Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Echo » Thu Sep 04, 2008 7:49 pm

I get this newsletter every week. I don't always read it unless the subject line really catches my eye. But the newsletter really covers a lot of area where politics are concerned.

While I believe in God, I am not what I would call religious and I trust most all main stream religions about as much as I trust politicians. But I like this organization because they work to not promote any one religion over another. If they believe someone is mixing religion and politics a little to much they get involved.

If interested?

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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:45 pm

Here's Lori climbing out on this limb...tiptoeing the whole way..... :roll:

I think that Sarah Palin is a breath of fresh air....a new face who has strong views.....and so far....not afraid to speak her mind....I am speaking in general terms as I believe everyone's opinions are their own and unlike my loving hubby, I don't go off on a tangent......I just watch and listen.....and try not to let others sway my thoughts.....and as Beth will tell you....that's hard to do around Ernie..... ;) :lol: and please, don't get him started.... :roll: 2 years of him and politics is enough for me :? :roll:

Now I'll tiptoe back to my corner.... ;) :lol:

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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Redetotry » Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:35 am

Well Sarah Palin has really shook up the political world! I personally was really bored with the never ending drama which was getting ho hum. Then along comes this woman who makes the old boy politicians take notice to say the least! Don't you just love it!
I’ve been trying to figure out my reaction and the reaction I noted in the audience as I watched her acceptance speech. The facial expressions on the men and women seemed to go from forced attention, like when you put on a blank expression to listen to a boring lecture, to surprise then to full attention.
One of the articles I read yesterday in the Wall Street Journal sort of put it in perspective for me when it said the reaction many women attributed her appeal to was that the angry woman as a victim drives them nuts. Women have always done what Sarah Palin has been doing, working having kids, trying to improve their communities. And that she gives no victim vibes. The article was titled What’s So Special about Sarah.
I can’t imagine how this will play out but, I think the debate will rage for years over what her influence was on the outcome of this election.
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Getupngo » Fri Sep 05, 2008 12:59 pm

Hey guys, we're doing a great job in being respectful on a heated topic. Good job. :D

I just want to say that I do think requiring a 17-year-old to live with the consequences of her actions is a good thing ... but don't know if that should include investigations by the National Enquirer or 24-hour news coverage on CNN. I'll bet if I polled every one of you, most probably know her name. That young man is also being thrust into the national (international?) limelight -- and he had no vote in that matter, either. An Alaskan media story about the governor's daughter's pregnancy would have been of much shorter duration, and focused mainly on policy issues (the gov advocates abstinence-only sex ed). Yes, it would have been embarrassing ... but less intense and of much shorter duration.

There are natural consequences of Bristol and Levi's actions (see! I know their names!)... and those are challenging enough. But international notoriety within the pressure-cooker of a presidential campaign? PUHLEEEZE! THAT is a consequence of mom's decision. You can blame the media all you want, but to me mom's decision like pushing her daughter into oncoming traffic. You GOTTA know what will happen.
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Excel » Fri Sep 05, 2008 2:15 pm

Tiptoeing with my 2 cents....Watched Palin's speech....I am more than impressed....She's a breath of fresh air & has my vote...The pit bull line was terrific...as a working Mom with 4 kids that I mainly raised by myself, I could relate. Never have thought much of Hilary since all that stuff with Bill was publicized....& I think Obama didn't pick her for VP cause it would have been a package deal...Hilary AND Bill....Anyhow, I don't vote the Party, I vote the Person, and for me...I'll take the Hero who has fought for this country & the 'Hockey Mom' over someone I never heard about till the election circus began & has no positive record or experience to speak of...(in my opinion)...any day. This country is in enough trouble without taking a risk on a 'career goal type wannabe'....Don't want to offend anyone but facts are facts.........
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Bethers » Fri Sep 05, 2008 3:37 pm

Without taking any sides - the facts are only facts to the person stating them - as in politics you can basically say anything as a fact. And be right and be wrong :)

Now, if I ever hear one of them give a speeck where what they state as facts can be proved out (and that didn't happen by any of them) then I'll know for sure who I'll vote for and even tell everyone. Otherwise, I'll play devil's advocate for all of them and probably won't decide who to vote for till I submit my ballot. Just will keep reading and researching and wanting to dump all of them.

That said - this discussion really is on Mom's decision that put her daughter (and boyfriend) in the spotlight. Yep, It has been so blown up - and that's what I dislike. Living with your consequences - hmmmmmmmmm - have lived with many, but not in a public spotlight like this. The thing about politics is that not just the candidates get put under a microscope, but also every member of the family - in bright lights and big print.

And, Janice, yep, we women do know how to keep things on the level they should be on. It's why I'm all for debating, etc - and threads like this prove it. No one should ever get mad at another because they have a different view. OMG, we'd never be talking.
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby asirimarco » Sat Sep 06, 2008 8:12 am

just a short though - hope no one is offended - bet that boy wishes he'd of kept his p***** in his pants....
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Fernie » Sat Sep 06, 2008 12:26 pm

My sentiments are along the lines Margie stated earlier. Are these 4 REALLY the best 4 people to lead our country?

