Hello !
Thanks for worrying about me

I got to my Wisconsin home today - it seems like it'll be a great place. They have 88 acres with lots of walking paths, a Native American site (I'll write more about that another day, I don't remember all the details just now) I'm parked in the new area "on the hill" - there's a field to one side of me and a beautiful view down into the valley on the other side of me. Molly and I have been for a couple of walks in the woods and she just loves it here !!! Lots of great smells for her to check out. I've already seen allot of beautiful birds, I heard one that I've got to see some day because it sounds exotic !!!
I did get locked inside my RV today !!! For some reason the door wouldn't "un-latch" so I was trapped inside - very weird feeling !!! I took all the screws out of it until I could get out. I've sort of put it back together, it's good enough until I can get some help fixing it, or until I can figure it out myself.
I'll report to work tomorrow a.m. - it'll be strange to set the alarm clock !!! I've only had to do that a few times since I retired.
Here are a few pictures of my view .....

and then here's the Cottage - since it's a brand new area the landscaping isn't done, I'm sure that'll be one of my jobs this summer .....

Should be an interesting and busy summer !!!