Insurance Sticker Shock

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Insurance Sticker Shock

Postby JudyJB » Wed Mar 28, 2012 1:49 pm

Just had the insurance sticker shock. It was a LOT higher than I expected, but that is my fault for not checking sooner, and also for getting a ticket last year and having a very minor accident. I tried State Farm and have a call in to my regular agent at AAA.

Any suggestions, based on your experience?? What about the clubs that offer insurance?

OK, State Farm quoted me $2,500 per 6 months!! WOW! I just checked the online Good Sam insurance and for much higher coverage, got quoted $750 per 6 months. How can the numbers be so different?????

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Re: Insurance Sticker Shock

Postby Rufflesgurl » Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:25 pm

$2500/6 mo. seems outrageous. My MH is insured thru an agency that I found advertizing in the FMCA magazine and had the best rates. I don't go out for bids every year because still seems like I've got good rates. Some times auto insurers don't insure MHs. Good luck with your research.

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Re: Insurance Sticker Shock

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:46 pm

Insurance on my motorhomes has always been lower than it is on our trucks and van. I think it's because they are usually not driven as much as most vehicles. For some reason we have to pay the truck and van insurance every 6 months but can pay the motorhome insurance once a year. My motorhome is a 2002 and the insurance is about $780.

I don't know which companies offer it but there are some that you can get replacement cost insurance from. If I was living in one and the insurance wasn't too high I would have that. I have also heard that your contents aren't covered with regular vehicle insurance. Hopefully, others with more experience will be able to answer you questions. Liz just went through all that with her accident so I'm sure she has some good advice.

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Re: Insurance Sticker Shock

Postby Bethers » Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:50 pm

State Farm (IMHO) has always been expensive insurance, and not necessarily better. Check the coverage of the ad on here - check Progressive - check AARP's Hartford (different from regular Hartford) and make sure they give you proper rv insurance. I'm paying $1000 per YEAR for both the rv and car. Now, you have a brand new rv, so the coverage will be more - like with a brand new car. But look around - and make sure you get good coverage - the Good Sam quote you got - get the list of everything covered - they understand rv's - and make sure you get all that on the other quotes.
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Re: Insurance Sticker Shock

Postby JudyJB » Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:21 pm

Whew! I am glad I am not the only person who thinks $2,500 / months or a whopping $5,000 a year is outrageous!

Called Good Sam and gave them VIN number and my drivers license number so they could check my one ticket and small scape, and they quoted me $760 / 6 months, for the highest coverage limits. That is MUCH better. And it covers full replacement value and some living expenses in case of an accident.

Waiting to get a confirmation from AAA but it is $1,400. AAA says that small scrape I had fixed counts as much as a $10,000 or more accident!! Ridiculous!

So, can I assume Good Sam is a good insurance company?? I know they provide road service also, and I would certainyl trust someone who is used to rvs than AAA to tow my vehicle.

I am breathing better now. Was so upset at State Farm quote I had to leave my desk and find some chocolate.
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Re: Insurance Sticker Shock

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:35 pm

I have had the GMAC (Good Sam) insurance now for 5 years. I havent had to make any claims (whew) but have been happy at the $$$$ My cost is around $1000 a year. Was higher ($1200) when new and in the 5 years has only come down a couple hundred dollars but at least it did not go up. I also have the replacement insurance.

I have Coach-Net for my road insurance but the first year I had 2 road service plans ha ha. Good Sam as I had it on the other coach and it just transferred over. Winnebago gave me Coach-Net free for a year so then I had to decide which way to go. So far I am happy with CoachNet so have stuck with them. No complaints on Good Sam either tho.

I havent spent too much time on the road as I live in mine where I am working at the time. Hey let the company pay my payment hah. So less issues. BUT I am going to fix that this summer as I am taking it off and going to do some "real" camping.


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Re: Insurance Sticker Shock

Postby Bethers » Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:38 pm

Well, a reason for chocolate isn't all bad. I've never used the Good Sam insurance but know others on here have. When they quoted for me, they were way too high - but I've heard they are in the ball park now. I would ask if they could give you an annual rate. I like annual, as they can't raise it in 6 months that way. The reason many insurance companies went with 6 mo rates was to give them that option. They'll stick us any way they can, won't they?

