A Cheery Hello From North Georgia

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A Cheery Hello From North Georgia

Postby Coosa » Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:42 pm

(Although I am at my Mom's apartment in Catonsville, MD, until the end of March.)

In reality, a cheery teary hello. My brother and I just put the cremains of my Mom in the columbarium with my Dad here in Maryland. Little did I know, in her Will she has made my dream of RVing come true. When the dust settles and the paperwork is completed, I will be able to purchase a 4Runner, and after research, I've decided on a Casita. My plans are to travel and sightsee ... and find some other people to join who have similar interests.

After reading many of your introductions, I think I've found my new "family." I hope you'll "adopt" me in.

I have been a tent camper, Popup camper, Backpacker (hiked the Georgia section of the Appalachian Trail 8 times and in 2013 was set to hike the Northern half of the AT starting in MD until my knees gave out 46.3 minutes miles into my excursion) and recently reverted to tent camping. The name "Coosa" is my Trail Name, given to me in 1992/3 by co-workers after I described my many overnight hikes on the backcountry trail of the same name at Vogel State Park near Neel Gap (where the Appalachian Trail crosses US Hwy 129) down the road from Blairsville, GA.

I now live in a rental log cabin in the woods (2000 ft elevation) on my bff's property in the Morganton, GA area, just a few miles from the NC and TN borders. My bff owns a 10 yr old Palomino Mare and a 4 yr old Welch cross Pony (also Mare). I have lived there since July 2013. I have been helping as "Barn Crew" when not visiting my Mom. Since it's a long drive from GA to MD, I have been gone as long as 4 months, so being gone for months at a time will not negatively impact her or the equine. (My Barn Crewing is voluntary.) She buried her husband in January 2015. Her interests are her animals (she has two 15-year-old cattle dog mixes as well as the horse and pony). I do not ride.

I'm 71; retired in 2006; own a kayak (plan to replace with a canoe); have a "mountain bike" only because 27 speeds are easier to pedal than 1; was married "half a hundred years ago" and divorced 42 years ago, and have 2 happily married children, 7 grandchildren, 3 of them married; and 2 great-grandsons.

Why my choices?
I need a 4wd to drive from my house down the gravel road to the hardtop road when there is snow on the ground. I want decent gas mileage and the ability to park in "small towns." (I'll drive y'all.) Tow capacity of the 4Runner is limited to 5000 lbs with the tow package.

I currently own a Corolla - great gas mileage- too low to the road for a snowy driveway and Not capable of towing without damaging the transmission.

Having been a Backpacker (30 lbs on my back included food for 5 days), I can "pack light." Loving to cook ... a stove opens up fantastic potential! The ability to "strike the camp" and move on excites and ignites my adventuring spirit. My Bucket List is long.

I figure that I will be physically able to travel for 8-16 years before I have to settle down to shorter, less frequent trips and sort through my belongings and downsize.

I've decided to name my camper after a line in one of my Mother's poignant poems: "Life Goes On." Seems fitting.

Thank you to the founders of this site and all the amazing women who come here.

I hope to be ready to strike out onto the open road in 6 months, give or take.

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Re: A Cheery Hello From North Georgia

Postby Bethers » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:27 am

Welcome, Coosa. And, yes, you're a welcome addition to our family. I'm very sorry about the loss of your mom, but happy that you can hit the road. Hope to meet you on it one day.
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Re: A Cheery Hello From North Georgia

Postby Birdie » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:37 am

Welcome Coosa, from the birth place of the Casita, Texas! That is a lovely travel trailer. I started with a 4Runner pulling a 17' Spirit Deluxe Casita. You will love the warmth of that unit. The 4Runner with the 'tow package' will do wonderful with the TT. So sorry for the loss of your Mom. Looking forward to seeing and hearing about the new chapter in your life.
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Re: A Cheery Hello From North Georgia

Postby MandysMom » Thu Feb 18, 2016 3:55 am

Welcome Coosa, from slightly damp northern California ! Sounds like Lu have a marvelous plan! So sorry to hear about your Mom however. Looking forward to hearing about your launch date.
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Re: A Cheery Hello From North Georgia

Postby avalen » Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:01 am

Welcome :D
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Re: A Cheery Hello From North Georgia

Postby IrishIroamed » Thu Feb 18, 2016 8:02 am

Welcome from Illinois Coosa. Sorry to hear about your Mom, but you'll always keep her in your heart. Hope to meet you on the road. Would love to hear your stories of hiking the AT.
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Re: A Cheery Hello From North Georgia

Postby mitch5252 » Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:08 am

A big, ol' Forum Welcome, Coosa. Glad to see you here.

