Gooood Morning Sistahs!!!
Oh poor Barbz! Hon I know for sure that wrenching a back and the pain that follows is no fun at all. Hope ya can relax today, keep your feet up and just take it easy in general. Love that pink elephant! Have never seen one thank goodness. Not even in my younger days. I thought I did once but was mistaken, WHEW!!! It was only a pink pony so that doesn't count!!!
Me thinks that elephant had better lay off that pink champagne! That stuff can cause some strange sitings.
Weather is good here and it's suppose to be mostly nice all week. But next week it cools back down to in the 40s. I am so ready for Spring. Waiting for Kelly to bring the Blazer from the back '40 parking lot' last night I was standing under a tree, reached up and yeppers! There were little buds on the thing! YEEHAW!!!! Of all the seasons I love Spring the bestest. Just love seeing all the little green leafy things popping out all over. And yep I did see that full moon. When I first saw it all I could think was it sure did look a perfect werewolf moon. It was a little hazy with a ring around it and little wispy clouds. AAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOO
This working nights is bugging the crap out of me. I get home late, go to bed at midnight and still wake up before my alarm. Grrrrrrr Asked last eve if when the new training class hits the floor if we are still gonna be stuck on nights? Was told NOPE. Will go back on days. I am almost happy camper. Even if we work an hour overtime each night the days are getting longer so that means we will still have daylight when we get out. Oh joy!!!!
Ok, I think I've swilled enough coffee. I raided Barbz cupboards and got the goodies out. Think I will fix up a small plate, grab some coffee and take it in to Barbz. Come on we will take turns sitting with her and shooting the bull!!!!!!
Hope everyone has a great day, stay safe, enjoy the weather if'in ya can and dream of Spring.
Love to all