Stolen Sewer Hose

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Stolen Sewer Hose

Postby Colliemom » Fri Apr 17, 2015 6:59 pm

While I was working on my new sewer hose storage project, a friend told me online that she had her sewer hose stolen out of her trailer bumper while out west last summer. She is gong to make a storage compartment like I am doing and plans to put a lock on it. Got me to wondering if any of you have ever had your hose or hoses stolen from your rigs. Thinking maybe I should put a lock on mine too maybe.
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Re: Stolen Sewer Hose

Postby Bethers » Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:03 pm

I wouldn't consider stealing a sewer hose. Yuck lol ... No this is the first I've heard that one happening.

I'd like to say when my aerobic step went missing it was stolen - but in after thought, I'm positive I must not have put it in before leaving one park. That's the only time I lost anything and it was my own fault. I have, more than once, seen a sewer hose at a dump station - so while I believe your friend, there is also the chance it simply didn't get put away.
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Re: Stolen Sewer Hose

Postby brendac » Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:59 pm

I've never had one stolen but I almmost lost one when the end cap came off the bumper and the hose tried to escape. :roll: Got flagged down and we saved the hose and now have locking bumper caps. :D
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Re: Stolen Sewer Hose

Postby grammynmaggie » Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:15 am

sue will you be posting pictures I'm glad you made for your sewer hose?
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Re: Stolen Sewer Hose

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Apr 18, 2015 10:21 am

I have never heard of a sewer hose being stolen but you better watch the guys with weed eaters cutting grass. Some of them are not very careful. If I see them mowing at a campground I pick up my sewer hose. I have seen where the end of the hose connection that goes in the ground have been left by the last camper. Some of the 90 degree connections come apart very easily.

My motorhome has a built in pipe for the hose but hose connections won't fit in it so it's useless. I'm not taking the connections off every time I want to store the hose. If I was handy I would put a larger pipe but it looks like a bigger job than I want to try.

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Re: Stolen Sewer Hose

Postby mtngal » Sat Apr 18, 2015 5:31 pm

I've never lost one, but I did pick one up on I 10 just west of Phoenix! That was NO fun untangling from under my rig on the side of the interstate!
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Re: Stolen Sewer Hose

Postby bluepinecones » Sat Apr 18, 2015 6:40 pm

I've never had anything taken from campsite and a sewer hose is about the last thing I would guess someone might steel.

I didn't know you could get locking bumper caps; need to look into that as I do worry that they may fall out. I store a large piece of sun screen material in mine.
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Re: Stolen Sewer Hose

Postby SoCalGalcas » Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:10 am

I've never had one stolen, however, I did leave one at a dump once. Completely forgot about it and drove away. Guess I had other things on my mind. lyn

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Re: Stolen Sewer Hose

Postby etexlady » Mon Apr 20, 2015 9:40 am

Had one stolen from a campsite. I was using a rented motorhome and left the campsite to do some grocery shopping. Since I would be coming back I just unhooked the sewer hose (flushed out) from the RV and left it with one end still attached to the sewer. When I got back and went to reattach everything the sewer hose was missing. Later that evening a neighbor camper said he saw some kids running around with a hose and he bet they found it and decided it would be fun to play with. Yuk!
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Re: Stolen Sewer Hose

Postby JudyJB » Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:26 pm

I have always figured whoever was dumb or desperate enough to steal a sewer hose deserved to get some horrible disease from it, so I never lock my sewer compartment.

One thing I definitely do, however, is leave my sign that Sue made me that says "Campsite Occupied" on my site whenever I leave it. I have left hoses on the ground and had someone chase me all the way to the dump station, thinking I had forgotten them. I suspect that people sometimes think you are not coming back, so they help themselves, although I have never had anything taken. Taking it out of a bumper is pretty desperate.

Now, I HAVE left wrenches on top of the electrical or water posts! Also, found one one day.

Actually, I am more concerned about things being stolen when I am in grocery store or mall parking lots than in campgrounds.
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Re: Stolen Sewer Hose

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:45 pm

I feel like you do Judy. I am more nervous in a parking lot somewhere than in a campground. The only time I had trouble was someone trying to break in when I was in a mall parking lot. It even bothers me at home to stop at Walmart and walk away from my motorhome.

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