age of rig...

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age of rig...

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Apr 11, 2017 5:17 pm

I noticed that many RV parks require an RV/TT to be 10 years or newer. Do they really check that even if the rig is in good condition? Do you have to have proof of the year it was made?
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Re: age of rig...

Postby Bethers » Tue Apr 11, 2017 5:27 pm

I don't stay at those parks, normally. And often they are made so that they can get rid of people who don't care for their rigs, especially if they have seasonal sites. But generally, no you don't have a problem unless you want the more expensive parks. :) There are all kinds of rules out there.. I couldn't stay at one because I was too short... They had a 24' minimum. Then there are motor coach only parks. Etc etc
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Re: age of rig...

Postby BirdbyBird » Tue Apr 11, 2017 5:41 pm

What Beth said. There are some rules on the books but I don't have experience staying in the caliber of parks that used them...or at least as far as I could tell from the look of the rigs. If a rig is in good condition no one seems to worry. There are many older but beautifully maintained rigs out there camping not to mention the vintage rigs.
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Re: age of rig...

Postby Pooker » Wed Apr 12, 2017 5:46 pm

I've been in quite a few parks that can invoke that "rule" if they don't want to take in a specific rig, but when they asked how old my rig was I just said "9 years old" and no one has ever asked for proof of any of my rigs' ages - even the 20+ year old Revcon we used to have. I always figured I would say, "Oh, my, I'm sorry, I guess I was having a senior moment and quoted the wrong age." Of course, our Revcon was in really good shape and so many of them (along with GMCs) have been all redone that it sorta makes the question laughable.

I'm there to have a relaxing visit, not a confrontation, so it's easier to fudge a little at check-in. Never had anyone come looking for me to prove how old my rig was ----- yet.

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Re: age of rig...

Postby Colliemom » Sun Apr 16, 2017 6:02 am

Never had a problem either. Like Beth said, some have rules, but if they are going to be that picky, I don't want to stay with them either.
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Re: age of rig...

Postby MandysMom » Sun Apr 16, 2017 12:14 pm

In 2008 we traveled over 6000 miles in our 1976 GMC bus conversion which is quite the attention getter with a red white and blue flag pattern paint job. I usually asked if they had a rule when I checked in. Now we weren't staying at high price resorts but used a mix of small campgrounds and state parks, but in the entire 3 month trip I never once was turned down in our 40 ft old bus!
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Re: age of rig...

Postby JudyJB » Sun Apr 16, 2017 2:45 pm

Those parks with all the "rules" tend to be the very expensive ones in resort areas. I have never seen a rule like that in a state or national park, which is more likely where you will be staying when you travel, so don't worry about it. And it is very unlikely you will want to stay in those very expensive resort-type campground either!
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