck. Not sure if I will make it for that or not. With over 100 members, I doubt they will miss me if I don't show up.

Did a haircut yesterday on a new customer here. He and his wife don't live very far from me. I was there for about an hour and a half just talking after the haircut. They are very nice.

It is starting to warm up out here. Will be 70* today and in the mid 70's every day for the next 2 weeks. I can turn off my heat during the days now and not use it as much at night. Hopefully, the rest of you will start warming up some too.

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Cold Sunday Morning

Postby Othersharon » Sun Jan 14, 2024 11:37 am

Good morning! It’s a very, very cold day here with snow squalls and all. My sidewalk is mostly ice so I need to figure something out and at least get a path made. I want spring! Judy and Anita, glad your son and brother are doing better. My furnace guy came by and did some adjusting on it and fingers crossed it is working again. We’re in for a string of super cold weather in the next week so having it is pretty darn important! Goes without saying! My son came the other day and finally mounted the lights outside for me and fixed the toilet. I wasn’t worried about the toilet since I really never use that bathroom! It was low on the things to do list! I just haven’t been to Lowes or Home Depot for a long time and just haven’t thought of getting the part when I’ve been in the hardware store here in town. The lights are motion detecting and run on batteries so I’ll see how they work. So far they help light up the backyard at night when Buddy’s out there and I can see what kind of mischief he’s getting into! I feel bad that we haven’t walked in a few days but with all the ice I worry about the chance of falling or something. Unlike you Sue, I don’t really enjoy being out in all this weather. Snow I can handle but ice not so much! I for sure don’t have the winter duds to tolerate the mess we have right now! And luckily it usually lasts for a few days before it finally gets tolerable again. I’ve decided that DS is a trigger for Buddy. He’s been pretty good with seeing other people but when son comes in he gets crazy. They stopped yesterday for a bit and Buddy just wanted to be all over son. He gets so excited. I managed to control it better since time wasn’t an issue and we could work through it. He actually stayed in “place” pretty well and I was right beside him and able to use the training cues for both of them! Not perfect but better! We’re learning! He just turned 16 months so he still has a lot of puppy in him! So that’s about all that’s happening here! Just trying to get some extra things done inside and all the usual chores. Speaking of which I need to go toss the load of clothes into the dryer so best get to it and get that done! Hope everyone has a good day. Oh, almost forgot….I was finally able to get on the forum without the long wait this morning.)
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Re: Cold Sunday Morning

Postby Redetotry » Sun Jan 14, 2024 1:10 pm

It is 6 degrees here but only a dusting of snow and no ice so far. I keep putting on layers but the thermostat says temp is what it is set for but I feel cold. Sue it sounds as though you have the clothes for this type of weather do you order them or are they sold in the stores there? I have some long underwear and down coats but I've never seen any with a temp rating. I try not to use a lot of electricity in weather like this but I've had the washer and dryer going all morning. Emma threw up on the bed last night and it soaked through a duvet and blanket to the sheets. I have no ides what it was, it looks like a treat that she ate whole. It is about 2" long by about 1" wide. It has what looks like short black narrow lines in it. I would say it's some type of bird suet but it is light brown and looks more like a cracker or cookie. Something may have drug rubbish into the yard, there are all sorts of critters that can get through the fence.
I think the internet was just slow all over the last few days. I noticed FB pages took a long time to download. Mine is working well today.
I'm ready for daylight savings time and spring!!
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Re: Cold Sunday Morning

Postby OregonLuvr » Sun Jan 14, 2024 1:27 pm

Good morning. No rain today yet and it didnt pour overnight either. We have a forecast for at least 10 days of rain/showers but at least we are not cold like the rest of the nation. Cheryl you have lots of food for thought. I am sure you will find the perfect place to land.
I keep my heat low in my house, around 62 or 63. I wear my long underwear, sweat pants and sweatshirt and when sitting I cover up with my heated throw. Helps with my heat bill for sure, especially since our rates just went up by 11%.
Barbie I had my cough for many months after Covid, my doc ordered an xray and it showed atypical pneumonia so put me on a strong antibiotic Levofloxin for 7 days, I was better in 5. You might want to get it checked out. I let mine go on way too long mainly because I didnt have a doctor up here yet. But I got lots of them now ha ha
Going to have a bowl of soup soon since I have been up since o dark thirty for some unknown reason. Ate breakfast early and now I am getting hungry LOL a common problem. Having chicken wings for dinner. I need to eat out of my freezer so that will be a start.
Think I will jump in the shower before I eat some lunch.

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Re: Cold Sunday Morning

Postby asirimarco » Sun Jan 14, 2024 2:31 pm

Good morning to all - well I think we are all ready to go tomorrow morning in the dark . ordered Uber for 4:15 a.m. UGH. Neither Bill nor I have flown in the last 21 years. Reading all the rules and regs. Think I got it right. This morning went to print our boarding passes. OMG. First they told me my name was wrong Didn't add my middle name to ticket but is on passport. Then they said Bill needed some kind of International number???? So called airline long wait will call me back. 40 minutes they called, nope can't help me needed to talk to Advantage Miles expected hold time 15 minutes. While waiting I returned to boarding pass page and refilled out all info - no problems - got our boarding passes. No idea what problem was first time. Blood pressure way up. Now I'm wondering what else might go wrong or what we might have forgotten to pack. We both have carry on luggage, meets all dimension requirements. But also have a small under seat carry on - can I take my purse too? Our first flight is 1hr 13mins. Then 2hr layover than second flight 1 hr 14 mins. We spend almost as much time on ground as in air. Talked to driver who is going to pick us up - he says he will be wearing a green shirt as he can't hold up a sign as no own car drivers are allowed in airport. Hope there aren't many green shirts.
Today here it is still in 30's at 11 o'clock, there it is in 80's. Should be an interesting time. Yesterday Bill was sick/exhausted the whole day. Today he is fine. Will post when I can.
Walked yesterday to go over and pick up my 100 mile reward. Was pleasantly surprised. A very nice water bottle carrier with water bottle. Can be worn over shoulder or around waist. Also a zipper compartment for ID or ... And in the compartment was a little pedometer. Next goal is 200 miles, so far I'm up to 125. Went out to breakfast this morning with car hearer running. Been trying to use up things in refrigerator so dot' have to throw them out. Usually we just transfer to RV
Judy glad son is on way to recovery. Barbie - hope the cough goes away soon.
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Re: Cold Sunday Morning

