Will I like solo RVing

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Will I like solo RVing

Postby Bettiebis » Sat Jul 11, 2015 4:47 pm

My name is Bettie. I live in Oregon. I currently do not have an RV but I'm looking. My husband passed away last year so RVing by myself is new to me and I have lots of doubts and questions. I loved RVing with my husband but do I really want to go by myself? That's why I wanted to get on this forum...to talk to others who have done it and find out for sure if it for me, before I purchase a motorhome. Look forward to hearing from others who have been solo RVing... :)
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Re: Will I like solo RVing

Postby IrishIroamed » Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:01 pm

Hi Bettie from Illinois.

I never RV'd in my life (but I was the outdoor one in the family), and knew I want to see the USA when I retire, so took my time deciding what I wanted (thought a C, then maybe an A but decided on TT (travel trailer)) to get my feet wet and learn things (like backing up, dumping tanks, etc) before I just go.

Go to as many RV shows as you can and ask as many questions as you want (the ladies are awesome for answering). There are gtg (get together) and you just missed one in Oregon, but feel free to go to any even without an RV. Will help you see how some of the ladies do it.

Have fun looking and keep us informed of your progress.
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Re: Will I like solo RVing

Postby beazle » Mon Jul 13, 2015 12:38 pm

Hello, from another newbie. I have to second what Irish said: go to a get-together and meet women doing the RV thing. There's one coming up in September in Shipshewana IN, which is right next door to Illinois. There will be many women there from which to learn. I learned a lot at the brief Frankenmuth GTG in June, and will be going to Shipshewana, as well. There's a ton of information on this and other RV forums to explore, and the women on this one are so willing to share what they know. Also, you can look on-line at any number of RV types, floorplans and ideas, and try to imagine yourself in them, doing what you think is the way you want to travel. Configurations that may support pets, hobbies, cooking and other considerations become clear quite readily when you look at all the pictures of the interiors.
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Re: Will I like solo RVing

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Jul 13, 2015 1:04 pm

Welcome to the forum. I am from Ohio but currently driving north up the coast of Oregon...solo..... :) Unless the three dogs count but then they are sure they do!
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Re: Will I like solo RVing

Postby WickedLady » Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:18 pm

This is something you have to try to find out if you like it. Rvers are some of the nicest people you can ever meet and you will not feel alone when in RV parks. I usually go to state parks and my neighbors have always been friendly. A dog is a great ice-breaker when you walk it around. Or a cat! I think once you get out there you will love it.
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Re: Will I like solo RVing

Postby Rufflesgurl » Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:32 pm

Hi Bettie - Welcome to the forum. So sorry for your loss. It's great that you want to carry on RVing on your own. What kind of motor home did you and your husband have? If you dont' have a good idea what kind of rig to get, maybe rent one? You will love it once you get started. Do you have a dog or cat to walk? Like was mentioned, a pet is a great ice breaker. I'm in kind of North central area of CA and haven't been out in the RV much in the past year due to moving here from the Central Coast of CA. You just missed a gathering in Canyonville, OR. Have fun getting ready to head out!!

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Re: Will I like solo RVing

Postby JudyJB » Mon Jul 13, 2015 3:58 pm

It's hard for any of us to predict whether you will like solo RVing, but something you could ask yourself is what you liked about it when you did it with your husband.

Also, what are your concerns about going alone? I feel very safe in campgrounds alone. Or, Are you worried about handing a vehicle and hooking up? Motorhomes are a little easier to back up and park, especially small ones.
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Re: Will I like solo RVing

Postby gingerK » Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:31 pm

Welcome to the forum Bettie, very sorry for the loss of your husband. The only way to tell for sure if you like solo RVing is to get out there and try it. Since you already are experienced in Rving with your hubby, you will probably find that you are quite comfortable doing it. The ladies here have a whole lot of experience and are always willing to help figure things out. So enjoy!
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Re: Will I like solo RVing

Postby FancyFree » Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:18 pm

I learned so much on this Forum 5 years ago when my husband and I were getting ready to go fulltime. We had never even camped before. My husband passed away last year and I have chosen to stay with the RV lifestyle. I think a widow has to keep pushing the envelope just a little or her world will get smaller and smaller especially if her children tend to be overprotective. But we each one have to figure out where our comfort zone is. One size does not fit all in this scenario. Best wishes for finding a good balance for you.
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Re: Will I like solo RVing

Postby chalet05 » Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:44 pm

Welcome, Bettie. Sorry for your loss.

