Winnebago Aspect 30C, 2011, for sale

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Winnebago Aspect 30C, 2011, for sale

Postby flick4411 » Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:23 am

UPDATED WITH PICTURE SHEET: Most of you who "know" me on here also know of FooFoo, my RV. She's got a grand total of 8,050 miles on her. She's still in great shape. But she's not getting enough use; RVs are like horses...they news to be ridden often to keep them up to snuff. I am not a solo RVer...I tried, but I am just not comfortable enough. I can drive her fine...but I don't enjoy it alone. suppose I should have known better...I don't enjoy going to a museum alone!! Anyway, I'm not done with the RV life for good. But for now, FooFoo deserves an owner who will love her as much as I do and will use her wayyyy more! This Aspect has it all...three slices, queen walk around bed, stand up shower separate from sink and toilet, fully auto levellers, back up camera, and I am even offering to leave the dishes,most and pans, and silverware so she's ready to hit the road as soon as the groceries and clothes are packed!! I'm asking $79,000, but we can talk. I have pictures and more details for anyone interested.

Last edited by flick4411 on Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Li Lammert
Winnebago Aspect 30C
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Re: Winnebago Aspect 30C, 2011, for sale

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri Aug 30, 2013 9:55 am

Sorry to hear you aren't liking the RV lifestyle. I can understand the wanting to share the experiences with someone. It's not for everyone. You never know until you try it. Maybe you can get a small trailer for weekend trips around CA or for visiting friends occasionally.

Hope you get a good price for your RV! And stick around! Just because you won't be RVing anymore, doesn't mean you can't stay on here and keep up on the craziness around here! :D :lol:
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Winnebago Aspect 30C, 2011, for sale

Postby Redetotry » Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:16 pm

Sorry you and Foo Foo are parting company but I understand not wanting to go alone. Good luck with the sale, she is a beauty.

For anyone who wasn't on the forum during the Foo Foo experience do look it up. I think it was THE funniest thing I've read on this forum, well that and Sparkles ocean experience. Of course now I am going to be singing Little Bunny Foo Foo all day and smiling to myself!! Like Barbie said, do keep in touch!!
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Re: Winnebago Aspect 30C, 2011, for sale

Postby flick4411 » Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:20 pm

Thank you Ladies! I hope there is someone out there who will make lots of great memories mile by mile in FooFoo! :D

Li Lammert
Winnebago Aspect 30C
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Re: Winnebago Aspect 30C, 2011, for sale

Postby VickieP » Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:21 pm

Li, you should add a link to the pics you posted of Foo Foo.
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Re: Winnebago Aspect 30C, 2011, for sale

Postby mitch5252 » Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:41 pm

Redetotry wrote:Sorry you and Foo Foo are parting company but I understand not wanting to go alone. Good luck with the sale, she is a beauty.

For anyone who wasn't on the forum during the Foo Foo experience do look it up. I think it was THE funniest thing I've read on this forum, well that and Sparkles ocean experience. Of course now I am going to be singing Little Bunny Foo Foo all day and smiling to myself!! Like Barbie said, do keep in touch!!

I was just thinking the same thing when I read flick's post on MC!that sure was funny!
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Re: Winnebago Aspect 30C, 2011, for sale

Postby flick4411 » Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:11 pm

As recommended, I have added some pictures...They are on a single Powerpoint sheet, but if anyone wants to see the individual pictures, let me know, and I'll email to you. Thanks! Please share with your friends who may be looking for a rig. This is a beautiful one...I'd really like her to go to a good home! Thanks!

Li Lammert
Winnebago Aspect 30C
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