by Bethers » Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:38 pm
Well, a reason for chocolate isn't all bad. I've never used the Good Sam insurance but know others on here have. When they quoted for me, they were way too high - but I've heard they are in the ball park now. I would ask if they could give you an annual rate. I like annual, as they can't raise it in 6 months that way. The reason many insurance companies went with 6 mo rates was to give them that option. They'll stick us any way they can, won't they?
Oh, and like Karen just said - I highly recommend you make sure you have specific road service coverage on the RV. I don't recommend AAA for it - as it is NOT good in all states - sometimes not in all parts of the same state. Good Sam's has one, and CoachNet that are both considered good. Last year my insurance company added for free (well as part of my rv insurance coverage) a plan and I'm using it now. Still a bit nervous about this one - but giving it a shot. I've used my rv roadside service 3 times I can think of - well worth having.
“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
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