Prayers Needed!

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Prayers Needed!

Postby SeeyaGal » Sun May 17, 2009 2:18 am

Hi Gals, I always talk about my friends Charlie & Vicki Dubose who work on our Alfa up in Sunset Utah . They do great work and even put you up with Power there at their shop. This morning as they were visiting Charlie's Grandma out of state for her birthday their motorhome burned to the ground and caught part of their house on fire in Utah. The RV is a Alfa Seeya just like mine and Carols and it is just makes me sick seeing it destroyed! Vicki thinks it might have been from the frig.
They'll be home tomorrow to see all the damage, I believe her daughter or else Tom who was staying at the house taking care of their dogs took the photo. Glad noone was hurt but the RV is toast, nothing left and heavy damage to the house and car in the garage.
My Heart is just breaking because this couple is so sweet and kind and they have had a series of bad things happening to them this year.
Vicki's health...doc could not find out what was wrong with her, her Dad died, lawsuit against a employee who ripped them off, Alfa owed them lots of money and haven't paid either and now this.....this is just too much!!
So Please keep them in your prayers...Thanks
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Re: Prayers Needed!

Postby Cedar518 » Sun May 17, 2009 7:34 am

Hey..... that's a shame. I am sorry for their loss/inconvenience,..but nobody was injured or worse yet, killed. Think if they had been asleep in that MH at the time! They build motorhomes and cars everyday. And in this economy carpenters are looking for work.

So in the big picture it's just "stuff". Possessions can always be replaced. I'm sure they will file the insurance claim and count their blessings.

Re: Prayers Needed!

Postby avalen » Sun May 17, 2009 7:53 am

what a shame, glad it was not a result of accident and that no one was in it, but
nobody needs crap to happen. Will say a prayer for their troubles times and hope all
turns out well.
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Re: Prayers Needed!

Postby asirimarco » Sun May 17, 2009 7:54 am

Wow that is scary. If you find out what caused it let us know. I feel so bad for them, but glad they weren't in it at the time. Everytime I look out the window I'll think of them.
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Re: Prayers Needed!

Postby AlmostThere » Sun May 17, 2009 8:03 am

Jenny, I know they are dear people to you and Dan, so I can understand your heart breaking for them. So tragic and another worry to add. Yes, it's just 'stuff'. But is is their home and escape home and it still hurts. I'll certainly lift them in prayers.
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Re: Prayers Needed!

Postby carold » Sun May 17, 2009 8:23 am

Jenny, remember reading your posts with pics when you were staying there last year and how you had nothing but great things to say. That is so sad. Am glad to know they were not in it, no one was injured and that most of the house was not involved. Hopefully and with people's help, they will emerge ok from all their recent problems. carold
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Re: Prayers Needed!

Postby retiredhappy » Sun May 17, 2009 9:08 am

I feel so bad for them. Glad no one was hurt. Will say a prayer for them. Hope their insurance will let them get one they really love to replace the Alfa.
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Re: Prayers Needed!

Postby mitch5252 » Sun May 17, 2009 9:27 am

That is so sad. I'm glad no one was hurt. Hopefully, the next nightmare will not come from dealing with the insurance company. There was a recent thread over on about just such a nightmare.
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Re: Prayers Needed!

Postby Bethers » Sun May 17, 2009 11:02 am

Oh, that picture - could be any of us! So sad. But also so glad no one was injured and it is "just things" Yes, just things that they'll miss and will be hard to replace - but much easier to replace than people or animals. So happy someone was staying in the house. You bet I'll keep them in my thoughts and hopefully all will work out for them.
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Re: Prayers Needed!

Postby Gentleladybear » Sun May 17, 2009 2:46 pm

So sorry to see this. Sent you a PM please let me know what you find out.

This is a tragic situation and pray they come through this. It is a scary thought to have a fire in a motorhome or travel trailer. So happy no one was hurt in this.

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Re: Prayers Needed!

Postby Nasoosie » Sun May 17, 2009 4:35 pm

WOW, how scary is that.....thank heavens no one was in that RV when it caught looks as if it went up like a tinder box. I will be interested to see if that refrigerator that was in it was one of the ones that are known to catch fire. I can't remember which ones they were, but they were recalled. The house damage looks like garage only, and car least from the picture. I sure hope their house and car at least have insurance and will get fixed. Please send them hugs and a change of luck....enough is enough. Poor people.

And hugs to you, too, and check what kind/brand of refrigerator you have in your Alpha!
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Re: Prayers Needed!

Postby SeeyaGal » Mon May 18, 2009 3:17 am

Thankfully the house was a brick house so the flames went up into the attic and did not go far. It did alot of damage to the garage and to Vicki's car and her daughter took photo's of the damage in the hallway to the kitchen. Still not sure what caused the fire but Tom our friend stated it happened at 3:30 in the morning!

Yes so glad noone was hurt or animals hurt....everyone is waiting to hear if it was the frig. This makes the 2nd Alfa we know of that has burned to the ground! Nancy's burned and killed her cat, when I saw her in Jan at Quartzsite she had another Alfa and still did not know what happened to the other one.

I slept with the big fire extinguisher next to my side of the bed last night instead of the small one. Seeing the damage really scared me!!
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