Oh, and like Karen just said - I highly recommend you make sure you have specific road service coverage on the RV. I don't recommend AAA for it - as it is NOT good in all states - sometimes not in all parts of the same state. Good Sam's has one, and CoachNet that are both considered good. Last year my insurance company added for free (well as part of my rv insurance coverage) a plan and I'm using it now. Still a bit nervous about this one - but giving it a shot. I've used my rv roadside service 3 times I can think of - well worth having.
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Re: Insurance Sticker Shock

Postby longdog2 » Wed Mar 28, 2012 3:57 pm

I have GMAC and am happy with it. I pay yearly. Did a lot of research before settling on it for my 5th wheel. They had the best prices and best coverage. Too many people choose an auto type carrier and then find out that they don't really have the kind of coverage you need for an RV (like contents). Are you a Good Sam member? The insurance with GMAC is one of the major reasons I keep Good Sam because it is much cheaper if you are a member.
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Re: Insurance Sticker Shock

Postby JudyJB » Wed Mar 28, 2012 6:07 pm

Not a Good Sam member, but need to check to see if that comes with the insurance or if you have to buy it to get insurance. I do have one year road service with the manufacturer, but probably will pay the small amount to get it through Good Sam if I go with them.

It took me a while to figure out Good Sam was GMAC. Glad people are comfortable with it.

I was told I would also need to get a renter's policy for my stuff when it goes into storage, and they said that would cover more of my belongings on the RV because the $3,000 would not cover my laptops and camera.
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Re: Insurance Sticker Shock

Postby Bethers » Wed Mar 28, 2012 7:20 pm

I pay for an additional $X,000 of coverage for personal effects in my rig. That's over and above what the basic policy covers. And I put X - because that amount will vary for all of us. As a matter of fact, I emailed my insurer today to ask if I should be upgrading any coverage for the solar system I added. Wanted to make sure it's covered entirely.
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Re: Insurance Sticker Shock

Postby Liz » Wed Mar 28, 2012 8:37 pm

Bethers wrote:State Farm (IMHO) has always been expensive insurance, and not necessarily better. Check the coverage of the ad on here - check Progressive - check AARP's Hartford (different from regular Hartford) and make sure they give you proper rv insurance. I'm paying $1000 per YEAR for both the rv and car. Now, you have a brand new rv, so the coverage will be more - like with a brand new car. But look around - and make sure you get good coverage - the Good Sam quote you got - get the list of everything covered - they understand rv's - and make sure you get all that on the other quotes.

Yes, I can now vouch for AARP The Hartford. Had to wait a little, but they really came through on this accident. And mine is less than $600 a year for full-timers coverage including personal property inside.
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Re: Insurance Sticker Shock

Postby AlmostThere » Wed Mar 28, 2012 9:19 pm

Liz wrote:
Bethers wrote:State Farm (IMHO) has always been expensive insurance, and not necessarily better. Check the coverage of the ad on here - check Progressive - check AARP's Hartford (different from regular Hartford) and make sure they give you proper rv insurance. I'm paying $1000 per YEAR for both the rv and car. Now, you have a brand new rv, so the coverage will be more - like with a brand new car. But look around - and make sure you get good coverage - the Good Sam quote you got - get the list of everything covered - they understand rv's - and make sure you get all that on the other quotes.

Yes, I can now vouch for AARP The Hartford. Had to wait a little, but they really came through on this accident. And mine is less than $600 a year for full-timers coverage including personal property inside.

Ditto for me on Progressive and what Liz pays.
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Re: Insurance Sticker Shock

Postby JoanE » Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:02 pm

It doesn't do any good to quote what your annual rate is unless you also tell us what your limits are; apples to apples. The price varies according to your limits, your vehicle, your driving record and your address. Auto/RV insurance is a product. Insurance companies will charge as much as they can get away with. It is a very good idea to shop your insurance every year for the best policy and the best price depending on how much risk you want to assume. I always ask them if they have given me every possible discount too. I took a safe driver course for seniors and I'm still saving money for that. I also (used) to have low mileage on my vehicles which qualifies for a discount. Ask questions. Make them earn that premium!

I have GMAC thru Good Sams. When I got it last year, it was far and away the best policy and the best price for me. I paid $803 (annual) for 250,000/500,000 limits.
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Re: Insurance Sticker Shock

Postby Redetotry » Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:00 am

I've always heard if you have a small fender bender to just pay for it an not turn it into your insurance company. Also the higher your deductible the lower your rates.
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Re: Insurance Sticker Shock

Postby Travelinana » Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:09 am

Glad I read this ins info..I have AAA and didn't know they don't cover all states. I will give Good Sam a call because road service is a must for me..the peace of mind is worth the cost. As for State my small town our agent is very active in our church and I would guess he has 95% of the congregation. He even has a Men's Bible Study in his office. He's a nice guy and I'm not questioning his Christianity but I have heard some horror stories on getting State Farm to pay. I use Hartford, thank goodness haven't had a claim but the rates are good. While on the subject I had a conversation with my ex yesterday and he told me the motorhome we had (and he kept) burned. His new wife no doubt had talked him into Geico (as he always used local ins). He is fighting them now for payment. He has been making the payments for a year while this has been going on. New wife is now gone (I didn't say I told you so but wanted to). I also found out the 100,000 debt showed up on my credit review as my name is still on he loan. I have perfect numbers but until this is settled I probably couldn't borrow money anywhere.
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