Need backing up tips!

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Need backing up tips!

Postby Dee » Mon Jun 15, 2015 8:04 pm

I am a recent widow who just could not give up RVing, so I traded our 34' trailer for a new 21' Rockwood Mini Lite, which is perfect for me and and sometimes a couple of grandsons. I've had it out twice on what I consider to be successful excursions to shake all the bugs out of it, and now that I've had a couple of warranty items addressed, I'm planning a longer trip. My late husband had mobility issues, so I had always helped with hitching, setting up, emptying tanks, winterizing, etc. but in 30 years of camping, I never learned to back up efficiently. I'm looking forward to learning a lot from all of you on many topics, but mostly would like to know if anyone has any tips that help when backing a travel trailer. My tow vehicle is a crew cab pick up, if that makes a difference. Happy camping to all!
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Re: Need backing up tips!

Postby JudyJB » Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:18 pm

Welcome to the forum! I wish I could help you, but backing up is why I have a motorhome and not a trailer!

I am sure there are lots of others who will chime in on this. One thing that would help is telling us approximately where you live so members can suggest resources nearby. Also, telling us where you plan on taking that long trip would be helpful also because there might be resources along the way or at your destination.
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Re: Need backing up tips!

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:24 pm

Welcome! I am also learning to do the backing up thing. I do know that it helps to put your hand on the bottom of the steering wheel so that when you want the trailer to go left, you turn your hand/wheel to the left (easier than having to always think "opposite way" with hands on top of wheel).

Check the Morning Coffee thread for today ("soggy wed...", but was actually for today, Tuesday) and there are a couple links on there about backing up.

Good luck and have fun on your trip! Let us know where you are and where you are headed. Maybe you can plan to get together with one or more of us along the way.
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Re: Need backing up tips!

Postby Azusateach » Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:03 pm


There are many strategies that may or may not work when backing your trailer up. I've found, after having 4 "pull-behinds" that YOU have to find what works for you. Putting my hand at the bottom of the wheel did nothing but confuse me.

The ONLY advice I'd give is to go slow. Make sure you know where you want your trailer to end up, and take it as slow as necessary to get the job done. If you have to pull forward and reposition yourself several times, then fine.

Shorter trailers turn more quickly, so being slow is really important. It was harder to back up my little 10' pop-up than my 26' trailer.

Enjoy your new rig, and don't sweat how long it takes you to get your trailer backed up.

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Re: Need backing up tips!

Postby Dee » Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:08 pm

Thanks to all for suggestions. A friend said I should try the hand on the bottom of the steering wheel trick, and that's what I used the first 2 times I was out. I got the job done after taking about 5 stabs at it! I'm from central Iowa, and most parks have wide sites around here. I'd like to get back to the mountains of Wyoming, Colorado, or Montana (mostly national park or national forest sites) later this year to some of the places I used to go with my husband and kids, but if the campsites are heavily wooded that will make it trickier. I also plan to go to the Minnesota north shore (Grand Marais area) sometime in September with some of the same friends my husband and I camped with. They are very willing to help me, but it's important to me to be able to do this myself. I'm so glad I stumbled on this website, as I'm sure I'll learn a lot here, and hopefully be able to help some others as well. I'm kind of nervous about going solo, but just knew I could not give up traveling with a camper and enjoying the great outdoors.
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Re: Need backing up tips!

Postby MandysMom » Wed Jun 17, 2015 3:00 am

Dee, I'm sure glad you found us. I drive a motorhome these days but many years ago I was co-driver with my Dad on a family trip and got to pull a trailer and back it. It takes practice but don't let multiple tries bother you. And be cautious of others trying to direct you. Good for you for continuing your journeys. Lifetime memories with the grands is a special joy.
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Re: Need backing up tips!

Postby Bethers » Wed Jun 17, 2015 8:00 am

Welcome, Dee.

I have a motorhome, so different backing up. But I can say from observation that people have a tendency to overturn. And to think they have to stay turning too soon. Take your time, and don't worry about how many times it takes. Practice is good!
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Re: Need backing up tips!

Postby gingerK » Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:00 am

Welcome to the forum! Find a big empty parking lot and just take time practicing. As someone else said, smaller trailers turn quicker than longer ones so they are sometimes harder to back up. Go slowly and if you need to stop and get out to see where things are, do it! There's no shame in taking multiple tries to back up, you learn as you go. Don't worry so much about which way to turn the steering wheel just keep in mind which way you want the back end of the trailer to go. Don't overthink it!
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Re: Need backing up tips!

Postby IrishIroamed » Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:43 am

Hi Dee welcome from Illinois. Where about are you located? Sorry about your loss, but glad to hear you are continuing with the RV-ing.

I tool am in the learning stage of backing up. Here is a link to the Morning Coffee thread that Barbie mentioned.

You'll figure out your own tricks. Hand on bottom or top of steering wheel doesn't matter to me. My problem is that all of the folks I had trying to tell me how to backup, all skipped the part of once the TT starts the backup turn, start cutting back slowly (or you'll jack-knife).

Empty parking lots do help and cones too which will help you actually gauge how big a site is, when to start cutting back, etc and that you don't end up in grass, ditches, etc.

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Re: Need backing up tips!

Postby WickedLady » Wed Jun 17, 2015 4:36 pm

I can't add anything to all this good advice but the best is to just go slow. Take whatever time you need.
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Re: Need backing up tips!

Postby Dee » Wed Jun 17, 2015 6:52 pm

Thanks for link to the backing up videos. I had seen one of them, but not the other. I guess I just need to get out and practice more, and I do remember my husband saying that every time we traded campers (in 30+ years we went from 18 to 34 feet through several rigs) he had a little learning curve backing each. I'll get practice at home, too, because the shed I store the camper in is a 45 foot up hill back up. At least it's a wide door, so I haven't dented anything yet. I do better at home than in the campground since I get nervous with people watching. Just gotta relax and do my thing. I'm stuck at home for a few weeks due to family issues, then head to southern Minnesota for a week in July. I'm envious, but having fun reading about all you who are currently out and about. Knowing that there are other ladies successfully doing what I want to do gives me lots more confidence.
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Re: Need backing up tips!

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Jun 17, 2015 9:13 pm

What area are you going in southern MN? I live west of Mpls and I was just camping down near the border at Forestville State Park near Lanesboro. Very pretty around there! I Also love camping along the North Shore. Love Grand Marais! Maybe we could plan a camping trip together sometime.
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Re: Need backing up tips!

Postby Dee » Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:34 pm

I'll be in the Waterville area. My sister has a lake home there on German Lake and has been thoughtful enough of her camping family/friends to install a camping pad and hookups on her property. I'll have time to ride the Sakatah bike trail and do a little tubing. Minnesota has some of the best bike trails anywhere. Thumbs up to whoever got behind those projects.
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Re: Need backing up tips!

Postby MelissaD » Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:15 am

Hoosier Welcome :D

As others have said, practice makes perfect. The shorter the trailer the fast it responds. Even the "Pro's" have good days and bad days when it comes to backing. Proper mindset and not getting distracted counts for a lot. When you pass a semi you will often see "G.O.A.L." on the mirror. It stands for Get Out And Look. No shame in taking a walk and making sure everything is correct.
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