These glaciers are all named after colleges who have contributed funds and studies to the area. I know one is Havard, etc.
Some people may think that once you’ve seen a few glaciers, missing a few won’t matter…
These ice chunks look small but must be larger than a school bus.
Smaller cruise ship getting up close.
Floating otters.
Glassy waters
Morning light
If you get bored with the glaciers, there’s always shopping. This is shopping central.
Or eating. Ice sculptures:
Watermelon art:
Later we entered the glorious blue waters of Glacier Bay National Park
Birds in flight
In the clouds
Juvenile bald eagles. The one on the right had just caught a fish
Close up of a glacier
More glacier
Thar she blows!
And blows…
Several humpback whales
Next: Skagway and journey into the Yukon