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Postby snowball » Sat May 31, 2014 9:54 pm

hopefully this shouldn't be in maintenance
but those of you who have painted what process did you use?
I need to do something with my ceilings need to wipe down then paint
but do I go different color or same or darker or lighter just not sure and the brain right
now isn't thinking :roll:
just know that beside the stuff that has to be done the inside needs to be cleaned so badly
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Re: ceiling

Postby Deeann » Sat May 31, 2014 11:05 pm

Just pick a color that you like. White is good as it reflects lots of light.
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Re: ceiling

Postby retiredhappy » Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:20 am

I would stick to a light color because you don't want the ceiling to feel like its coming down on you. They're low enough to begin with.
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Re: ceiling

Postby avalen » Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:35 am

When I get mine done, I'm going light with a semigloss after I clean it of course. I did repaint the ceiling over the dinette
area many years ago and it was a flat base. When I look at the difference between the dinette area and the living area, I
like the semigloss area much better. However, thats a personal preference, I just feel semigloss cleans easier. Stop in the
home depot or lowes, and pick out some color chips, bring them home and look'm over for awhile.
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