Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Postby judi » Mon Oct 20, 2014 12:11 pm

I usually don't post info about campgrounds or RV parks because people have different likes and dislikes, but my experience here in San Diego has been so poor that I am posting this. My youngest son lives in SD and I'm here visiting him. Also visiting is one of my other sons, his wife, and their adorable baby. They are staying in Joe's apartment so I wanted a bit of quiet. I wanted to be in an RV park close to his home, so despite the outrageous cost, I decided on Campland in Pacific Beach, just a mile and a half from Joe's apartment. I was looking forward to this RV park because it seemed like a great place on the internet, and it was very expensive so I expected a lot. There are a lot of amenities, such as pool, horseshoes, cafe, market, etc. Weekend and holidays are $115.36 per night, including tax. Other days are $88.51. Wouldn't you expect the park to be in good working order and clean? Oh, and they charge 3.95 per night for each pet. My stay was for 3 nights, so my total bill was 302.33. And my camp site was by far not the most expensive. A big splurge. Now for the PROBLEMS. When I arrived my site was covered in 2" inches of ant powder chemical. It was everywhere. It sticks to shoes, your dog, and blows around and gets in your eyes and nose. It took quite a while to sweep it up. I can understand treating a site for ants, but after the ants are gone it should be cleaned up. I proceeded to hook up, and found sewage overflow on the ground. I checked with a few other campers nearby and when they looked at their sewer areas they all had the same problem. When a staff member came to investigate, he let us know that these problems occur all over the park, and the owners don't want to spend the money to fix the sewer system. I asked to be moved to another area of the park and was assigned an inferior space but with no cost adjustment. There are not a lot of options for RVs in this area, so I decided to stay. The staff does no rule enforcing, and people were setting off fireworks past midnight, and playing loud music. The staff was not willing to intervene. Kids were running through my site. By the second day the place smelled of sewer. I understand that in some areas things are very expensive, and I accept that, which is why I was willing to pay the high cost. But I think these owners should maintain a clean and functioning RV park. From the site map I can count over 600 RV camp sites, not including many tent sites. You would think they can afford to keep this place in decent working order.
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Re: Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Postby Redetotry » Mon Oct 20, 2014 1:35 pm

That sounds terrible!! Was there no place else you could go? It worries me that you swept up the ant chemical! I would get the name of what they used in case you have reactions such as bladder or respiratory issues. Also the raw sewage should be reported to someone in the city, sanitation department maybe.
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Re: Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Postby Liz » Mon Oct 20, 2014 1:38 pm

What BJ said. Thanks for the info.
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Re: Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Postby judi » Mon Oct 20, 2014 1:57 pm

I'm still here for one more night, and I'll stick it out because I'm so close to my son's place. This morning I watched the staff put out more ant dust, and instead of sweeping up the old stuff that no longer works, they just throw down another inch of powder. AND the stuff does not even work - ants crawl right over it! I went shopping and bought an eco-friendly ant spray and a bag of kitty litter to spread over the sewer area. My son is a biotech researcher and he was appalled by the conditions. I'm going to call the city today and let them know what's going on here. I'm so disappointed because this was a big splurge for me.
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Re: Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Postby monik7 » Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:20 pm

Judi, what you report about that place is just unacceptable - it would be even if they charge 1/3 what you're paying. I hope you'll follow through and report the conditions to as many gov't./city/county agencies as possible. In addition, is there any way you can get refunded the ridiculous fees they're charging for such deplorable conditions? I think you should "raise the roof." Have you taken any pictures of what you've observed? If not, might be a good idea.
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Re: Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Postby Azusateach » Mon Oct 20, 2014 2:35 pm

Not to make excuses for the place, but a bit of explanation as to what might be going on ... I grew up in San Diego, and lived where I could see Campland and Mission Bay from our living room window. It was lovely.

Campland is renting the land from San Diego -- they have a 50 year lease that's almost up. Next door to Campland is a mobile home park that has lost its lease. Many residents have been there for over 30 years, and are now being forced to relocate. It's been a horrible fight between the residents and the city. In the last couple of months the city has made a settlement offer to those left in the mobile home park. Because Campland isn't far behind the mobile in having its lease expire, they're not inclined to do any upgrades until some sort of settlement is reached. I've heard rumors that the city wants to put a 600-bed hotel/resort on the land. Campland's comeback is that THEY'RE a 600-bed resort, so why not leave well enough alone? They're already charging the motel tax (or whatever it's called), so the city is essentially getting the same revenue it would if there was a hotel on the land.

