I did "enjoy" the rest of my day (I assume that was what you meant!). Went down to the local "blues" bar for a drink with my friend Steve. Ran into my across-the-hall neighbor, Shawn, who is a bouncer there (he is really cute!) and chatted with him a bit. Steve gave me a little spending money for my trip, so that was nice!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened" -Anatole France
Happy, Happy Belated Birthday, Barbie! Hope you had a great day yesterday and that you have a fantabulous year.
Beth “Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~ "He who treasures the small things in life has found the path to true happiness"