Advice for a newbie

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Advice for a newbie

Postby lsilvax » Sun Mar 18, 2018 9:56 am

Hello everyone -
My name is Lisa and I live in Rhode Island. I recently purchased my 1st RV (2004 Winnebago, 24 ft. ) and plan to go on some solo road trips as soon as the weather warms up. I am as nervous as I am excited since I have never driven nor camped in a vehicle like this. Would anyone like to share 1 or 2 tips for this nervous newbie? :?
Thank you in advance !!!
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Re: Advice for a newbie

Postby Bethers » Mon Mar 19, 2018 12:30 am

Welcome, Lisa. I jumped into RVing just like you... Only more so... Purchased and went full-time... Knowing noting lol. We'll all help you anytime!

Jump in anywhere here! Glad to have you with us.
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Re: Advice for a newbie

Postby JudyJB » Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:23 am

I did the same as Beth--sold my condo, packed up my stuff, and bought a motorhome (32') for fulltiming, and had never driven one other than a couple of quick test drives. Scared my son to death, as he had to drop me off at the dealer and follow me 75 miles back to his house. Except, he was too nervous to follow behind me, so he "followed" ahead of me! Paid him back for all the nervous drives that I made with him when he was 16. It took him over four years to admit that maybe I could drive it after all. So jump in, no matter what anyone else says.

My advice is to go for a short 2-3 day trip close to your home--like an hour or so away. I found a state park with full hookups about an hour from my son's house, and went for four days. I was able to figure out the hookups and spent a lot of time putting stuff away that I had brought in boxes. I bought new, but was lucky to have hot weather to test the AC, cold nights to test furnaces, and rain to check for ceiling leaks. I had neighbors offering me help with hookups since I was obviously taking hoses out of wrapping, and three guys notified me that I had water pouring out of my water heater on the outside, so they got their tools and put on the cap that I did not know about!

So, if you run into problems, find someone with a similar rig, and ask for help. Almost everyone will be happy to oblige.
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Re: Advice for a newbie

Postby avalen » Mon Mar 19, 2018 7:52 am

Welcome from az
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Re: Advice for a newbie

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Mar 19, 2018 9:33 am

Welcome from SW Ohio, when I am actually home, otherwise I could be most anywhere. Retirement allows many more choices. Like JudyJB suggested start with short trips to help work out what you think you need and what you actually need. Over time your traveling needs and wants may change, accept that and don't spend too much time worrying about it or worrying about getting it all just right and perfect. You want to spend that energy enjoying where ever place you find yourself. And you can generally find a Walmart when you need one, also an Auto Zone or a Best buy...... If you find yourself near any of us reach out and gather together even if it is only for a bite to eat along the highway. Any kind of GTG is a face to face opportunities to learn and laugh and realize that you are among fellow kindred spirits exploring their world and spreading their wings to see just how they can fly.
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Re: Advice for a newbie

Postby Rufflesgurl » Mon Mar 19, 2018 10:59 am

Welcome from N. central CA. Enjoy your new adventure!

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Re: Advice for a newbie

Postby lsilvax » Mon Mar 19, 2018 1:44 pm

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome, encouragement & suggestions. Fortunately, a friend of mine has a piece of property close by where I can hook up similar to a campground so I can test everything before I venture out. So my 1st step is this "faux" camping expedition. Then I have a couple of locations a few hours away from home that I plan to try out for a few days. I am so happy to find this site for women. Feels like a safe, non-judgement zone where any questions can be asked. Now if it would just stop snowing !!!
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Re: Advice for a newbie

Postby JudyJB » Mon Mar 19, 2018 2:57 pm

A lot of us try to spend time in places where it does NOT snow! And we are a fun, friendly group of ladies who love to join up when we can for lunch or a few days to chat, share stories and tips, and have some laughs.

So, are you retired, eventually planning on a longer trip or two, maybe even full-timing if you like it?
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Re: Advice for a newbie

Postby Bethers » Mon Mar 19, 2018 5:19 pm

Lisa, it sounds wonderful that you have a place to test everything.

As to this site... We aren't active like FB groups, but it allows us to really get to know each other. We are family, and you are part of it! As much as you'd like to be.
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Re: Advice for a newbie

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Mar 19, 2018 7:38 pm

Welcome from Oregon. I agree with Beth this is like family (without all the squabbling LOL) It is a great group of ladies. Many whom I have met in person and many I just know from on here and facebook. It doesnt really matter. We all love camping. We are full of suggestions and opinions so sometimes you just have to take it for what it is worth....LOL

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Re: Advice for a newbie

Postby snowball » Mon Mar 19, 2018 10:57 pm

welcome to the forum
you will find out we are curious have an opinion and most not afraid to
give it .... lovingly tell us more about yourself what your plans are
in the winter I am in AZ don't do the snow anymore unless I have too...
summers will find me hanging out on my daughter's property in Idaho close to the
Wyoming border...the West side of the Teton's
I full time but am at the time a whoose and don't go much off the beaten path
my mom still lives in Jackson Wy and like to be close by in the summer.. I have found if
need be I am only three long travel days from that area..
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Re: Advice for a newbie

Postby Colliemom » Wed Mar 21, 2018 7:48 pm

Hi from Northern Michigan. Glad you joined us. Like the others have said, we are family. I’ve met many of these wonderful ladies, both in person and online here. I feel like I can travel all iver and have a friend almost anywhere. There are a number of ladies in your neck of the woods. I can’t give you any advice on MH’s cause I pull a trailer, but willbe glad to help if I can with anything else. Ever get up this way, give me a holler.
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Re: Advice for a newbie

Postby SoCalGalcas » Thu Mar 22, 2018 9:52 am

Welcome from San Diego, lyn

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Re: Advice for a newbie

Postby Cudedog » Thu Mar 22, 2018 10:19 am

Welcome, Lisa!

I joined this forum five years ago now (where does the time go?), before I had a van, or even an idea - all I had was a dream. This group has inspired me to travel, counseled me when I am sad, and laughed with me when I am happy! Finally found the courage to meet with several of the ladies in the group at a GTG last summer, and had a wonderful time!!

So, please, stick around and join in. We love to read about other member's lives, whether the post is about the Greatest Campsite Ever, the Newest Dog In The Family, Tricks and Tips While Camping, My Newest Home, or just about anything. Photos! We love to look at photos, of you, of your rig, of your pets, of your camping adventures.

I ended up purchasing a new 2011 GMC cargo van and converting it myself (took me nearly a year's time) to a camper (see links to my build below). After many wonderful adventures in the van, (and totally ignoring all of the ladies on here that have always said - and still say - that your travel wants and needs will change over time), thinking that the van would be "it" for me. . . I am now on the hunt for a small travel trailer.

The van is wonderful, still - but I have come to realize a trailer would be more comfortable. Finally decided to go with a trailer rather than a motorhome because I bought the van new, it still only has 30,000 miles on it, I have meticulously maintained it, I'm the only person who has ever driven it - so I know what the van is "all about" mechanically. A motor home I would need to purchase used, and while there are good ones out there - I still love my van.

Enough! I do tend to rattle on!!

Be sure to always enjoy each day as it comes.

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Re: Advice for a newbie

Postby Bethers » Thu Mar 22, 2018 12:16 pm

Anne rattle on, never! Teasing.. Love your rattling.
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