Where's Jenny?

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Re: Where's Jenny?

Postby SeeyaGal » Sun May 03, 2009 9:10 pm

Echo, who paid $90 a night? I'm at the Thousand Trails park and it cost me "0" FREE. I have not used up my 50 free nights this year so I pay nothing here. Must be if you are not a member? This is a membership park. When I am not getting the free nights it is only $5 a night for us. We DO pay our yearly dues of $600.00...they don't make money off us in the Summertime.
Ok here's some photo's for ya gals. Click on the red truck
Oh man just missed ya Sharon!! We knew something was going on because we still saw alot of motorcycles in Laughlin. Yea... we finally get to see the BF, good looking dude.
Last edited by SeeyaGal on Sun May 03, 2009 10:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Where's Jenny?

Postby carold » Sun May 03, 2009 9:38 pm

Glad to see you're off and about, Jenny. We've been there and really enjoyed our stay. They are having bike week here in Panama City, FL, so it must be an area thing. Be sure to take a picture when you win big in Las Vegas and maybe you will be able to buy that fancy rig you've wanted. :lol: carold
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Re: Where's Jenny?

Postby SeeyaGal » Sun May 03, 2009 10:42 pm

I've put enough bucks into Seeya so I'm keeping her! Really have not seen too many RV's I like that is really made for full-timing like the Seeya. I was drooling over one of the Winnabegos. I remember switching and it took 8 solid hours to switch from the Tropi-Cal to the Alfa....OMG we were so overloaded!!! YIKES!!! Don't want the fancy ones unless they come with a maid!

Ya know RVing is funny, I was sitting in a casino in Laughlin and there is a gal across from me and I told Dan " We know her! Met her in Palm Springs and Yuma" Dan just rolled his eyes and said to our friends " I swear she knows everyone and what everyone is doing but she can't remember where she hid the bungee cords!" :lol: :roll: . Win money? Me? LOL no it's my friend Jim who is lucky on the slots. Dan doesn't give me much because he knows I'll blow it!!! LOL I have 6 CD's with slot games so it keeps me out of the casinos. In reality I am allergic to smoke so I cannot be in there long or I get mass headaches! Naw I'd rather watch the people!!! You see some strange ones in Vegas!! Gotta get another camera....Augh!!!!
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Re: Where's Jenny?

Postby snowball » Mon May 04, 2009 12:31 am

We went to Oatman last spring and was so disappointed the burro's didn't come to town...but the ground was really green so think that they were late and we got in a hurry or they were just enjoying the grass
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Re: Where's Jenny?

Postby Echo » Mon May 04, 2009 12:34 am

Wasn't me that's for sure!!!

No Sharon was talking about the member park. Said that normally she would only pay $8 per night. But because of the River Run they wanted $90 per night. Said it was the park your staying in???? She posted it right under the pic of her BF.
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Re: Where's Jenny?

Postby asirimarco » Mon May 04, 2009 6:30 am

Sure agree with you about the Alfa. Think it is the best of its kind. Roomy, lots of storage, comgfortable and Bill says easy to drive. We've looked at others off and on too - but the only extra things they have are more things to clean, keep clean. I swear some of the higher priced ones look like bordellos with all their mirrors, carpet and fancy textures. The ideal way to travel would be to have the Alfa and a smaller ClassC for the back roads.
Have fun in Vegas. I miss the wide open spaces of the southwest. It is so enclosing here in Indiana with all the trees. If you haven't been there yet go to the new shopping center right next to the big Frys (cameras there)- it's really interesting. (At the 215 and Vegas Blvd) You think the planes are planning on landing on the buildings. We had some work done on the Alfa there so found a couple of good mechanics also a good guy to wash and wax it if your interested. We stayed at the TT there too.
Be careful there - it isn't the nice town it used to be. But then most big cities in the US aren't. If you go to Frys you might want to check out Microsofts new Streets and Trips with GPS it has really good maps of Mexico in it.
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Re: Where's Jenny?

Postby carold » Mon May 04, 2009 8:49 am

Have to agree with you about some of the newer and bigger rigs. I'd say the only 2 things about this Bounder that is not quite to my liking is that because of the full queen bed, the drawers under the closet are shorter in depth and don't hold quite as much, so I've had to be creative and because the tv is over the driver area and enclosed in a box, the sound can echo if you need to raise the level. Other than that, I'm happy. Didn't think I would use the washer/dryer, but now I am glad I have it. Whoops, forgot-hate having carpet-but that is fixable. It's just big enough-I'm a happy camper :D :D carold
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Re: Where's Jenny?

