If I really stop and think about it? I kinda think a slide in truck camper is what I think of when I think "camper". I guess maybe that's because that's what the first RV we ever had when I was in my teens. But the rest of them I call by what they are, ie. pop-up, travel trailer, 5'er, motor home and big motor home.

Then of course you have the buses.....
Usually with this one I just call it home. We were out Wednesday night as Kelly took me to dinner. Did really fine up to the last bit then the exhaustion crashed over me. Told Kelly I was ready to go "home" and that I was gonna start working my way to the truck. She said OK, but before I got 10ft she was right there with me walking along side and when we got outside she held my hand until we got to the truck. She's a good kid!!!
But in all reality campers are RV's and RV's are campers.

Camp to me is a place, a permanent place. Doesn't matter if it's cabin, shack or trailer as long as it's permanent. Or it's someplace you send your kids to get 'em out of your hair for a while.
Camping is what you do!