Possible Michigan GTG in August

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Possible Michigan GTG in August

Postby Colliemom » Fri Jul 19, 2013 3:19 pm

Looks like Liz and Peggy will be heading to MI in August. Would love to have a GTG someplace, but need to know what you have in mind as far as where you are headed, want to see etc. Anybody else heading up in August?

There are a number of state parks in Northern Michigan, however some are small and not on my favorite lists. Otsego where I used to work if good, but sites are mostly dirt. Aloha where JudyJB stayed over Memorial Day weekend is by far my favorite with large grassy sites, right on Mullett Lake, well not all sites on the water and close to Mackinc area and it's many things to do. U.P. has a number of places. Now, if I had a TT, we could make al little trip here. Might have to work on that as there are a couple of possibilities in mind anyway.

Let me know what you all are thinking and planning to do when you get to MI, then I can see what's going on.
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Re: Possible Michigan GTG in August

Postby PeggyinCT » Fri Jul 19, 2013 4:53 pm

Hi Sue
Thanks for starting this thread. Sounds like Aloha is one of your favorite parks. I'll find it on my map of Michigan. I haven't made any plans at this point. Either before or after the gtg I will go to Traverse City. Peggy
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Re: Possible Michigan GTG in August

Postby Colliemom » Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:38 pm


Aloha State Park is just south of Cheboygan, MI toward the "tip of the mitt' part of the state. Reason I like it is cause the sites are big and roomy, all grass and you can be right on the water or not, depending on what you want.

Be aware, the Michigan State Parks are on site specific reservations right now till Labor Day. This means that you can book a specific site for yourself. If you don't book ahead, you can still stay at the park if there are sites open and the parks do have to keep a certain percentage open for off the road folks. But they are first come first serve. If you camp on a site that you don't reserve and is not one of those "open sites", you will have to check each morning with the office to see if anybody has it reserved for that day. Easiest way is to just go onto "MIDNRReservations.com, look up the park you want and then go to the park map and find a spot you think you like. I've been to many of the parks in the lower and upper parts of Michigan and have gotten maps, marked sites I like that I know are easy to get into and if you need some info, just

I take it, you and Liz will be in MI after Soos ruckus?
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Re: Possible Michigan GTG in August

Postby BirdbyBird » Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:07 pm

I think several more of us are hoping to make it up to MI in August. My plans are still jello as to where all I want to go. I know that I have the four puppies to "dog sit"here in Ohio for the first full week of August.....

I have used one of the state parks near Brighton in the past when I go up for the English Cocker Regional Specialty in Sept. The dogs always went with those of us that camped there but ????......Your favorite parks sound nice but you stated several years ago that we wouldn't be allowed to leave dogs alone in our rigs. Has that changed? You made it sound as if they really police the situation up there...(Most parks don't care that the dogs are in the rig as long as they aren't noisy and obnoxious. :roll: ) Anyway I had figured that the state parks would not work for me under the conditions you reported :? .....
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Re: Possible Michigan GTG in August

Postby Liz » Sat Jul 20, 2013 6:48 am

I was looking at Ostego Lake County Park....Elec. sites only $25 and looks like they have sites on the water. Do you know anything about that cg, Sue?
http://otsegocountyparksrec.com/web/wb/ ... y-park.php

What has always bothered me about MI state parks is the cost. Not only do you pay for camping, but you also have to pay a entry fee for your RV and a separate fee for your tow vehicle.
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Re: Possible Michigan GTG in August

Postby Colliemom » Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:51 am

Tina, the no dogs left rule is still in effect. However, I know that a lot of people leave their dogs in rigs and go to the beach or other places etc. If the dogs are quiet and nobody hears them bark, who cares or who even knows. Don't let that stop you. I've done it too. The only way a Ranger knows if a dog is left is if somebody complains cause it's barking or they can hear it barking. Having worked in the parks myself, there have been some instances where a dog has gotten a little excessive in barking and so the owners need to be reminded of the rules. Otherwise we never know they are around. I've even left mine tied up outside and run to the bathroom and never had anybody say boo.

Liz, the county park is a nice park. I think the sites are a bit more crowded and as for beach, it isn't much. But you can put in kayak there easily. The fee as you quoted is $25, state parks charge $26. You will need a pass to enter the county park besides camping fee. Yes, the state parks do require a Recreation passport for your vehicles but if you are going to camp at more than one, it will pay for itself, plus some boat launch areas also require them. I sometimes wonder why though as there's nobody there to check on them anyway. Also, be aware that all Michigan State Forest campgrounds now require a Recreation Passport as well. Out of state vehicles can purchase daily permits as well. I say this cause I know you like to boon dock in state campgrounds occasionally.

http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,4570,7-15 ... --,00.html

But you won't go wrong with the county park. I can go over and scout out some campsites for you if you would like. It's just about 5 miles from my house. Actually ladies, I can accommodate rigs in my yard here too, but can't give you hook ups, if you want to boon dock for a bit you are welcome.
Last edited by Colliemom on Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Possible Michigan GTG in August

Postby carolb » Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:44 am

Great idea! I have jello plans to head out to the midwest (oops, instead of the Ruckus :( ) following on the heels of Liz & Peg. Sis in IL has time for me, plus there are others there, BJ, Kathleen, & friends from when I lived there. Sooo, depending on how far to the UP, timing/miles, I'll keep this in mind. 8-)
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Re: Possible Michigan GTG in August

Postby Colliemom » Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:48 am

Hmmmm, maybe I should inquire at the county park as to how many sites they will have open for August in case a number of you decide to head this way. Usually by mid August things are starting to quiet down. Course depends on where you all want to go as far as sightseeing is concerned. Touring the U.P. too? I know of some private campgrounds up there and also of some county run ones as well.
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Re: Possible Michigan GTG in August

Postby Carolinagal » Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:25 am

I think I've stayed at the park that Liz is inquiring about. The sites were close but at the time I was there not that many in park, so ok with me. I got literature from them for years.

