little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

Postby avalen » Sun Jul 17, 2016 10:40 am

I posted this same question on RV tips,
I know when I had my van conversion I did a trip of 500 miles and it only took me a tank and a 1/4 in gas to get there. So,
roughly at that higher price time, it was about $100 for that trip to Telluride from Phoenix.
so, heres what I posted on another forum.....
With my retirement coming up in February, I have to decide if I should keep my fifthwheel (paid for) and buy a truck or trade it for a class C or B+. I really don't want to tow as it would limit my possibilities of where I can go. I've parked permanent for a few years and I realize there are so many variables here and in my head I will put those into my equation, but, just looking for a general idea.
If I'm doing lets say 300 miles in a day (approx 5 hrs) a truck pulling a 29' fifthwheel (almost empty) as compared to a 26' class C or B+ motorhome, (almost empty) how many tanks of gas will I buy to do that 300 miles? Not asking for the cost because thats going to vary for whatever area I travel in. I recently went with a friend in a 31' class A
and it didn't take long to see how much that would cost ($$$$). Class A is out of the equation.Can I get ya'lls 2 cents worth of theory?
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Re: little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

Postby retiredhappy » Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:01 am

Besides the cost of gas you really need to consider how you're going to go sightseeing, or the grocery store. If you aren't going to tow you need to think about having to secure everything inside and unhooking just to go somewhere and if you're in a larger Class C, finding a place to park it while you're shopping. A class B is easier to drive around BUT you still have to secure everything inside and unhook. Its a real pain and once I came back to find someone had moved into my site. Since your RV is already paid for, maybe getting a truck is the thing for you. The way I saved money when driving somewhere was to cut back on my nightly stays by searching out city parks in small towns, Passport American half price offers and boondocking. I liked to stay in the parking lot of churches (not on Weds or Sat nites) or small shopping centers after asking permission. I wasn't a Walmart fan - too noisy and people coming and going at all hours. I loved the Class B BUT it was too small, for me, for fulltime living. When I had the Class C and was towing, there were actually some gas stations I couldn't get in and out of because of the lousy turning radius.
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Re: little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:31 am

I agree. I think keeping the 5th wheel and buying a truck would be a better way to go if you don't want to tow a car behind an RV. Or do an SUV and a small TT if you want to downsize. I would want the freedom to just up and go to the store or sightseeing without all the work of packing and disconnecting everything. But that is just me and I have no experience yet, just what I have observed from others, Good luck! Lots to think about!
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Re: little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

Postby chalet05 » Sun Jul 17, 2016 1:46 pm

I suppose I'd figure 8-10 miles per gallon to be on the safe side. I have a 30 gallon tank (diesel) and get close to 300 miles.

You may remember I had a 30 foot 5th wheel. Since I travel the country, my first trip East I realized I didn't need to be hauling all the stuff with me for my summer sightseeing. My truck and camper are 24 feet so similar in size to a smaller Class C and I could usually find a place to park - with the exception of laundromat parking lots a couple years ago! :D

When I started, the truck was paid for so I went for the 5th wheel. I know you have recently made improvements to the yours. Once you find the cost of the truck, the braking system, the hitch, etc., you'll have a better comparison of the cost compared to a Class C. That may enter in your decision.
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Re: little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

Postby OutandAbout » Sun Jul 17, 2016 2:23 pm

The powers that be are saying that they think gas prices will be low for at least the next little while, so that is a plus. Your 5er is paid for, and you know all the good and bad of it, that is a plus. I would stick with the 5er, a good used truck and go from there. You can always change up once you get on the road as see if this arrangement is working for you.
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Re: little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

Postby longdog2 » Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:01 pm

I get between 9 and 12 mph towing my 31' 5vr with an F250 diesel.
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Re: little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

Postby Rufflesgurl » Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:48 pm

Made a post earlier but I guess it's out in cyberspace? Maybe there's never a perfect RV? I had a 35' Class A DP and loved the comfortable room and storage. Now I have a new 25.5 Class C and still adjusting. I would not full time in this Class C - not enough storage but it is easier to find a place to park at times. I wouldn't be too crazy about unhooking to see the sites, etc. Just me. You have a lot of experience driving a bus and living in an RV so you will make the best decision for you. Maybe a new/used truck and your 5th wheel???? That way you would have a vehicle to shop, etc. and still have your living area.
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Re: little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

Postby avalen » Sun Jul 17, 2016 4:19 pm

Thank you :D
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Re: little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

Postby gypsyrose1126 » Sun Jul 17, 2016 4:52 pm

I spent a year looking for a class C, drove a few and just was not happy with any. I ended up getting a trailer that I could tow with my SUV. Backing up takes a little practice, but so much happier with this arrangement over the CLASS C (which I thought was what I really wanted!) Now I am looking to trade in or sell my little 14' for a 16' with a dedicated bed and a newer SUV. I like my trailer, easy to take care of, comfortable and I enjoy having my car to sightsee with. Plus better gas mileage, cheaper insurance, less maintenance and repair costs.
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Re: little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

Postby JudyJB » Sun Jul 17, 2016 10:48 pm

I'd say the mileage is going to be about the same. One consideration is that a Class C probably has a 55 gallon gas tank so fewer stops to fill up.

