It's 52 degrees outside, overcast and foggy. Yesterday turned out to be a BEAUTIFUL day up here---sunny and warm! I managed to get a lot done, although the grass didn't dry out enough to mow. Maybe today.
My revamped bed, now with 7 inches of memory foam on it, was GREAT last night! No backache, no hip aches----YIPPEEEE!!! It's built up so high now, however, that Molly falls off when she tries to jump up there! Guess I'll have to get her a stepping stool like mine, but one she can launch from.
Coffee is Hazlenut Creme again, with French Vanilla creamer. I still have some chicken selects things from Micky D's, which I might have for breakfast in a few hours down the line. I have no clue what I will do today, as it all depends upon the weather. If it says it might be nice, I will probably move down to the leanto so I can hear the peepers again. If they are saying thunderstorms, however, I will stay right up here! I still need to chainsaw up the fallen trees across the roads on the back trails.
I hope all of you who are on the roads will start to find better weather. Carol from the southern part of this NY state has had HORRID weather, as have you all in the midwest and even in the Pacific Northwest. Keep your eyes to the sky, and pray for improvement soon!
Check in with us to let us know what's up and what you are finding to share with us.