I have been solo RVing for nearly 8 years. My late hubby and I got in a little over 3 years of full timing and it took me 4 years to figure out I could do it on my own.

People are friendly - sometimes more than you want! :) Everyone is usually very helpful if you have an issue.

I think JudyJB asked the right question - what are your concerns?

Safety is usually a big question for newbies on here, but most of us say to just be aware of your surroundings! If you are uncomfortable, move on. I can only think of two times I have been a little concerned.
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Re: Will I like solo RVing

Postby Bethers » Mon Jul 13, 2015 6:51 pm

Welcome, Bettie!

What everyone else has said :)

Also, whether you will like it or not also depends on whether you are ready. You probably don't like doing many of the things you did as a couple and are having to do alone now. On the other hand, there are probably things you're finding that you might enjoy being on your own for. And some things that over time you might appreciate. I love that I can eat when I want, what I want (and that can mean some strange meals - lol)

If you like traveling, I think you'll probably continue to enjoy doing so. Just in another way.
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Re: Will I like solo RVing

Postby Bettiebis » Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:34 pm

Thank-you, everyone, for your comments and suggestions. I may be closer to getting a motorhome than I thought. I am going to look at a 31' Tioga on Wed. I am prepared to buy it if it is everything it appears to be. I think the only way I will know if solo RVing is for me, is to try it. I'm excited, but nervous...mainly about driving 31' of motorhome. Changing lanes makes me nervous. I figure, put on my blinker, and hope every one will give me a space to move into the lane I want to be in. :o I'm very excited about this new adventure...hope to meet some of you "on the road'. Bettie
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Re: Will I like solo RVing

Postby linann » Mon Jul 13, 2015 9:03 pm

Hi Bettie,

Welcome to the group. As others mentioned, GTG's are fun and a great way to meet new people. They are generally quite relaxed and you can join in on whatever you like. You can always check if the campground has a few cabins or RVs set up for rent. That is a fun way to decide if you enjoy camping on your own. I camp monthly with a local Good Sam's chapter. It is a mix of couples and singles and everyone is very friendly and gets along well. They will even back in my rig if needed. My sister and I often camp together and sometimes I go alone. It is nice to do different things -- sometimes it's state parks (the ones with ranger led activities are great), Army Corps of Engineers campgrounds, or an RV park. They are all different and have something to offer. Many rv parks have lots of planned activities that can be fun. Do you have a friend who would enjoy joining you on a trip? Having a friend along will probably make you feel much more comfortable the first couple of trips, and you may be introducing them to RVing!
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Re: Will I like solo RVing

Postby JudyJB » Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:36 pm

I have a 2012 Tioga Ranger 31n, and have been very happy with the floor plan, especially after I took out the dinette and put in my old, comfy leather recliner! It is big enough for full-timing that I don't feel cramped.

I remember when I first saw mine in a showroom, it looked enormously HUGE, and I thought I could never drive it, but I have put on 60,000 miles in the past three years! Have not hit any humans or animals, although I do admit to grazing a post pulling out of a site once and backing "gently" into a telephone once and bending my bike rack! You just have to use your mirrors, as everyone told me, and get out and look a lot when you are backing up.

Actually, I was terrified of changing lanes, so it took me a couple of months before I passed anyone! I still am very careful about checking mirrors before changing lanes. If you put your turn signal on, most people will give you room. Truckers are pretty good about letting you in, so I am careful to also let them in. My biggest problem is not going into something like a parking lot I cannot get out of, so I check very carefully for an exit before I enter. Does that make sense?

Also, remember that you have steel bumpers front and rear, while all those little cars have those plastic ones! I feel like putting a big sign on the back of my motorhome that reminds them I am bigger than they are and not to cut me off! I am constantly amazed at how many people try to pass me on an entrance ramp. :shock:
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Re: Will I like solo RVing

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Jul 13, 2015 11:49 pm

Great advice on here. I can only add my experience. I love solo RVing. I like the solitude, no schedule (unless I make it myself), if I get antsy I just take a walk and there is always someone to talk to, even if it is the office help ha ha. I have a fairly large RV so I stay mainly away from most state parks. Besides in the summer they are full of kids and "beeramids"

My friend and I were at the Oregon GTG at 7Feathers and it was sooooo dang hot we decided to head over to the coast and now we are in heaven. Cool temperatures, blue sky, light breeze OH YEAH

Hope it works out for you, give a holler as I live in Oregon also. What part do you live in? I am from Southern Oregon.


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