A bigger consideration is the size of the grey and black water tanks. A Class B will have very small tanks, which is a big consideration if you want to dry camp.

You know I live full time in my really big Class C and have never towed anything, so it can be done. There have been a very few limitations of places I cannot park, but nearly always I do manage.

By the way, I think 300 miles per day is too many by about 100 or even more. I drove 188 miles today, and with a stop for a haircut, groceries, and gas, it took me 7 hours. It felt like a really long day because I tend to run errands between campgrounds.

The big question is what is your travel style going to be? If you are planning to stay in one place, such as camp hosting, for a month or more, a 5th wheel with a truck is probably best. If you are going to keep moving, maybe 1-10 days in one place, a Class C is easier. A class C is certainly easier to back up or turn around if you end up in a dead end street. In St. Louis, I could not turn around so backed up at least 800' one day--try that in a 5th wheel!
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Re: little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

Postby snowball » Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:26 pm

Ava when I had the truck I got 10-12 miles a gal towing...which I thought was was a diesel which is of course higher cost
on so much of everything but the gas mileage is usually better..and that is what I want again is a diesel truck
I would keep the trailer and get a truck to tow it with...
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Re: little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

Postby avalen » Mon Jul 18, 2016 9:16 am

Loving all this input here, it just goes to show what is good for one is not necessarily good for another. Like Judy says, what
kind of trips,,,,
Lots to think about.
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Re: little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Jul 18, 2016 10:29 am

That's what I was thinking, what kind of traveling do you want to do. A truck big enough to pull your 5th wheel would not be cheap. If you were going to go to some place and stay for a while it would be nice to have the truck to drive around. I wouldn't want to have to haul all that down the road if I was moving every couple of days. My motorhome is only 23' but I think I could take long trips if I was alone. I couldn't bring everything I own in it. My motorhome is easy to drive and I can park just about anywhere. But I know from experience that if I am hooked up at a campground I really have to want to go somewhere before I will unhook and stow everything just to go somewhere. A lot to think about.

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Re: little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

Postby IrishIroamed » Mon Jul 18, 2016 5:23 pm

Alice - I can't wait to see what you decide because I'll be in the same boat someday (hopefully).

Besides the basic costs of new truck vs motor home, the gas mileage (which may be close either way), parking & sightseeing, you may also want to think about insurance (1 vehicle & RV - or 2 vehicles (RV & dingy)).
Beth seems to have a nice set-up with her C, but she works and is parked in one spot for a while and gets around with the car.
Yet Liz also has a C and a dingy, and she is always on the move, but also parks for a bit, and uses the car for sightseeing.

Depending on how you want to travel, safety may be an issue also. Remember Beth's story about the bear, she just got in the driver seat & pulled away, where as RV Sue was trapped in her little TT which is why she now has an air horn alarm she can trigger from inside to scare them away.

I keep going back & forth myself. I do like the idea of being able to just unhitch and having my truck to get around in, but then also think about if I may want a generator, satellite (yes, both are available in portable versions), etc.

Maybe a couple of options could be:
1. Buy a small TT & a used truck (hitching & unhitching can be a pain in the you know what sometimes)
2. Rent a C for a while
3. Buy a C and do like JulyJB does sometimes, rent a car if you really want to get around in any particular area.
If you could travel for a month or two, may help you figure out how you want to camp & what you may need.

This probably makes you more confused, but these things are always on my mind.
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Re: little input ?? truck for 5er or get a motorhome

Postby avalen » Mon Jul 18, 2016 7:27 pm

So far, here's what's in my head,,,,
First off, I honestly don't want to haul the fifth wheel around,
(remembering the trauma Trudy put herself through). Some won't
know her, others will.
Second, I did look at used trucks that would be suitable to pull
the fifth wheel, looking at USED $27,000, Trucks typically are high
mileage and very well used! Unlike a used motorhome about the
same amount of money, I have found are low mileage, not used
much and generally well taken care of.
This brings us back to what to do with the fifth wheel, trade, keep
or sell later. So far my my thoughts are to keep the fifth wheel for
that first year, paying up the full year lease so as not to worry
about that, have the little motorhome and do smaller trips at first
as I see what the budget will look like. Eventually I will have to
replace my car, its up on 140,000 plus miles, still runs good though.
However, it can't be towed 4 down. Can do like Judy if I need to.
So there's my thoughts for now and today ;-)
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