Good Morning. Cloudy and 51°. Supposed to be 70-72 today. Nice weather pattern for the next week. Temps running about 20 degrees above normal. But, Karen’s weather will probably head this way later. Snow has melted except for piles and some laying in the woods. Now we are getting into the wildfire/grass fire season until we get some rain and things green up in a month or so. I was out raking yesterday and got the doggy doo from winter cleaned up. Have couple of piles of debris to pick up, but need to wait for snow to finish melting where I dump the stuff. And removed my shrub covers and stored them.
Sounds like everyone had a nice Easter. Enjoyed reading all the reminiscing.
My SS checks get deposited the 3rd Wednesday of the month and like many of you, came early that one time.
Barbie, sorry about the microwave. Shelia, the cake and dip sound good. I see the concept. Anita, I just never bothered to get a blender for myself. I don’t really have use for one. But glad you are able to utilize it for what you want to do. Had to laugh, though at your packing up some of the parts, and then needing them Think we have all been through that when we have moved. By the way, you’re new apt. Sounds really nice.
Judy, sent you a PM. Anybody else want a chicken dinner? Get yourself over here to Michigan
Going to gather up my stuff to donate to Goodwill and get it into the truck and out of here this morning. It’s been sitting on my spare bed for awhile. Then I will have purged everything out that I don’t need or use. Want to pick up a few things to add to my storm shelter room and get the wood to cut the outfits for my latest wood craft project. Planning to cut them out today, now that I can return to my garage and do that stuff. I put things away out there yesterday from the winter, that I just sat in there until the weather warmed up to put it where it belongs.
So, guess I had better get moving here. Don’t want to spend a whole long time up in town, couple places don’t open till about 10, so I will get the stuff done at tbe one’s open now, and then I can take care of the last couple things after that.. Have a great dsy everyone I