I want to say I'm thrilled with Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally thrilled with her as the selection for VP!!!!!!!
And I could give about a hundred thousand reasons---- BUT I don't have time-------back to packing!!!!!!!!!
I think she is answered prayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RV Granny------- you don't want to get my hubby started on Politics either!!!!!!!!!!
But he is also very much for Sarah as VP also-------- & you don't even want to pull his chain!!!!!!!!!!
My question is--- what does her daughter being pregnant have to do with her being VP???????
She can be the best Mother in the world-- & things do happen with out her control!!!!!
If you are a Mother -------you well know this to be a fact!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have step children----- I did my very very very best with-----& to educate--on every level of life---on birth control---& safe sex- & etc.etc.etc---------& one of them had a child out of wed lock--------while living with her birth mother--------
What does that have to do with "my abilities" in other things in life???????????
We can't control other people & their choices---we can only educate them & hope they make the best decisions!!!!! And some times they don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why should Sarah NOT run as VP because her daughter made a choice -some see as the wrong choice!
I happen to believe that baby was suspose to happen---no matter what------ & it is a gift from God------- even if some think it is a mistake!!!!!!!!!
And I believe that baby & all this whoopla------has a reason--------God is useing-------
Well enough said--------- back to packing!!!!!!!!