Banning Members

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Banning Members

Postby Bethers » Tue Dec 18, 2012 8:27 pm

The only members of this forum who have been banned since the inception of this forum are spammers. No one else. The only members of this forum who have been deleted since it's inception are some who have never posted or posted only once or twice then never again or at the members request.

No member has been banned or dropped because anyone disagrees with the person.

It appears there are rumors running rampant and I hope this clears up any about banning or being dropped.
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Re: Banning Members

Postby mitch5252 » Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:03 pm

Bethers wrote:The only members of this forum who have been banned since the inception of this forum are spammers. No one else. The only members of this forum who have been deleted since it's inception are some who have never posted or posted only once our twice then never again or at the members request.

No member has been banned or dropped because anyone disagrees with the person.

It appears there are rumors running rampant and I hope this clears up any about banning or being dropped.

Man, if that wasn't the case, I would have been banned a L O N G time ago...(and I know there are some of you who feel I should still be banned, or accidentally deleted... :o )

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Re: Banning Members

Postby mtngal » Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:23 pm

Good grief! Isn't there enough SH&T in this world without creating problems?!? I can't believe this! Please people just love one another!
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Re: Banning Members

Postby Bethers » Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:25 pm

mtngal wrote:Good grief! Isn't there enough SH&T in this world without creating problems?!? I can't believe this! Please people just love one another!

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Re: Banning Members

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Dec 19, 2012 8:46 am

Beth, thanks for reminding us.....Really, with all the groups on line, etc, it isn't surprising that someone might not understand the principles that started this group and have tried to be followed through the usual ups and downs of life, love and misunderstandings :o is good to remember what sort of group this is.....A good one! :lol: I remember the rule about being polite to one another but can't even remember if there were any others that first day when I negotiated the registration process..... Thanks, again for reminding us that we can all help keep this one of the safe places for our thoughts and feelings as long as we remember our manners...

I know mine are around here somewhere...... I'll PM Mitch, she can find anything! :)
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Re: Banning Members

Postby retiredhappy » Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:23 am

The reason I've been on this forum so long is that we have no hard and fast rules other than to be nice to each other. We've had some over the years who have left the forum for their own reasons BUT no one was ever banned or asked to leave. We are self-confident enough to be tolerant of opinions that don't match our own which is pretty much why we basically don't discuss politics or religion. This is a forum about RVing and lifestyle. Doubt seriously if as many men could show such restraint.
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Re: Banning Members

Postby havingfunnow » Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:11 am

I've only been here a few months, and I am so impressed with the overall mood of the group. I can't recall seeing a single malicious comment, ever. I've been part of enough other forums to know what a rare and wonderful thing that is.

There are differences of opinion -- which is a good thing! That's how ideas get explored and improved. I haven't seen anybody browbeating anybody else. There are occasional miscommunications, but that is typical of groups, online and offline.

Mostly, I see that we are kind to one another. That's what makes this forum such a good place.
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Re: Banning Members

Postby Excel » Wed Dec 19, 2012 2:54 pm

Ditto to all the above...wish I could put words together like BirdbyBird but can't....& as far as Mitch is concerned...Wow! What would we do without her....I have posted little but some of the tragedies I've gone through or others have, were things where I really needed a 'sounding board' and here it was/is...Such compassion & prayers & just down to earth decent people are part of this wonderful site & I for one would be lost without all the years I've followed the posts I've never read anyone being banned as Beth whoever is suggesting such a thing should check the facts and put on their 'Happy' cap cause after all this is the season of love & peace fellowship.....ALL the things we have right here....
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