I have put in a medium-sized veggie garden in my back yard for the past two years - weed fabric, drip system, the works.
I had just about decided not to do a garden this year, and just kick back. I have slowly come around to the garden idea again, what with the way food prices are shooting up like a rocket. I love tomatoes, and like to eat them every day - yesterday Door Dash brought me a 10-ounce container of yummy grape tomatoes along with my grocery order - if I put my two hands together, there is just about enough tomatoes to fill my together-hands. I might get one, maybe two, salads out of this many tomatoes. Cost for these? A fast $5.00 for the 10-ounce container.
I'm not going to talk about the price here for fresh zuchinni, butternut squash and the like, besides just saying "ouch". These all grow well here - with the drip system already in, and the weed fabric taking care of the weeds - pretty much all I need to do is dig a small hole through the fabric, put a bit of manure in the hole and stir it around a bit, then pop in some seed (or maybe some plants, in the case of tomatoes).
The drip system (on an automatic timer) will take care of the watering part.
The strawberry bed I put in last year over-wintered just fine without any help on my part, and I'm getting about a pound of strawberries a day at the moment, with more coming on. I like going out in the back yard when I want something to munch on.
. . . That is, so long as I have water. Without irrigation, any veggie plant is a goner when temps hit the 90's, not to mention 110.
I am hearing talk of water rationing here, don't know where that will go, but I'm thinking it might actually happen this time.
So any planting I do will just be for those items that take little effort on my part, and hope for the best.