Ah Our Sunday has arrived ...Morning Everyone !

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Ah Our Sunday has arrived ...Morning Everyone !

Postby Barbzeee » Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:02 am


Ah Our Sunday has arrived..Morning Everyone..... and it is a good morning too...Lots to be happy for...My family is gonna go to church this morning and pray for my lost soul.. cause I want you all to know, I really do pray..just don't visit the church but on "Special days".. I hear ya.. but I grew up going constantly (Catholic) I mean I went to school with the Nuns and the Priests and it was always Sista this Fatha that.. it wears on ya.. and boy no wonder why my knees don't work.. I mean I hear that click and I drop to the floor...(that's for those that remember that nun with the clicker) ..You know when I was at a dog show the OB (Obedience People use that clicker for training..) I heard that clicker and dropped LOL .. What a sight to be hold took a group to get me up hahahahaha...ok...ok... my morning joke.. you'll laugh when you think about it...and especially those Catholics..hahahahaha.... Ok.. now here's some really great news...(other than my family is going home ) and boy it really is great news at that too...

RV Granny (Lori) grand baby is doing better...We all know how that is with little ones..how quickly things can happen and change from one extreme to another...but all is doing well..Thank the Good Lord... and I know Lori, that's a jolt to the heart.. So a big hug for you and Ava (grandbaby)....and her Momma too !!!

Getup n'go.. (Janice ) I just love your topic in the Pet Section.. I had to put this picture up for ya !! Thought it's be such a nice kick off for others to go and put their two biscuits in !! WE could use more feed in that section.. I mean..I'm sure you all have your little "tails" to wag :)

Echo has a really neat topic... Favorite time of day... Echo dear gal.. I'm impressed..I read you..and yes you ! I loved it...and you know my favorite time is Morning.. not a soul is moving.. the critters went out...as I leave the slider open they run in and out several times.. I guess it's to come back and check on me..cause back out they go..then I hear Zeke at the fresh water bowl..Now that's a sound to hear....when does he come up for air.... and he loves it cause it's icy cold...the little ones are at their bowl..on their tip toes too..LOL but I'm smiling cause you explain how it makes you feel.. Now gal I have big pockets..lots of stuff in them already..but I make my room of contentment as I learn more about my dear Sisters..and smile as I write down their names....and tell tale.....

Mtntophoundz.. (Mollie) I can understand yours..your life is a buzzzzzzzzz and yeppers when those Young ones are in bed..it's take a deep breath and shake it loose...lean back and just get cozy...uh hum....and now you done switched it to morning.. you is in my group... I love watching the day break... as long as it's ain't me LOL..

SeeyaGal..(Jenny and Dan) I can sure understand yours too... watching the sun set in that area has got to be a true beauty...about the bats..well.... now that I have short hair.. I guess ok... You remember that wives tale..about the bats flying in your hair... just that thought came to my mind LOL....figures..but I'm scalped now ..they'd just whiz on by :)

I have to say though I thought the prettiest sunset I ever saw was in Sante Fe...oh, we were in a campground and I had set outside leaning back and low and behold I watched it.. I couldn't speak...it was a glow..I mean to tell you.. the sky was just something out of a movie... a true Picasso.. I long to see that again.. and I will....

Aussie Girl...(Jill) Hey there..we see you is Baccccccccck.. but again you is on the wrong side of the Forum well maybe not the wrong side..but LOL not in the right spot..well then maybe the right spot ....LOL but not in your own spot.....oh my oh my... Will ya drive on the right side of the rode for heaven sakes LOL hahahahaha... I had that problem when I visited your country by the way... and about them "turn abouts" .. LOL tooo funy... but good to see you and can't wait till you belt out a few of your Blessed events.... I'm sure we're all gonna lean back and laugh LOL... Welcome !!!

