Rabbits for October!!!

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Rabbits for October!!!

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:32 am

Yep, Rabbits for October... ;)

It's a busy day for us as we are moving down the road a bit....only 60 miles to Kingland, GA....good thing cause my sleep was a mess...up, down, up, down...all night long...so will fill up on coffee and get my butt going....will take a nap when we get settled....the coffee and the excitement of moving will keep me going until then... ;)

Okay, better get the butt in gear....

Have a great day, all...
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Re: Rabbits for October!!!

Postby Liz » Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:33 am

Eating my breakfast, then gotta hook up and get out of the COE cg where I always stay when visiting my dd in GA. They close when the gov't. shuts down. So I am moving to a private cg and paying twice what I paid here. Rats, and the lake levels are up here too....no chance to kayoo.

But I'll have a nice visit anyway. My SIL is happy he doesn't have to fly to NM today, since his contract job with the Army is put on hold too. The contract is already paid, so he doesn't lose his pay at least.

Went to my gd's class ring ceremony last night at her high school. I wore the "dressier" loafers I use when I need to dress up a little. By the time it was over my feet were killing me. My arch inserts don't fit in the loafers. Guess I'll be shopping for some new shoes today.

Hope not too many of us are inconvenienced or worse by the shutdown.
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Re: Rabbits for October!!!

Postby Redwahine » Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:05 am

Good morning Lori and Liz and all to follow ! Tyler got me up at 3am and I was thinking, "you dirty dog", as I let him out. Then remembered Rabbits and told him Rabbits instead. Wonder if it's still good luck if used as an expletive :P just turned on the TV to see if our government shut down. Yup, sure did. Sorry you had to move Liz. I hope it doesn't affect too many of our members. Today is just another day of chores for me. Nothing special. Everyone have a great day and stay safe. Aloha y'all
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Postby mitch5252 » Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:50 am

Just a few minutes ago, I went to the government healthcare site (TN is not providing its own exchanges) to peruse my options, as compared to the COBRA coverage I have for a short while longer through George (which is very much a Cadillac plan, as it should be for $900/month!)...

Anyway, this is what I encountered after entering my state...I had to laugh, but it's really not funny. I figure the servers have just been completely overwhelmed.


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Re: Rabbits for October!!!

Postby Liz » Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:54 am

Ranger just came around and said they have permission to keep the park open for now, so I'm going kayooing!
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Re: Rabbits for October!!!

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:10 am

Liz wrote:Ranger just came around and said they have permission to keep the park open for now, so I'm going kayooing!

Yay! Have fun!

Another gorgeous day here in the upper Midwest! Love these fall days and hope they last awhile since we were so cheated out of spring last year.

I did say "Rabbits" at 12:30 and again at 6:00 and again at 8:30, just to be really sure!!! :lol:

Have a good day where ever you are!
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Re: Rabbits for October!!!

Postby bluepinecones » Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:34 pm

Morning is gone and so is the coffee but I did remember Rabbits.

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Re: Rabbits for October!!!

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:13 pm

Thanks to Barbie I remembered to say Rabbits. I put a sticky note on my computer. :lol:

Liz, glad they didn't make you move. They are all being so dumb. I would be willing to take any healthcare system if the politicians were on it too. They shouldn't be able to have a gold plated system and us have something else. Our governor is against taking it and he has already cut the Medicaid system so much I don't know what someone that can't afford insurance is going to do. I haven't talked to my sister to see what is happening with her job. She works for a contractor at an Army base.

My DH had a doctors appointment this morning. Since he wasn't around to give me his opinion I brought my motorhome in to see if they can find out what's wrong with the brakes this time. My list must have been too long for them last visit. :?

Carol, my son and I stopped at Shucks for lunch. The oysters are still good. :mrgreen:

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Re: Rabbits for October!!!

Postby carolb » Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:01 pm

Way past morning, but for some reason, I couldn't get online this a.m...Anyway, Anita and I are now in Rutland, will make the scenic drive thru Grn Mtns tmrw. Sooooo GREAT to see her again!!!! Didn't bring my laptop, so typing on my cell, it won't do normal things, so that's it for now :) Maybe Anita is blogging as I write this.lol......

Hope y'all had a great day! Liz, glad you didn't have to move :)
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