Postby JudyJB » Sun Jan 14, 2024 2:41 pm

The nice thing about weather as cold as Sue has is that you seldom get ice and when you do, it is not very slippery, believe it or not. In face, I remember trying to ice skate outdoors in very cold weather, and skates would not slide very well! Still damp and cool here, with occasional drizzle. I have a couple of things I would like to do outdoors, but too messy outside. Maybe tomorrow. Glad I am not in a tent!!

Son still has two stomach tubes, one nasal tube, something in his neck that is delivering meds for an epidural of some sort, and an IV, plus about 6" of stitches on his abdomen--whole thing is making it hard for him to move in bed or try to walk. He is hoping to get one or two tubes removed today, but since it is Sunday, his primary doctor will not be there.

I did vacuum yesterday, but my toilet seal has been leaking, so last night, very late, I tried to free it up by scraping hardened scale and ended up taking seal out. Cleaned everything up as best I could and then had trouble putting seal back in. By this time it was almost 2 pm, and I ran out of patience so went to bed. Got to work on it again this afternoon. Have replaced seal in past, so should be easy.
Last edited by JudyJB on Sun Jan 14, 2024 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cold Sunday Morning

Postby SoCalGalcas » Sun Jan 14, 2024 3:04 pm

Good morning, Carol am hoping everything goes well for you and Bill tomorrow!
I got an F Scott Fitzgerald book from the library. Gads, what a word smith! He takes about twice as many words as a modern day writer to say the same thing. Does anyone use the word
“Avidity” anymore ? The print is very small, I am having difficulty reading. Going to see if it is published in large print.
This site is back to normal. It’s cold here too. I am really bundled up for the first ride on the scooter. Lyn

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Re: Cold Sunday Morning

Postby Acadianmom » Sun Jan 14, 2024 10:56 pm

There was a MeMe on Facebook that said Louisiana is getting ready for a freeze in 70 degree weather. It was 74 this afternoon and suppose to be 28 Monday night and 20 on Tuesday night. I saw a post that Interstate 49 has been closed in North Louisiana. I just hope it warms up some during the days. I spent yesterday afternoon trying to get everything insulated and covered. Just hoping for no broken pipes and we don't lose power.

Sharon, I have solar motion detecting lights all around the fenced area for the dog so I can see what she is doing at night. They work well and don't need batteries. I had to order them from Amazon.

Carol, hope you and Bill have good flights. I haven't flown in 14 years and it was a pain back then.

Red Lobster has their biscuits frozen to bake at home. I baked 4 for lunch. They were on the stove top and I went off to do something else. Luna pulled the pan off the stove and ate all 4 biscuits. :evil: So far she hasn't gotten sick.

Tomorrow is our first Meetup meal of the year. There is a chance we will have freezing rain tomorrow night so I will probably have to cancel. The lady that's in charge said she will let us know tomorrow if she cancels it.

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Re: Cold Sunday Morning

Postby snowball » Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:15 am

I wonder if there is a area anywhere that isn't colder than normal at this time... it seems that we are all complaining of the cold ... it's here as well but can't say it isn't normal ... although I am tired of it... would rather have snow than the cold
had a friend take my chimes down hung them up in the garage mainly wasn't sure if the clapper would do well in the snow and it hangs really close to the ground....
the pharmacists wife told me at church that her husband had been busy at work guess problems with staffing but he would make it today work was closed at 5 so thought just a few after 5 he would be here finally fixed supper and eat short time later he came shortly after 7 had just gotten off work... so she got her COVID and flu shot he will come by in a week or so with the RSV shot he just didn't want to give them all at once... I still need to make the appointment for Shingles and at least RSV
my feet are so cracked and dry I really need to go get a pedi and yes need is the right word... have an area on the side of my foot that hurts to walk
I started giving mom her pain pill just an over counter with her other stuff she has been making the comment about being tired of all the pills she takes I don't give her the pain pill and she doesn't complain..
it just makes it easier to know when she has gotten it... for being 97 she has only 2 that are actual RX's one is a water pill the other is for thyroid the rest is supplements iron vit c vit d a tummy pill asprin missing one she takes 3 in the morning 4 with pain and the same in the evening... she doesn't realize that she is taking iron and for a change her blood is doing better ... she usually is anemic
for a Sunday it was our normal church scriptures and nap
you all have a great day
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Re: Cold Sunday Morning

Postby Bethers » Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:32 am

Martha, you usually are right behind with the weather I get. Let's see, our high for today, Monday, is happening now at 55. By 7 am it says we'll be at 46 with some rain possible. Will go down from there and into the mid 20's overnight. Tuesday, we won't reach 40 and another cold night, Wed we'll start back up and we could hit 80 on Thursday. I just decided I'm going to unhook my water tomorrow and fill my water tank. Wed I can hook back up. Now if I was smart I would have filled my tank and unhooked, etc today when it was sundress weather.

And that is my weather report lol. Time to see if sleep will come.
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