Having a mini-gtg here on the Oregon Coast with Karen (OregonLuvr) and Liz. Today, Liz came up and we went to the "Wings and Wheels" show at the airport. Saw some beautiful classic cars and nice planes too. We are learning that when someone camps without cell service or tv reception, they get a little crazy.
I guess we need the bail money...
When Liz gets out of jail, she is going to come over for the BBQ tomorrow here at the park. On Monday, we're going to take a tour out on the dunes.
We're having a great time here in Oregon. Its pretty windy everyday, but the mornings are nice and its not 107 degrees.
Okay, so Liz didn't really get arrested and she said the seat wasn't all that comfortable even though it had cutouts for your arms behind your back. It looked ergonomic to me but I took her word for it.