Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

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Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

Postby Liz » Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:26 pm

Oh, did that get your attention? Needless to say, I did not get to dry camp in the forest cg I had planned to check out… That adventure still awaits a future date.

Two reasons…

First when I checked out the refer on propane that I had just got fixed…it wouldn’t come on! So, back to the rv shop where they hmmm’d and hawed and puzzled and thought and fiddled and jiggled around the back of the refer where they replaced the igniter thingy last week….nothing. It would start once and not the next time. Finally they pulled the refer out from under the counter, and what did they find? A mouse nest! And a chewed igniter wire that was shorting out. Of course the part had to be ordered…so have an appt. to go back Monday to get the refer fixed again.

Second, I found out there’s a brush fire burning out of control near where I was going to camp…cgs being evacuated, so wouldn’t have worked out anyway.

Couldn’t dry camp as planned, so decided to try my old favorite standby, Silver River State Park. It’s hard to get a space there on short notice, but they had a site for one night (Thursday).

Plan B:

Roe and I hiked the River Trail Thursday evening.


The weather was beautiful.


I was delighted to discover that they now rent canoes and kayaks at the State Park…plan to come back soon without Roe and do that. Roe would love it, but lots of gators in that river. I’m sure he wouldn’t be allowed in the rental boats anyway.


Watched this little blue heron fishing for his dinner for awhile. Tried to catch a picture when he caught one….came close.


Can you see the fish he caught?


This female cardinal was eyeing us as she bathed.


The male was modest…


Looking upriver, listening to the gators grunt, but couldn’t see them.


No fishing allowed, but big ones were jumping.


Couldn’t get a good enough look to identify this fisherman.


Anhinga, also called water turkey, oops, no, that's a Cormorant


Osprey…can you tell why this is part of the FL Birding Trail?


Roe spooked and wanted to chase this armadillo, and he started to make his getaway as I was taking his picture.


I call this simply, “squirrel with nut.” You can draw your own conclusions.


Friday morning we took the swamp trail, which takes another route to the river. (Or you can call this, ‘dog without nut’.


View upriver from the landing. Two in a canoe out early.


More birds…


Anhinga drying it’s wings…after diving for fish, he must do this before he can fly far.


Why it’s called Silver Springs…the water is crystal clear, and the sediment at the bottom sparkles like silver in the sunlight. If you’ve never ridden the glass-bottom boats at Silver Springs Attraction…put it on your list.

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Re: Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

Postby avalen » Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:09 pm

wow, awesome pictures
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Re: Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

Postby Carolinagal » Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:59 pm

Oh, Liz, your pictures are great, your narrative is super. Sounds like you were able in spite of everything to make a good time for yourself and Roe.
Mice can cause a great deal of troubles. I had a nest with little ones in my motor last year, fortunately, mama mouse must have just crawled in to have her babies hadn't looked for food in my wiring or anything yet. They will come back to nest, so glad you found it. Soon those guys will do things right so they won't have to see you coming again for awhile :lol: At least you hope huh?

Time to go finish my meal, just had to comment on your pictures, loved the squirrel one, you really zoomed in on him didn't you?. You really need to enter some of your pictures in some of these contest they have.

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Re: Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

Postby AlmostThere » Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:22 pm

Wow, that's like a safari park. So much wildlife to see. Love the squirrel with his nut! You is bad, Liz!! :o :lol:
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Re: Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

Postby carold » Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:00 pm

Plan B sure turned out to be Plan A. It's amazing what's in our backyards. Great pics. carold
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Re: Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

Postby Sparkle » Fri Mar 13, 2009 9:29 pm

Great photos. E-mail Beth with the name of the camera you use. I remember you had a good one. And you take awesome pictures with it. Beth is looking for a new camera. ( I think I sound bombed on this post. I am. It was Karens birthday. Woohooo!)
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Re: Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

Postby Mollysmom » Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:35 pm

Great pictures !
I'm glad your plan B turned out so well !!
Thanks for sharing :D
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Re: Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

Postby mtngal » Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:38 pm

Fantastic pics Liz! Let's plan gtg at this park after you return from Alaska trip!
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Re: Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

Postby snowball » Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:02 am

loved your photos. Such a great job with them...yes what kind of camera do you use? I'm also looking for a new one
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Re: Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

Postby Nasoosie » Sat Mar 14, 2009 7:07 am

What fantastic pictures, LIZ! Especially that squirrel with nut one!! I LOVE them!

That river looks just like Shingle Creek where we fish by the house in the Orlando area, and it's GREAT for paddling, in spite of the gators and poisonous snakes, etc. As long as you are careful when Mama Gator's eggs are hatching and those little grunters begin calling to Mom when you come around!

Good thing you weren't able to dry camp in that spot close to the fire.....maybe that mousie did you a favor!

I notice that Roe is walking free on that trail----aren't you afraid of his becoming a gator meal??

Thanks for the great photos!
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Re: Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

Postby Cedar518 » Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:10 am

I heard about the fire and was hoping you weren't in that area.... Plan B can be a good thing. :D

Re: Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

Postby Echo » Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:15 am

Liz, once again you have proven that not only can Plan B be a good one? But you have reinforced the knowledge that you have a diverse kink in your sense of humor!!!! LOL

I don't know about you!! Showing poor Mr Squirrel's pride and joy is enough to get the laughter to burst out. But then to get everyone to stare at poor Roe and his empty back end??? :lol: :lol: :lol: Something 'wrong' with you girlfriend!!!! hehehehe

I love the pics. No matter what your doing or where you are you post some beauts. And you always throw in something that's totally off the wall and different. Keep up the good work....... :D
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Re: Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

Postby Liz » Sat Mar 14, 2009 9:50 am

My camera is neither fancy nor expensive...you don't need that with digital. It's a Canon Powershot SX 100 IS, has 8.0 megapixels and a 10X optical zoom. The 10X zoom is why I bought it, especially for catching the Alaskan wildlife. My previous camera was also a Canon Powershot A520. It took equally as good pictures but only had 4 megapixels and 4X zoom. I wanted a small camera I could carry in a case on my belt, nothing heavy, and easy to whip out for a quick shot....no lenses to attach, etc. The disadvantage of the present camera over the former is that it has no viewfinder, only the LCD display which is hard to see in sunlight. The camera has many other functions that I so far don't use....most of my pics are using the "AUTO" focus. I have used it for short videos. Most of the other things I have to look up in the book to remember how, so doesn't happen. So there you go....Sparkle, tell Beth to read it here.

Nasoosie, if you look carefully, you can see Roe's red retractible leash line in the picture. The only place he runs off leash is at my brother's camp in NH and on trail with us in the White Mts.
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Re: Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

Postby sharon » Sat Mar 14, 2009 11:15 am

Great pictures, Liz! Love your sense of humor! Poor Roe, mom making fun of his lost manhood. :lol: I do the same thing with Sam, but he doesn't seem to mind as long as there's food in the bowl and fresh water in the bathroom sink. We all have our priorities.
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Re: Yikes, mice on ice! Hold your fire! And plan B….

Postby asirimarco » Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:07 pm

Great great pictures as soon as I can trust the internet to stay on i'm going back and really look good at them. sometimes the best plans are the surprise ones.
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