By its own admission, Campland is NOT suited for today's rigs. The spaces were never meant to accommodate 40-foot rigs with triple slides and a tow vehicle. It's their hope/intention that if they should be able to renew their lease they'll be able to do a complete renovation of the park and make it more appropriate for today's rigs.

San Diego has very few RV parks. Campland is really the most centrally-located place in town. There's a regional park in Santee that's nice. Additionally, there's a KOA south of the city in Chula Vista (I think), as well as a private resort in Chula Vista. Both are nice, but not nearly as convenient as Campland. And if you think about it, paying $60/night for a campsite where you can put multiple tents and families on it is a real deal for some folks who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford a vacation in San Diego. Everything there is pricey. It's probably the premier tourist city in the state, and they can demand a premium for just about everything. I think on a recent survey it ranked #4 in terms of living expense. It's an absolutely gorgeous city, but if you're trying to see it on a budget ... good luck.
Last edited by Azusateach on Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Postby BirdbyBird » Mon Oct 20, 2014 5:14 pm

It is an interesting back story for what the current managers are dealing with BUT.....the health concerns out rank everything. :shock: And the money coming in is going somewhere and I am guessing into someone's pocket far up the food chain..
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Re: Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Postby judi » Mon Oct 20, 2014 6:09 pm

Thank you for the story, but if this campground is charging such exorbitant rates, or actually any rate, they should be maintaining the property. I don't care of they are losing a lease or not - a health hazard is not acceptable. I rode my bicycle over to the nearby trailer park and it is also a mess and an eyesore. These properties are not an asset for San Diego.
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Re: Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Postby Azusateach » Mon Oct 20, 2014 7:15 pm

judi wrote:Thank you for the story, but if this campground is charging such exorbitant rates, or actually any rate, they should be maintaining the property. I don't care of they are losing a lease or not - a health hazard is not acceptable. I rode my bicycle over to the nearby trailer park and it is also a mess and an eyesore. These properties are not an asset for San Diego.

I don't disagree with you one bit, Judi.
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Re: Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Oct 20, 2014 9:46 pm

That sounds awful! I wouldn't have even stayed there one night. I would definitely report those conditions to someone. I am surprised others haven't done so for those prices! Maybe they have and no one is taking responsibility? San Diego has really clamped down on parking RVs along the roads there now, too.

Who was it from our group (Ryegal, I think) who stayed in San Diego last year and boondocked on Mission Bay at Fiesta Island for a week or so? That would be an option.
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Re: Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Postby judi » Wed Oct 22, 2014 12:40 pm

I'm no longer in that campground - left yesterday for Santa Barbara - but now battling those little black 1/8" long ants in my rig. Grrrrrr
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Re: Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Postby BarbaraRose » Wed Oct 22, 2014 8:29 pm

Where are you staying in SB? That is a gorgeous area! Lived there a long time ago and love it there. :D
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Re: Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Postby MandysMom » Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:02 am

We had good luck with Terro ant bait stations while in OK in our bus a few years ago. Got them at Walmart. Have used them here in past but we no longer have ants. We had termites come up from the ground, got Clark on it and they injected around the house and have not seen another termite or ant since. hated to do the poison thing but my house is important and it's deep underground at foundation, so no worries. Getting rid of the ants was such a blessing, we had hoards every few months no matter what we did. So glad they have stayed gone.
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Re: Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Postby judi » Thu Oct 23, 2014 10:32 am

I am boing spoiled in Santa Barbara - my daughter-in-law's parents have a "weekend" house in Montecito, up in the hills. The word "house" does not exactly describe this place. It's an estate, very close to Oprah's. I'm parked on the grounds, behind a gate and vine covered walls. It's beautiful, quiet, and I have the place to myself. It's a short drive to shopping and the beach. The gardens are wonderful. It's a tough assignment, but someone has to do it!

I have put ant traps in different places in the rig, and hopefully the ants will be gone. Little buggers!
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Re: Campland in Mission Bay, Sand Diego

Postby BarbaraRose » Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:10 pm

Montecito is beautiful! Very high rent district! :shock: :lol:
(I need relatives like that!)
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