by Suchomlin » Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:08 pm
I am new to this site myself, so I want to welcome you. Just to let you know that I found your post very helpful to me. I just was as astounded about the many nice replies that I received to my initial post. I replied, but somehow screwed up and it never showed up. The replies I got from the women were very nurturing and insightful. Your post is helping me to make some decisions for my future. I retired afer working for the government for 28 years, retired in Chandler, AZ, got bored with retirement (small talk is not my forte), and got a job in the most northern part of S. Korea working for the Army at Camp Casey. After my tour is up, I want to fullfill the dream of traveling.
My question to all fulltime Rvers is how do you make sure that you don't get lonely? I love being by myself, but now and than I need some social contact. I saw from Bethers Post that you all get together now and than. That would be attractive. Another question: As a single woman, are the couple RVers generally friendly and helpful. I know generalizatons are always full of errors. I would imagine that perhaps there is a special camaradery among RVers. I am just curious and as you all said before - join this group and learn.