NakedPupsandMe..( Micki) some how when I read that title.. I though.. OH NO.. LOL my mind at this hour can get a little wild... but reading it I smiled...aaaah sheer bliss.. and relaxation.. and joy that the "New kids" are doing ok.. Ya know the more is always merrier.. and they is little don't take up much room... ... now if ya take a picture of your inside of your coach ...maybe we can make a few suggestions for ya.... I should tell ya that my coach I took out the small table and the lounge chair and build a platform and had my crates installed in and bracketed in... I'll take a picture of it and post in the rig section... mine is strictly for the critters ... heck my life is that way too...geeeeeez.. I need help LOL..

Mtngal ( Diana) that's a nice lookin truck there.. I sure hope you get a buyer for it...

Oops I hear my critters barking.. mmmmmmmmm at this hour.. let me go check it out... aah joggers.. getting their early start.. mmmm don't they know this is my quiet time.. heck shake me like that... LOL

Ok, I'm gonna head into the kitchen and get my biscuits in the oven...doing the sausage too...I'm hungry.. and you know gals.. my coffee pot is perking... yep cups ready... and I know today all our out of towners will be heading in..soooooooo be prepared for all their goodies....

Clicking them cups and getting ready to fill em up too.....

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe too.....

PS Hey gal.. Happy Birthday to Liz... ....

have to remember to look at the bottom of this forum it tells us Birtdhays duh !!

God Bless.....

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Re: Ah Our Sunday has arrived ...Morning Everyone !

Postby Echo » Sun Jul 27, 2008 6:26 am

Gooooood Morning. Yep it's morning time. ;)

It is so quiet here in the house. Only things making any noise is the clock ticking and the fridge running. Now it's a whole different story stepping out my back door. I can hear the traffic out on the highway, a couple of dogs barking and the BIRDS are making a racket! Dang at times they drown out all the other stuff. The neighbor must have something special about her yard? I have been watching it since we moved in here in December. Never have I ever seen such a gathering of Cardinals at any given time. But whatever it is about that yard next door? They love it and gather over there most mornings. Now I have seen seed scattered over there more than a few times. But I have stood out on the porch and counted up to 17 Cardinals all at once over in that yard. What a sight to see so many red birds at once, both males and females!

I'm on my 3rd cup of coffee this morning, ? maybe my forth. HA I think I'm gonna live.... Went to bed last night with thoughts of sleeping in until at least 7am! Boy was I wrong. Had the alarm set for 8hrs, ahhhhhh. Grrrrrrr, woke up at 6:10. Dang it. I woke up at about 1am to stumble to the bathroom, Kelly was finally awake in her room on the puter, said she woke up at midnight. Dummy kids, gonna screw up her sleep schedule so bad then be grumpy come Monday morning. But I had the thought in my head that "hey this works, go P now and I can for sure sleep until the alarm goes off. :/ Nope it was just not meant to be. My internal clock hit 7hrs and that was it. Didn't really need to go P all that badly but once I got to moving around and wiggling in bed that set Shade off. She started in bouncing on the bed, giving me puppy kisses telling me, ok Mom their's daylight peeking around the blinds, it's morning. She was bound and determined that it was time to get up and that it was her time to go out and P. Can anyone guess what Mom did? 3 guesses and the second 2 are only there in case the coffee hasn't hit your brain yet.

Stepped out on the porch for a minute. Grrrrrrr :x There's wet spots out there from sprinkles. I am gonna be sooooo mad if it rains today. Checked the weather last night and it said 'sunny and warm in the 80's for today. That's one reason I got all the dishes and stuff last night. I was thinking about going on a bike ride today. Oh my goodness I am gonna be mad if it rains today. I guess I will have to keep close watch in between doing the Sunday house cleaning chores I have left to get done.

Hope ya'll have a super great day today. Enjoy what ever you will be doing.

Love to all
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
and now has a truck & travel trailer to live in!
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Re: Ah Our Sunday has arrived ...Morning Everyone !

