by Nasoosie » Fri May 29, 2009 11:12 am
I have to agree with you about the fake lilac scents...ACK!!! Just not the same thing!
If this milder weather keeps up, and the sun comes out at all, I will be able to take some pics of the blossoms totally opened up. It is such a shame that they don't last longer, but perhaps that's what makes them so wonderful while they are here.
I 'acquired' my lilac bushes from an old abandoned farmhouse just after we moved in here....dug little shoot bushes of them up during the height of black-fly season, headnet and all over my head. When I got them home, the flies were so bad I could just barely see the ground to dig shallow holes to put them in! But in they went, and LO! They took off like weeds, and have been blooming (nearly every year) ever since. I am trying to keep them cut back and low enough so they won't block my kitchen window view of the yard. Cutting them back just seems to enhance their blooms.
The mountain ash trees, which get bright orange berries in the fall where those little white buds are now, I scooped out of the ground under some established trees in a friend's yard.....berries that had fallen and taken root......when they were just like blades of grass. I should have weeded them out and kept just one main tree, but I didn't have the heart to do I have a mini 'grove' of them outside the kitchen window behind the lilacs. There are more along the driveway on the side of the house. The flowers on those really STINK when they open up, but are short-lived, and then berries begin developing. The orange of those berries is way more than compensation for the odor of those poor blossoms! The rain needs to stop to allow the bees to do their thing with all the blossoms around here, including the blueberries. Am hoping for a rain-free weekend.
Life is about learning to dance in the rainHappy travels!