Good luck on finding your perfect trailer and hope to see you on the road some day.
My, you have tons of ambition and energy.

If you're looking for a canoe, several ladies here are really pleased with their Hornbeck boats - SO LIGHTWEIGHT!
Here's their link if you wanna take a peek. Maybe the owners will chime in about how they like them.


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Re: A Cheery Hello From North Georgia

Postby Rufflesgurl » Thu Feb 18, 2016 11:24 am

Welcome to the forum Coosa from No. Central CA. So sorry for the loss of your mom. Sounds like you have a very ambitious plan for this part of your journey. Now it's time to enjoy!! Have fun.

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Re: A Cheery Hello From North Georgia

Postby Coosa » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:22 pm

Thank y'all so much for the warm welcome and condolences.

My Mom was 92 last November and altough widowed since July 2012, she really started going downhill about July of 2015. She started missing my Dad more and more. The Aide my brother [who lives nearby] hired from an agency was conversant in Hospice and was just wonderful. We as a family have been very blessed. Dying peacefully, painlessly, and in your sleep is the goal of all the residents at my Mom's Retirement Community. One thing she used to say was that she was fortunate because "at least she had her mind." In the last weeks, she decided that those who have dementia were more fortunate because they were unaware how their body was failing them. No one in our family as far back as we have records has had dementia at their time of death. I'm unsure of the lesson in that, but I excersize and eat fairly healthy [for an omnivore] and in 2014-15 lost 62 pounds.

Let me warn y'all ... I am a talker and if given an invite can tell you stories that might have you falling off your camp chair. And when I repeat myself, please remind me ... Hmmmmmm ... maybe I'll be the first in the family with dementia at that.

Thanks again.
I'm going to the MD RV Show at Timonium Fairgrounds tomorrow... Anyone else? Go to their website & print their $2 off coupon if you are. It's this and next weekend.

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Re: A Cheery Hello From North Georgia

Postby Coosa » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:35 pm

mitch5252 wrote:..

If you're looking for a canoe, several ladies here are really pleased with their Hornbeck boats - SO LIGHTWEIGHT!
Here's their link if you wanna take a peek. Maybe the owners will chime in about how they like them.



That's a great boat and I may have to spend some time researching it. I've been partial to the Souris brand [an excuse to visit Northern Minnesota and Woodenfrog Camground on Lake Kabetogema]. But a road trip to Upstate New York could be in the works.

Thanks for the suggestion.

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Re: A Cheery Hello From North Georgia

Postby BirdbyBird » Thu Feb 18, 2016 5:56 pm

Welcome to the forum and I will be looking forward to those campfire stories. :) I have two inflatable kayaks made by Sea Eagle either of which can be packed away in the back of the Honda Fit. One can ride through Class IV (not that I would :roll: :shock: ) and the other does flat water. After watching several of the ladies here hoist their very light Hornbecks to the car racks independently I drive up last fall and tried out several of their models in their ponds. They are definitely a small family "shop" and will listen to how you want to use your boat and help evaluate your which models/lengths might fit your needs/wants.

So glad you found us...have fun getting your rig together and making your way down the road to more adventures.
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Re: A Cheery Hello From North Georgia

Postby snowball » Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:52 pm

welcome to the forum...looking forward to getting to know you
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Re: A Cheery Hello From North Georgia

Postby WickedLady » Thu Feb 18, 2016 10:21 pm

Welcome aboard. Hope to meet ya one day.
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Re: A Cheery Hello From North Georgia

Postby Othersharon » Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:30 am

Welcome, Coosa, from central PA. Exciting times ahead for you!
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