Welcome Orchid!

Come on in and say hello.

Welcome Orchid!

Postby Liz » Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:36 pm

Welcome to our newest member, Orchid! We hope you enjoy reading through our forum and will join our discussions soon. Start out by introducing yourself here. We're a noisy bunch: tell us where you're from, what kind of RV you have or would like to have, where you've traveled or want to travel....inquiring minds want to know. You'll find a great support group here.
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Re: Welcome Orchid!

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Fri Dec 05, 2008 4:06 pm

Howdy, Orchid....and Welcome!!! This is a wonderful place to relax, vent, laugh, and just plain join in the fun....Take a look around and don't forget to tell us about yourself.....Glad you have joined us here...
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Re: Welcome Orchid!

Postby Cedar518 » Fri Dec 05, 2008 4:08 pm

Orchid,... Welcome! We're glad to have you with us,..jump in and let us know all about yourself, ok?

Re: Welcome Orchid!

Postby Nasoosie » Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:27 pm

Hi, Orchid! I LOVE your name!

Welcome to the group! Hope to hear from you soon and see some pictures. Very neat group of women here!
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Re: Welcome Orchid!

Postby carold » Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:28 pm

Hi Orchard, Welcome, Welcome. We are a varied bunch, but all of us are definitely helpful, funloving, not critical and nosy. So give us as much information as you are comfortable with and don't forget the pictures. We're glad to share all our knowledge, but in return we want info and pictures :lol: So, pull a chair. grab whatever you like to drink and join our party. carold
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Re: Welcome Orchid!

Postby avalen » Fri Dec 05, 2008 7:34 pm

ooohhhh another new member, welcome to the group,
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Re: Welcome Orchid!

Postby Carolinagal » Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:59 pm

Hey Orchid, Welcome . Am I the only one who can't find you? Please come out, and tell us about yourself. You'll never find a nicer group of ladies then on this forum. Some I've met and some I haven't but so far, all rate a big A plus. I hope you will come and join us and find out for yourself. You surely won't be sorry, this is a great place to just enjoy, or find out information, or just visit and add your two cents from time to time. Everyone's opinion is respected here. Hope to hear from you soon. Love to know what area of the country you live in, do you have an r.v.yet, or just wishing and waiting, husband, children, pets, do you work, do any crafts? We love to hear anything and all you care to share, keeping in mind, non forum people do read here from time to time.

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Re: Welcome Orchid!

Postby Echo » Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:20 pm


Come out, come out where ever you are. :lol:

We got newbies!! Orchid, Cookiemom, soisew!!!!!


Geeze I just went thru the memer list and there's quite a few in there that have joined and never posted even a "Hi" ya'll.

Where is they all????? Come on out and join the fun everybody!
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Re: Welcome Orchid!

Postby soisew » Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:29 pm

Welcome. Your name is wonderful. Do you raise orchids or just like them?
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Re: Welcome Orchid!

Postby retiredhappy » Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:33 am

Let me add my welcome, too. We're all looking forward to getting to know you.
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Re: Welcome Orchid!

Postby Orchid » Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:34 am

Yeah! I'm finally able to post! Beth and I have been working for days trying to figure out why I couldn't post. She's a genius. Yes, Beth, you were right. It was my outdated browser.
Thank you for your most gracious welcomes. I've been lurking in several RV forums for a very long time. I feel I know some of you very well already and hope you get to know me too.
I'm still working full time with retirement on the horizon. RVing is one of my retirement options. Whether I'll be a full timer or a snowbird is still in the debating stages. I, also don't know what kind of a motorhome I'll pick. Today it's one thing, tomorrow it's another.
I live in Indiana where I was born. I lived many years in California and returned to my hometown several years ago. I have 3 dogs, two are golden retrievers and one is a shih tzu and two cats.
It may be a long time before I'm able to post pictures. My computer is old, not compatible with my camera and I have dial up, which takes forever to do anything. Added to that I'm computer challenged!
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Re: Welcome Orchid!

Postby Nasoosie » Thu Dec 11, 2008 5:08 am

YAYY, Orchid! Your first post! I just switched from dial-up this past year, so I know how you struggle with it. It took HOURS to download anything, like a new browser, or even pictures. But am so glad you can at least post a few comments now and then.

It sounds as if you have quite the 4-footed family! Can't wait to be able to see some pictures of them when you get yourself together.

And I, too, am still working full time and trying to decide when/if to retire. I am a teacher, and with the economy as it is, and unemployment running rampant, I know I should be happy to have my job. But I have been teaching since 1962, granted with 10 years off in the interim to be a stay-at-home mother until my kids reached full-time school age.....but I am getting a bit weary of this routine and pitch-black early morning hours!!! I think if the price of gasoline and heating fuel oil hadn't dropped, I would have considered retiring this winter to stay at home and keep the wood fires burning! But I can now afford to leave my Monitor heater on while I'm at school, and filling my truck with gas has become almost doable!

Welcome to the group!!
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Re: Welcome Orchid!

Postby Bethers » Thu Dec 11, 2008 8:46 pm

Yeah, Orchid, I'm so glad that our scratching heads got you on and able to post. And we're all the better for the fact that you didn't give up - Ladies, Orchid has been working on this for DAYS - woooohooooooooooo

I'm full time and so glad to be away from winters now (spent most of my life in IL/WI, with a bit in MN and IA). Being in TX right now - we have some cold windy days, then it warms back up and I'm in shorts and tshirts. I love it. Took me several months to decide on the type and style of rv I did - take your time until you really know what you need (and need is more important than want :) )

Again, welcome - so glad you made it.
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Re: Welcome Orchid!

Postby Orchid » Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:40 am

To answer the question about why Orchid for my name-I'm always telling my co-workers that I'm very fragile (pronounced with a long i). One day I was saying that I was much like an orchid. She said not only was I fragile but rare and expensive too. When I get an RV I'm planning on calling it, " The Hot House".
I, too, often wonder if I should retire when I plan with the economy like it is. But I'm afraid I'm going to wear a body part out soon if I don't give it up.
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Re: Welcome Orchid!

Postby Carolinagal » Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:59 am

Hi Orchid, so glad to hear from you. Lovely name and a unique way you came by it. I love the choice of name for your future r.v. too. Hope you'll be able to chime in often.

Welcome, Welcome !!!

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