Kudos to Big O tires

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Kudos to Big O tires

Postby avalen » Fri Jul 01, 2016 10:32 am

Kudos to Big O tires in Boulder City NV, at 1323 Nevada highway. We had a bit of an issue as we approached town as the tires on the motorhome started to separate. Made for a really rough ride! I quickly googled for a place that would accommodate an rv. They came out and started moving vehicles so we could fit the motorhome in the parking lot.
In the meantime, the area also got hit by a monsoon with some flooding but Big O continued to work on the tires. They called around to their other stores for two more. However, a
rear bolt on the duals got stripped which they could not find a replacement before closing. They put all the new tires on, recommended a place a mile around the corner for us to stay the night, The manager of Big O also stayed there and even stopped by this morning with a hose so we could put some water in the holding tank for flushing. The guys had worked an hour overtime to accommodate us and this morning we wait for the new bolt. Three dogs and three active grandsons make for a very interesting "bump in the road" ;-) Hopefully we will be on the road in the next couple hours, make a stop at Walmart for a hose and more groceries as the grandsons never stop eating, this unexpected stop has depleted the snack cabinet. Lol
The campground we stayed was RV Canyon Trails in Boulder City NV.
It was pricey $40 but was VERY clean and pet friendly. It had all the amenities
and the gravel lots were very level! The office was closed but we pulled in but
there was a map on the door that showed the available spots. When we woke
up this morning they had placed our sign in sheet on the windshield all typed
out. Its nice that they didn't wake us and the dogs up! We squared up this
morning as we departed.
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Re: Kudos to Big O tires

Postby MandysMom » Fri Jul 01, 2016 10:46 am

Curious how old and what brand were the tires that failed? Glad you are on the road again and having fun.
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Re: Kudos to Big O tires

Postby avalen » Fri Jul 01, 2016 11:22 am

Velda, I'm not sure what the old tires were, its my friend Bills motorhome. However he said he only bought them 3 years ago, BUT, the date on the tires, Big O says they are 6 years old. Where ever he bought them 3 years ago sold him tires that were 3 years old.
I don't know if Bill knew previous to this about tires having a shelf life. He knows nows and I don't intend to reinterate to him, it was definitely a $1400 lesson, not to mention the extra cost of the campground and extra food for these boys. Lol, did I mention they stop eating! Hahaha
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Re: Kudos to Big O tires

Postby Bethers » Fri Jul 01, 2016 9:45 pm

Thanks Big O.

Did you want this in cg reviews? I think it should go in the Kudos section? I'll leave it or move it.
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Re: Kudos to Big O tires

Postby MandysMom » Sat Jul 02, 2016 3:50 am

Well at 6 years I gues the tires had an excuse!! :D
Hope the rest of your trip goes well.
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Re: Kudos to Big O tires

Postby avalen » Sat Jul 02, 2016 12:04 pm

Beth, you could move it to kudos, somehow I missed that page
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