Good morning all!
Well before Irmi gets on here to tell you, I'll have to confess that I was really a wimp yesterday! Oh, yes, I learned how to crack open fresh crabs, but ICK!!! Especially, when I put my glasses on & realized they're little eyeballs were staring at me!!! I conjured up a little bravery & continued for a few. And then I realized I've never had REAL FRESH crab meat, so my taste buds didn't adjust to that either Today, crab cakes! Maybe that will please my taste buds. Oh, but y'all should see Irmi & Steve do their thing! Loved watching them enjoy a "ubiquitous" MD tradition!
Having such a great time here, & missed y'all yesterday. Red, so happy to see you on the road! BJ, you're itch concoction is just what I need--I have mosquito bites like crazy! Tried my cider vinegar, but doesn't last long...Ava, Sue, enjoy your vacations...Sarah a happy camper!!! Can't remember what all else is going on--always good to see you Kathleen & hope all is well with you.
Another couple days here of living the life of Irmi & Steve--now I can put "pictures" with words. They'd shared so much of their story with me, now I see where it all took place. Really a beautiful life they've carved out for themselves in a very beautiful part of the country!
Y'all have a great day & safe travels always