Looking at the info for Season passes for parks, seems best deal to me, especially if you need them for Forest parks too. I'm with Liz, the prices of st parks up there, floored me the trip she and I, made up there. It was my first time paying CG fee and then recreation fee. (I'm not sure what the difference is, as its all recreation in my mind :D and you need the CG for it to happen) Right now, I am planning on going up there, but will visit family and friends on the way up to UP, along with stays in CG's. I was born there and lots I would like to see. Sue, will the season pass for parks be good in the UP?? Just a thought. Not planning a fast trip, just at a pace I can really enjoy. Sue , your offer of boondocking, is thoughtful of you, but it would depend on how cool the nights are, I think. I do not like to sleep hot !! :D Otherwise a GTG at your house would be fun, I think.

Liz, I would like to meet up with you and Peggy somewhere. I've never met Peggy, so seems an ideal time to me. Also, I plan to visit a cousin in Traverse city, or actually Williamsburg near by. Think that's where I want to go, I need to check address etc. of where my cousin lives :lol: :roll:

Not making much sense, but trying to beat the storm, Sarah, are you planning on going too, We need to get together and maybe caravan up.

CArol :) excuse mistakes ladies,Please, as I have to get off the computer
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Re: Possible Michigan GTG in August

Postby Redetotry » Sat Jul 20, 2013 12:41 pm

I'm thinking of going, been waiting to see what the timing was. I've been to Ludington and Manistee would like to check out Traverse City and Charlevoix this time. Also do any of the parks have pads other than dirt or grass and maybe near some good restaurants or food Coops. :)
What is the weather usually like in August Sue, of course this year usual hasn't been that reliable...
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Re: Possible Michigan GTG in August

Postby havingfunnow » Sat Jul 20, 2013 1:39 pm

This sounds like fun -- and August is open, so I'm in! :D
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Re: Possible Michigan GTG in August

Postby Nasoosie » Sat Jul 20, 2013 4:09 pm

carolb wrote:Great idea! I have jello plans to head out to the midwest (oops, instead of the Ruckus :( ) following on the heels of Liz & Peg. Sis in IL has time for me, plus there are others there, BJ, Kathleen, & friends from when I lived there. Sooo, depending on how far to the UP, timing/miles, I'll keep this in mind. 8-)

NOOO! Liz is coming to the Ruckus! You can follow her from here!
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Re: Possible Michigan GTG in August

Postby Colliemom » Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:16 pm

This is getting interesting. I will go over to the county park tomorrow and ask them about the campsites, find out how their reservation are for August and see if there is a possibility some can be set aside together for a GTG. But everybody would have to book their own sites. This is just a thought. You all may want to go someplace else, but I wlll check anyway.

CArol, I'll explain the difference between needing a Recreation Passport and also the campground fee. Having come from Mi, you probably remember when you used to have to buy a State Park Sticker and then put it on your car's windshield and also had to pay to camp too. Well, the Recreation Passport has replaced the Sticker. It is the only source of funding the parks have now since the state is no longer giving them any money from the general fund like it used to. Recreation passport is just a fancy name that got stuck on it. For MI residents it's a great deal cause for $11 bucks we have access to all state parks, forest campgrounds, boat access sites and what not. For us, the $11 is an option on our license plates when we renew every year and if we buy it, we get a little p on our license renewal tag. The passports are good for everything for everybody, regardless whether or not you are a MI resident and are good for a year. Yes, they are good in the U.P. as well. After all it's part of MI. If you plan to do any sightseeing up there, say like Tahquamenon Falls, you will need the passport to enter the park. Same goes for Fayette Historic Park, Kitch-iti-kepe (the Big springs) and so forth.

Now, my question is. Does anybody want to take a tour up to the U.P. besides CArol. I would love to tag along. I never get tired of it. Also lots of places to see in northern lower too. BJ mentioned Traverse City and Charlevoix. Excellent choices and of course Mackinac City and the Island. But first we need to figure out where to start all this in motion. and approx. when. My guss would be probably after the Ruckus of course.

Weather in August can be a mixed bag but generally by middle of month, the nights are starting to shorten and get a little cooler. In fact, around the end of July, first part of August we usually have a bit of fall like weather for a week or two and then back into the normal 70's range. But that's not to say a spell of hot weather won't make an appearance. Seems like its always hot around Labor Day weekend anymore and even mild into September. So it makes for some nice camping. Check out Accuweather as they have the historical average highs and lows for any given month in any given city in Mi.
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Re: Possible Michigan GTG in August

Postby Liz » Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:21 pm

I can spend some time poking around....don't have to be back in FL until end of October. I plan to visit friends in Dewitt either coming or going.
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Re: Possible Michigan GTG in August

Postby carolb » Sun Jul 21, 2013 7:38 am

:lol: Looks like I WILL be going to the Ruckus & THEN to MI :lol: :lol: How nice to be wanted ;) Actually, Soos, except for gas money, there's no reason I can't get up there for a night or two. Dang prices are nuts!!!! Which is why the MI gtg is a "jello" plan, & if I do go, will not be staying at a cg; will have to find a truckstop/WM or something! So Sue, is there anything like that nearby? BJ, hope you can make it!!! :D Wow, Tina, Liz, Peg, Louise--this is great!!! Anybody else????
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