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Re: New RV owner

Postby Dell » Wed Oct 16, 2013 6:14 pm

Welcome, Ethel. I studied different types of motor homes for many years, knowing this was the dream I wanted to follow. I narrowed (?) the choices down to about a dozen by the time I retired. Then I chose my dealership and waited...and waited...and finally said, the next one that comes in just close to what I wanted I would take. That's how I got Rachael, a 24 foot Minnie Winnie a year ago. Like you, I really wanted something smaller. I think I was just scared of driving something bigger than a car. However, anything smaller had a bed that had to be made up from a couch every night. My back wouldn't take that kind of abuse on a daily basis. Hence, the larger size. I don't regret the decision. After a year of trials, mostly due to flat tires, I have learned to adjust to Rachael. Is she perfect? Of course, not. Can I make do with her? Absolutely. The thing is, don't be too quick to give up on what you have. You really haven't given it much of a chance yet. After a year, you'll know better what you like or don't and can be on the look out for something else without the pressure of having to do something right away. By the way, I don't full time, maybe I never will, but that option is for the future and may require a different rig. In other words, I'm still looking. 8-Dell
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Re: New RV owner

Postby Ethel » Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:25 pm

Thanks Dell for your comments. Here's my problem right now. I'm in Maryland and in another month or so the temperatures are going to be freezing. I don't know what to do. Get it winterized and still use (only use bottled water now) deal with ice and snow or go south? Where to go south, who to contact, where to stay? Things I don't have a clue where to begin. Yes, another thing, how or where do I go to get my tires tested?
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Re: REPLYING Re: New RV owner

Postby BayouLady » Thu Oct 17, 2013 6:43 pm

Ethel wrote:2014 Winnebago 26 footer. Yes, I'm now looking to down size and I know it's going to cost me. I really want a Roadtrek. I just started and living in my RV. How far south do I have to go to get away from freezing weather? I need all the help I can get.

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Re: New RV owner

Postby Ethel » Fri Oct 18, 2013 8:04 am

Thanks BayouLady and others with suggestions. Nearing the end of getting a Roadtrek. Should know by next week.
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Re: New RV owner

Postby BirdbyBird » Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:34 am

Ethel, let us know if you really want recommendations for specific campground in FL that you can try. Different folks like different types of campgrounds. Some are pricier than others and some have more services and options that everyone doesn't want or need. But if you head down that way and sample some of the choices you will learn what you like and what your budget can handle. I can imagine staying up north through winter in an RV but I don't like what I see. Too cold, when I know that the weather is so much more accepting farther south.
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Re: New RV owner

Postby Ethel » Sat Oct 19, 2013 11:12 am

Thanks BirdbyBird for the suggestion. Not decided yet. If things don't work out the way I have planned will probably go south. :)
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Re: New RV owner

Postby Ethel » Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:55 am

Purchased July 5th. It's November 20th and I am still in Maryland. Does anyone know how to keep an RV warm? I've covered all the airconditioning units inside. When I run my heat it still only lasts for about 10 minutes. :roll:

Waking up to a temperature of 38 degrees inside and 26 outside does not make me a happy camper. I don't want to run the generator during the night, it's so loud I would never get to sleep.

Help! :|
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Re: New RV owner

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:25 pm

Are you staying where you have electricity? Most people get a small electric heater. I never did like the RV furnaces. Mine would run until it got too hot and then blow cold air. I have a heat strip in my air conditioner which works for me but I'm in South Louisiana. Some people cut the silver sun visors to fit their windows and I think they sell an insulated bubble wrap too. I hang a blanket or insulated curtain behind the cab area when it's really cold. You lose a lot of heat from the cab.

There are 12-volt heated blankets but I don't know how much of the battery they would use overnight.

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Re: New RV owner

Postby Ethel » Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:35 pm

Hello Acadianmom, I am on the road all the time and have no where to plug in. I wish.

Yea, I block the cab area every night and it helps. I do have a small heater, but got to run the generator to put on.
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Re: New RV owner

Postby mitch5252 » Wed Nov 20, 2013 12:57 pm

How about a small propane heater, like a Coleman or a Mr. Buddy Jr.?
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Re: New RV owner

Postby judi » Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:09 pm

Hello Ethel,

I have a Roadtrek and I use a small ceramic heater when plugged into electricity, but I know there are small 12 volt heaters that you can use when you don't have electricity. They run on your house battery power and when you drive your house batteries are recharged. I guess you could use a small electric heater with your inverter if you choose, but I think that would draw down the house batteries more quickly. How long will you be traveling in your Roadtrek, and what model did you get?

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Re: New RV owner

Postby MelissaD » Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:11 pm

Truck stops use to sell 12v bed warmers. Similar to this one since you slept on it, the heat would rise and keep you warm. I would pre-warm it before I shut the truck off and leave it on low to coast through the night. Just make sure your "house battery" is separated your "engine battery" so you can start in the morning. If memory serves right it was pretty gentle on the trucks house battery but it was pretty big. I had a 4 battery set up. 3 for the engine and 1 for the house or hotel load.
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Re: New RV owner

Postby mitch5252 » Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:45 pm

That is so cool! From what I've read, it draws ~3 amps on low.
Could definitely use it to warm up the bed for 30-45 minutes or so.
I want one.
I actually just last night looked for (and found) my heating pad for the upcoming trip - Abby gets so chilly.
This would have served me better.
Too bad this conversation wasn't a couple of weeks ago! :D
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Re: New RV owner

Postby Bethers » Thu Nov 21, 2013 6:34 am

I'm hoping that you're going to be able to head to warmer temps soon. Unless your rig has the arctic package, it's not set up for extended cold spells. I rarely run my heat overnight - unless I have to occasionally to keep pipes, etc from freezing when temps are way too low. So I understand where you're coming from. When it's like that, I wait and turn it on about 10 or so minutes before getting up - then head to the bathroom and shut the door to get dressed - always warmer there faster.

Good luck.
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Re: New RV owner

Postby BirdbyBird » Thu Nov 21, 2013 9:10 am

As Beth mentioned, moving the rig farther south is the best way to keep it warmer. There are rigs that are designed for 4 seasons but not many and as one would expect there is more money involved. Full-timing in an RV can be cost effective and a good life style but most who do follow the comfortable weather to maximize their quality of life! :)
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