Wish we had different choices and I usually vote Democrat!! (Tipswords in Illinois are expected to be Democrats!! LOL I married into it!! :lol: ) I come from a split family. My Mom was Democrat and my Dad was Republican. They always voted straight tickets so they just cancelled each other out but they voted!!!!!!
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby dpf » Sat Sep 06, 2008 1:03 pm

Everything put a aside...I'd love to hear all four of the candidates present a speech that they actually wrote themself. Just not reading a "production" by a group of well paid highly trained political writers who tell them when to pause, when to smile... :roll: Personally I think that politics are becoming too Hollywood..JMO.
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby kelpie » Sat Sep 06, 2008 4:34 pm

kind of funny, ther eis a political thread on the general rv forum(men's) and it got all hateful and started the name-calling withing 2 or 3 entries. This one is so.....different. Maybe we really do need more women involved in politics.
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Gentleladybear » Sat Sep 06, 2008 8:49 pm

One of the things we don't know, but are assuming, is that Palin did not discuss the decision to run with her family and with the pregnant daughter. Wouldn't anyone who was running for an office that would effect the whole family not have this discussion with them? This may not ever come out, but we cannot assume that she didn't discuss this with her family.

We only have 4 people running for the two offices available. We can wish all we want for other people but we have, what we have. So look carefully at their records and decide according to who you believe can lead this country forward to the best of their abilities.
No one wanted to believe Kennedy being a CATHOLIC could lead this country, but he did. Seems to me if Palin can withstand all of the good ole boy retoric that she has, maybe she is a lot tougher than we believe. Just maybe she can handle all the things we are throwing questions about.

Don't just take information the reporters are putting out as the only truth, do some research, find out the facts. Then vote!!!!

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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby SeeyaGal » Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:00 am

I loved the joke about the Soccer Mom and the PitBull!!! I'll bet Bristol wishes she kept her panties on, bad enough the high school found out she's pregnant but now the whole planet! Will be interesting but I have to say I like Sarah, she's got Spunk!! I'd rather see her in the White house than Hillary.
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Cedar518 » Sun Sep 07, 2008 6:53 am

OK,... I guess I've waited long enough to weigh in on this one. First I want to compliment everyone on how great this discussion has been. See.....we aren't into the chest thumping and sabre rattling like men are. Men feel so threatened if their point of view is questioned,... whew! do I know that! :lol:

So,... my thoughts on Sarah Palin are these,...

I trust that she discussed running with her family,... it's not something anyone would not discuss.

her daughter being pregnant is pretty normal. it happens in every community,... nothing unusual, (unfortunately). That alone is not a reason for Sarah to not run for VP. Also her infant son with Downs,... if Barack Obama had a 4 mo. old infant son with a disability,... i doubt that he would be chastised for running,.... I think she is being subjected to that old "double standard"

There are too many news articles and interenet "emails" flying around now pointing fingers at her. Trying to tear her down. Putting negative slants on her successes. I don't think Obama is responsible for those things personally,...but I suspect some of his supporters are quick to resort to slimey politics,... not necessarily in/from his election camp. Just people out in the world that favor him and think a woman should be in the kitchen, not the oval office. I believe when Obama met with the press and said that families are off limits that he was genuine and meant it.

I was raised in a strong Republican family,... I have voted both Rep and Dem,... and this year I will probably be weighing the candidates until the 11th hour. it is going to be an interesting 2 months ahead of us.

Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby Paulette » Sun Sep 07, 2008 8:34 am

I don't feel this is much different than any other election period. It always seems to be the "lesser of the two evils" to me. I've not found a political leader I could really "get behind". I just wish they would get up there and make their own speeches, like Beth suggested, without the written by, smile here, pause here hollywood hoopla. I do admire Sarah Palin. Heck, I admire Obama too, as they are both "making history". But we aren't voting to make history, we are voting for who will be the best leader for our country. Hard to tell and hope that one or the other party will pull out strong here in the near future so I can make my decision. I don't necessarily vote the party, though I am registered Dem. My 2cents worth.
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Re: Going out on the respectful discussion limb ...

Postby oliveoil » Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:32 pm

I want to say I'm thrilled with Sarah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Totally thrilled with her as the selection for VP!!!!!!!
And I could give about a hundred thousand reasons---- BUT I don't have time-------back to packing!!!!!!!!!
I think she is answered prayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RV Granny------- you don't want to get my hubby started on Politics either!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

But he is also very much for Sarah as VP also-------- & you don't even want to pull his chain!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :lol: :lol:

My question is--- what does her daughter being pregnant have to do with her being VP???????
She can be the best Mother in the world-- & things do happen with out her control!!!!!
If you are a Mother -------you well know this to be a fact!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have step children----- I did my very very very best with-----& to educate--on every level of life---on birth control---& safe sex- & etc.etc.etc---------& one of them had a child out of wed lock--------while living with her birth mother--------
What does that have to do with "my abilities" in other things in life???????????
We can't control other people & their choices---we can only educate them & hope they make the best decisions!!!!! And some times they don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why should Sarah NOT run as VP because her daughter made a choice -some see as the wrong choice!

I happen to believe that baby was suspose to happen---no matter what------ & it is a gift from God------- even if some think it is a mistake!!!!!!!!!

And I believe that baby & all this whoopla------has a reason--------God is useing-------

Well enough said--------- back to packing!!!!!!!! ;)
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