Patchy Wi-Fi

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Patchy Wi-Fi

Postby Echo » Sat May 23, 2009 11:58 pm

(written 05-21-09)

By goodness let me tell ya'll something! I am about frustrated to the max with the wi-fi here!!!! Kelly can sit in the trailer and connect, tho the signal is weak lots of times and it fades in and out on her. Sparkle is a couple spots up the the hill from us and she has said that she can sit in bed and she's connected. Me??? HA! Not once have I been able to connect to the wi-fi while in the trailer. Now I am sitting at the laundry room and still can't get enough freaking signal from the wi-fi to get connected! ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!! I am going to check online to see what kind of antenna affair I can get to reach out and grab a wi-fi signal better. I just bet it is something she and I will be able to use over and over!!!! Now I can go in the lodge and connect but even that has given me the craps a couple of times. I simply don't feel like sitting in the Lodge all the dang time whenever I want to go online. ~sigh~ Would much rather sit at the trailer in my sweats or jammie pants and play online! Without being able to get online very often my inbox is a mess. I dumped more email the other day than you could have shook a stick at! Right now I'm doing this in wordpad, when laundry is done I will go closer to the lodge for a better signal and post this. I hope!!!

Finally got paid. Kelly and I went to St George UT to check out the WalMart and some other things. We spent so much time running around that we never did pick up any groceries so I had to go back out today to get them. So today I did my two fave things in the whole world. Went grocery shopping and now I'm doing laundry. Laundry room is small only 2 washers and 2 dryers but it's cheap only $1 to wash and $1 to dry,but at least it's a laundry room and we don't have to go into town to do our clothes. Not doing all of the laundry tonight but at least enough to get us by for the week. Still have some shirts that need washing.

Hope the heck I can sleep tonight!!! Have no idea what is going on but I have been tossing and turning all freaking night long. Went to bed this morn at 1:14am and was back up at 5:30 this morn. Gads I'm tired. I have a funny idea that as soon as I eat tonight I'm gonna be crashing into bed.

I just know that with not being able to get online very often that I am missing all kinds of good stuff! I probably wont try to do much catching up. It's to hard to try and catch all that I've missed. Ya'll need to take it easy and not have to much fun to where I'd will all of it.

Ok gonna go check on laundry and head for the trailer. Get my dinner and go to bed. Yawn!!!

Love to all, miss ya lots.

Been sitting here waiting for Kelly to get off work, it's her night to wash dishes in the kitchen. She just came out to tell me that she didn't know how much longer she would be as she had another whole table full of dishes to wash. I know from talking to a few of the others that they have not gotten out of the kitchen until midnight. It was my turn to wash dishes last night but I had been sick all day so they found someone else to fill in. Have never been so grateful to be sick!!! Still don't feel quite right but it's better than it was!!!

I have been going nuts with worry about Barbz and waiting on word. ~sigh~ Keeping her in my prayers.
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Re: Patchy Wi-Fi

Postby avalen » Sun May 24, 2009 9:17 am

certainly is good to hear from you
all work and no play is gonna make you miserable so I hope you are at
least having a little fun when your not working. Hang in there girl, your
at the beginning of a new lifestyle :D wish I could say that for myself.
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Re: Patchy Wi-Fi

Postby ohlucy05 » Sun May 24, 2009 11:25 am

I hope that you get your Wifi fixed. I miss your views on life. And you always cheer me up. And you gave me strength as you found some good from that job which should not be mentioned when most people.

I have never been to the Grand Canyon but the pictures that I have seen make it a true wonder. I was hoping they were not working you to death.

You have a true winning spirit and I hope that this summer brings you great things.

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Re: Patchy Wi-Fi

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Mon May 25, 2009 2:11 pm

Echo....I relate to the weak signal....ref. my posts in the last month.....hope all is well with you and Kelly....
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Re: Patchy Wi-Fi

Postby mtngal » Mon May 25, 2009 2:32 pm

Me too Echo, the wi-fi here was advertised as good, but really, not so much! Good this afternoon, but couldn't get on at all last night.
Keep in touch when you can catch a signal!
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Re: Patchy Wi-Fi

Postby Getupngo » Mon May 25, 2009 11:11 pm

I was told the park I'm volunteering at has wi-fi. One bar at my rig, TWO
bars at the office. I feel your pain. :roll: Geez.
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Re: Patchy Wi-Fi

Postby Paulette » Tue May 26, 2009 9:05 am

Yeah, it was iffy at the campground I was at this weekend too. What's up with that anyway? Oh, and this was my air card. Too many trees I guess!

Echo, post ;when ya can...we miss hearing from you all!
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Re: Patchy Wi-Fi

Postby Sparkle » Tue May 26, 2009 9:31 am

I really think it might be Echo's laptop. Kelly can get a signal, although it was out due to rain for a couple of days. I'm posting this from my rig on the weaker Lodge Outside signal. We have a strong signal at the Lodge itself.
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Re: Patchy Wi-Fi

Postby mitch5252 » Wed May 27, 2009 10:20 am

Sorry to hear about your wi-fi issues...we miss your posts!

Maybe something like this could help? I saw it for around $42 (shipping included).

Here's a cheaper homemade version using a metal kitchen strainer or a chinese wok strainer:

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Re: Patchy Wi-Fi

Postby snowball » Wed May 27, 2009 10:42 am

I know that this isn't where I need to post this but came on to post a new thread about camp hosts being needed in the area that we are and realize that I'd never posted a new topic and that I didn't know how to do it...So can some one tell me what to do and then I can post the information on this position.
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Re: Patchy Wi-Fi

Postby bluepinecones » Wed May 27, 2009 11:07 am

Good to hear from you, Echo. Do check-in as often as you can. Miss your regular posts.
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Re: Patchy Wi-Fi

Postby mitch5252 » Wed May 27, 2009 11:58 am

snowball wrote:I know that this isn't where I need to post this but came on to post a new thread about camp hosts being needed in the area that we are and realize that I'd never posted a new topic and that I didn't know how to do it...So can some one tell me what to do and then I can post the information on this position.

Sheila, look to the top left hand side of the sub-topic (in this case - General Talk). You'll see a new post icon - it's red and has a little star on the right. Just click on the icon, enter a subject, and type your little heart out.

Hope this helps.

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Re: Patchy Wi-Fi

Postby Bethers » Wed May 27, 2009 12:10 pm

If you want to boost a signal - don't plan to do it cheaply. I purchased an antenna and booster and returned them - and I spent $250 - on a company that I know works for others. If I wanted to purchase again, would get the Wilson Electronics one made for boosting the cell phone or air card - the wireless version. You can't really boost someone elses wifi signal -

That said - it's a trade off to be in someplace like where you are - and even have internet. I wouldn't be complaining about it. Seems to me they must have improved things since last year - cuz I remember Sparkle saying she only had internet in the lodge her first year - and sporadically in the rig last year.

I remember having to go use dialup at the office to be at the beautiful location I was in NH a couple summers ago - and much as I hated that- was more than worth it for where I was.
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Re: Patchy Wi-Fi

Postby mitch5252 » Wed May 27, 2009 1:07 pm

This is the site I have been searching for this morning - I saw it a couple of years ago...

It's a great reference for making a 'signal concentrator'. Beth is right - you have no control of the signal strength being transmitted by the campground. What you do have some control over is how well your laptop picks up those signals. I think I might give this one a try later on this summer.

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