Postby sharon » Mon May 04, 2009 10:08 am

Jenny, if it's the park I'm thinking of, across the bridge and up the hill a ways, they also take AOR or RPI. Last year we stopped in there to check out the park (I have property in Bullhead that I was putting up for sale so we took the bike there to sign the papers) and the lady at the office told me that during the River Run is a blackout date for my membership and sites were 90 dollars a nite. Rooms at the casinos were around 800.00 dollars for 3 nites during the event. They were cheaper this year, guess they got hit last year with not as many people coming. Same thing happens for the run in Sturgis, year before last we paid 200.00 a nite for a room in Hill City. They probably can't black out dates for the Thousand Trails members. Anyway, BF has stayed at the Needles Park for years, so we just went back there. Nice and quiet even tho there were quite a few bikers staying there. It's the only bike trip we take that we take an rv and the fur babies.
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Re: Where's Jenny?

Postby SeeyaGal » Mon May 04, 2009 10:55 am

Oops I made an error, the park is not a Thousand Trails park in Bullhead City but a Resorts Park International (RPI) and coast 2 coast but we got in free because it was also Resorts Of Distinction. I pay ROD $139.00 for a whole years use and so I get into all the parks that accept ROD free. Dan and I are going to give up our Coast 2 Coast membership since we can get in free under ROD at some of the same parks. So many of them overlap.

We are not paying anything to stay in LasVegas thru TT, bunch of friends should arrive this week here, Barb & Jim are coming in today.

Wow Sharon I can't believe they charge so much for the campgrounds and for the casinos to stay there!!! Sounds like they don't like bikers there!!!

We are hoping we have a better time here than last year, last year I rushed Dan to the Emergency room with a pinched Sciatic nerve and he was in alot of pain so we did not get to do anything. It's heating up so glad we go into the strip at night, it's going to be in the high 90's.
Yep I hear police cars all the time around us and have to make sure I chain up the bikes to a power pole next to us so they don't get ripped off. The light shines right in the bedroom ,so glad I have the blackout silver things in the windows to keep heat and light out. If the window is open dear sweet Biff keeps trying to push the screen out....brat! Glad he is declawed!! The last time he pushed the screen he shredded it and was up on the roof of the 5th wheel we had!! He got declawed after that escape!!!
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Re: Where's Jenny?

Postby SeeyaGal » Mon May 04, 2009 11:38 am

Made sure I locked our little giant ladder to the motorhome ladder....expensive ladder so do not want sticky fingers to lift it off while we are here in Vegas.....gads and to think I always feel so safe in most campgrounds!!!
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Re: Where's Jenny?

Postby carold » Mon May 04, 2009 8:02 pm

Holy cow, Jenny. I remember you posting about that medical emergency with Dan. Has it already been a year-and now he's WiFi fit. :D What a difference a year makes. When we were in Las Vegas 2 years ago, we stayed in the Lake Mead area and just drove in for the day/night. Have fun. carold
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Re: Where's Jenny?

Postby snowball » Tue May 05, 2009 12:51 am

Isn't city camping great?
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Re: Where's Jenny?

Postby SeeyaGal » Tue May 05, 2009 11:23 am

Had a great time on the strip yesterday, I just love being there at night with all the lights! Got to see the ships in action at the Treasure Island Casino. Our family friend Robert Gurr created them. Robert was my Uncles partner for 20 yrs and they remain friends to this day. Robert worked 25 yrs with Walt Disney, then Universal Studios and has his own company now. Had fun with friends Jim & Barb, ate a foot long hotdog, bag of chips and 20 OZ Rootbeer for $3.99 along the strip. I have not had a foot long hotdog since I was a kid back in Cle Elm WA!! I did not like it though, I'm not a hotdog fan. Now Dan will eat a huge pkg of those Costco huge hotdogs!

Dan DID buy me a new camera yesterday, the Canon Powershot. Light weight and can fit in my purse or fanny pack and almost as good as my Sony. 10.0 mega pixels and a zoom of 4.0 to 16X. So we'll see how this works. Took 145 photo's last night so will get some together to post. Thank you Dan you really do spoil me!!!

Yep city camping, if you did not know where our campground is you would go right past it because you have to turn between some buildings and go down a road to get into the park. Nice park but very crowded and sites close together which is hard for us because we have a 42 inch slide and 40 ft long. We come because we get in Free and because Dan did not have fun last year so we are making up for it this year.
Found some more friends in the park so need to go say hi to Willie & Marie and Sandy & Ken....have to laugh that when you go to these membership parks for several yrs you get to know alot of them. Willie sings with his brother Johnny so I always love to catch up with them and listen to them sing . Willie and Marie are in their 70's and Marie does all the driving because Willie shakes too much with something like Parkinson's but it is not Parkinsons. Delightful couple and we adore them.
I swear most of my friends are old enough to be my parents!! Awesome people though!
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