Postby oliveoil » Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:04 am

Well we got back from Branson yesterday afternoon late--------& we got the contracts signed for the new home-------& should close in about 10 days probably & we will move a u-haul down then & move in stuff we want to keep----- then back to Kansas to live & get ready for the auctions the first of OCT & when the auctions are over----- we pray everything sells----especially the properties & later this fall some time after the auctions & etc/etc- we will then move to Branson as HOME!!!
We had problems with the contract & we had car trouble & etc/etc----- & Praise God we can come to him for help & Praise God he is with us at all times & in control of our lives-- as if God was not directing us now & taking care of every detail & working things out for us we would be in terrible shape!!!!!!!!!!
And we are so overwhelmed with EVERYTHING THAT HAS TO BE DONE IN THE NEXT TWO MONTHS --if God was not here & in control & keeping us in his will we would not be able to do all of this!!!!!!!!
And Barb--------I pray for you & every one's soul & health & happiness on this forum every day--
& it doesn't matter at all what church you belong to or don't belong to------it is if Jesus Christ is the Lord & Savior of your life & if you have a relationship with God-- is what matters in our beliefs!!!! What church or religion you are doesn't matter---------& God doesn't care what religion you are----just your relationship with him!!!!!!!
And praise God Hubby & I have God directing us & leading & guiding us & protecting us & that Jesus Christ is the Lord & Savior of our lives----- as I personally could not have made it through many trails in my life & could not be doing the changes we are in our life right now if God was not in control & we had him to pray to & direct us!!
I could give a witness of how many thousand times God has helped us -just in the past few weeks-------let alone the miracles he has done for us in our lives!!!!!!!!
We don't attend a church either---because of my health problems--- but we have a close relationship with God!!!!!! And we don't have lost souls!
Blessings to everyone------ have a great week--------
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Re: Ah Our Sunday has arrived ...Morning Everyone !

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:18 am

Good Morning, All!!!!
Yes, life is good and my sweet Ava is on the mend and Mommy & Daddy are calmer, too.......we're going to the kids house this afternoon so we can see for ourselves that all is well.....would go earlier, but have to wait for the "honey wagon" to come do the pumping of the "Poo" tank.....lol....the down side of being in the area of the campground that has no sewer hookups... :roll: lol........

The "men" are off to the Legion for breakfast.....Thats their Sunday morning thing....FIL, Buddy, and Ernie......quiet time for me......

Well, I'm off to take a shower and drink some more coffee....got to get the body going....lol..
And thanks again for all your prayers and best wishes for Ava....you are all the best!!
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Re: Ah Our Sunday has arrived ...Morning Everyone !

Postby retiredhappy » Sun Jul 27, 2008 7:22 am

Good Morning all. Its 6:15 am and I'm struggling to get my eyes open. Have to work this morning - they open the office at 7am and close at 10pm. Once I get going I don't mind the early morning shift. The worst part is trying to convince the dogs they HAVE to go potty so early. As I type his they're both back on the bed. Took them out first thing for a quick pee, fed them and they went back to bed while I showered. I have never seen two dogs who love their (my) bed so much. Guess I had better take them for their long walk and get to work. Hope all ya'll have a blessed day.
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Re: Ah Our Sunday has arrived ...Morning Everyone !

Postby avalen » Sun Jul 27, 2008 8:52 am

well good morning everyone
I can't believe I got to sleep in, I didn't wake up until the alarm went off! I went to
bed early with intentions of watching a new movie on Lifetime, Solstice, but I fell
asleep and don't think I made it through the first 15 minutes. I sure hope it repeats
tonight as they sometimes do. I did however watch a dvd movie yesterday afternoon,
Catagory 7, and it was pretty intense, I think I've seen every natural disaster movie
ever made.
I don't plan on doing a thing today, really, nothing! My computer is ready to go to
the geek and I'll get out the old one and hook it up so I don't go through withdrawel.
It works but its very s l o w. So today is a vegetable day, I'll just veg in front of
the tv and computer.
Well, the dogs are wantin out again so I'll catch ya later.
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Re: Ah Our Sunday has arrived ...Morning Everyone !

Postby Getupngo » Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:38 am

Good morning everyone. I'm heavy-eyed and need to put the coffee on. It's my Monday ... and I think it'll be slow at the ole' moped lot, 'cuz rain is predicted in Seattle. Most folks don't know that we in the San Juan Islands are in the rain shadow of the Olympic Peninsula ... so we are often dry and sunny when Seattleites (?) have their umbrellas out.
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Re: Ah Our Sunday has arrived ...Morning Everyone !

