Quartzsite - Jan. 21-29, 2017

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Re: Quartzsite - Jan. 21-29, 2017

Postby snowball » Fri Jan 27, 2017 11:26 pm

and I am still willing if the winds stop long enough :lol:
it is cold....some years we have comfortable weather others hmmmm no so comfortable
that said I've loved having everyone and hope that we can do something tomorrow
we could get up and go for free pancakes at Mesa's RV lot
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Re: Quartzsite - Jan. 21-29, 2017

Postby OregonLuvr » Sat Jan 28, 2017 3:47 pm

I have survived my first boondocking experience. Not bad I can do this again. I am leaving tomorrow to start wending my way back home slowly. I am so done with the dang cold and wind. Mostly the wind. Sure have enjoyed my friends here tho but not able to sit out and visit like we normally do, everyone is freezing.

Lyn and Beth left this morning. Lyn was going to leave yesterday but it was super windy so we discouraged that idea. Her cold was much better today and she felt good so she took off. Marda (WickedLady) surprised us with a visit yesterday afternoon was good to see her again. She drove down from her place in Salome.

My allergies are terrible right now due to the wind and the dust yesterday. It was very dusty. Time to clean again.....sigh Took a couple of Benadryl a bit ago and my allergy medicine this morning so just might take a nap ha ha

I finally got to experience Quartzsite and the Big Tent. I wasn't real impressed, lots of vendors selling all kinds of things but when you don't really need anything hard to get enthused. I only went once.

Looking forward to the LONG HOT shower tomorrow night.


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Re: Quartzsite - Jan. 21-29, 2017

Postby monik7 » Sat Jan 28, 2017 5:00 pm

Sorry I missed you in Q Karen, but am glad I did get to see you at the Desert Museum in Tucson. Amazing how cold and windy it was this year in Q. This was my 5th time there and the only year with weather like it's been this year. When you think about it, Florida has been much colder this year too. The big tent at Q is fun, but the best part is getting together with all the forum members. Too bad it was too cold even for that. I hope everyone won't give up on Q and we can keep the annual GTG going every year.
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Re: Quartzsite - Jan. 21-29, 2017

Postby Bethers » Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:12 pm

I missed the pancakes and the tacos. So I plan to be there next year and have both! Actually, it's seeing everyone that's most important. Sad that the weather (wind) really put a damper on things this year, but we have no control over that. And today's drive was without wind and nothing exciting to report.

I bought a watermelon cutter at the show. I've already used it. I'll probably never be a pro with it like the demonstrator, but it really cut down my time cutting the melon... And cut down the mess I usually make. It's a keeper.
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Re: Quartzsite - Jan. 21-29, 2017

Postby snowball » Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:24 pm

Bethers wrote:I missed the pancakes and the tacos. So I plan to be there next year and have both! Actually, it's seeing everyone that's most important. Sad that the weather (wind) really put a damper on things this year, but we have no control over that. And today's drive was without wind and nothing exciting to report.

I bought a watermelon cutter at the show. I've already used it. I'll probably never be a pro with it like the demonstrator, but it really cut down my time cutting the melon... And cut down the mess I usually make. It's a keeper.

glad to hear that Beth!!! it was something you didn't plan on getting...need to put up my feeder and see what the hummers think of it
I agree that it's the visit that is important and unfortunately the wind put a damper on that
look forward to seeing everyone next year
darn missed seeing Marda
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Re: Quartzsite - Jan. 21-29, 2017

Postby bikerchic777 » Sun Jan 29, 2017 9:25 am

I won't get on here much, as I have to tether to my phone while I'm visiting my friend, Ken. Had a good time in Q and so good to see the ones that were there the first weekend. Those that were there finally got to meet my friend, Ken. We enjoyed the pot luck and Sheila's famous scones. I even got to take some home....thanks, Sheila! It was chilly, but glad we missed the real cold and wind. We did some RV shopping while there. As you know, I'm trying to downsize to a Class B and small camper. Guess Ken liked the idea of a Class B, so we ended up both shopping for one. Two different price ranges, so it didn't conflict. We both fell in love with a Winnebago ERA at a lot in town. They had the best price we could find, so he made a trade deal with his fifth wheel and we will be making a trip back to Q to pick it up, later this week. Will spend a night in it to make sure everything works. I'll have to drive either his truck or the new RV back to Florence. Darn 8-)
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