Postby Sunseeker » Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:39 am

Whew, I finally got here..hope there's some coffee left! I've been having s-l-o-w computer problems too, and today was the worst. Pages kept timing out on the desk top, (attached to cable), then same thing here on my laptop with aircard. It's been most frustrating this morning, but I'm calmer now that I finally connected and can talk to my forum friends!

Looks like lots of good topics to catch up on today so I better get a caffiene jolt going and get on with it. We are going riding with Tommy's harley club this afternoon and expect temps to reach 100*! Now that isn't bad while we're moving, but quite a killer when we have to stop. They planned a scenic route through north eastern TX so it ought to be a pretty ride.

Hope to catch up on all you "weekend returnees" when we get home. Have a great day whatever you have planned!!!
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Re: Ah Our Sunday has arrived ...Morning Everyone !

Postby Mtntophoundz » Sun Jul 27, 2008 10:59 am

Whew! Good Morning! I have been up for a few hours, but I am just now getting time to set down. Hannah went with my Sister yesterday. Every year my Sister takes the kids to a movie and dinner for their birthday. Yesterday was Hannah's day. Scotty, Brent and I went on an adventure. This is something we used to do quite often, but haven't done it in a long time. We ended up staying gone so long that Hannah spent the night with Sis. I had to get up and go get her, because today we are taking the kids on a picnic. We are going to an old swimming hole Scotty used to go to as a kid. The road is rocky and you need a 4 wheel drive to get in there, but it will be a blast. So breakfast is done, coffee is pumping through my veins and we are getting ready to head out. I have decided to embrace my busy life.....cause the good Lord knows I ain't never going to slow down. LOL Have a blessed Sunday all!!!!!
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Re: Ah Our Sunday has arrived ...Morning Everyone !

Postby SeeyaGal » Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:52 pm

Good Morning, I slept in mostly because I tossed and turned all night. Sasha Mio thought he had to be velcro'd to my legs all night and would wake me up when I wanted to move my legs....hum do ya think he was cold :? I do like sleeping with the window open for a breeze.

Yesterday was a great day, we had a surprise birthday party for the GD, she'll turn sweet 16 on the 29th. It was fun to meet her friends and we all got together to play vollyball...had a great time! GD is really into reading the "Vampire" books. Barnes & Noble said it is the latest craze and all the teenagers are reading a series of Vampire books! So we got her a gift certificate to buy more books.

Today we are off to my Mom's and go to a arts and craft fair and dinner at the Mall.....looks a bit gloomy and chilly so will wear my sweatshirt today, yesterday was sunny and very warm. Trying to get as many days in with family before we leave after Labor Day.
So off we go..... :D
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Re: Ah Our Sunday has arrived ...Morning Everyone !

Postby Paulette » Sun Jul 27, 2008 1:06 pm

Morning everyone. WEll, it's actually afternoon here now. We were up earlyish, fixed french toast and sausage for breakfast. Chased Olivia into the tub so she would be ready when her mom got here to pick her up. Then decided to run to Target to pick up some things for the RV for this trip out, and some other things that I just needed. WEll, whilest I'm in Target, I start hearing the rumbling! And then the sky opened up! Wouldn't be so bad but i know I left my driver's window down a crack and the back window of the jeep open! So, I paid for my stuff and pushed my cart out the door where everyone was waiting for the rain to stop so they didn't get wet getting to their cars...HA HA HA. I walked through the rain. Was soaked by the time I got the stuff into the jeep and myself into the jeep and then was glad I had because as I was pulling out of the parking lot it started to hail! About dime sized...but they sure sounded bigger when they were hitting the roof of the jeep! I made it back to the house just ahead of the storm, so I left the stuff I bought out in the jeep and boogied into the house to change into some dry clothes! The dogs are having conniption fits...they hate storms. So, thought I'd check in and wish everyone a great rest of their Sunday.

Barb, I love the picture today...
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