I know it's not breakfast type stuff? But it's all Cedar's fault for starting it.
I get a horoscope that is really quite good. I've directed a few friends to the site and they have liked it. Of course the fact that I get 'Karma Coins' if they join, has nothing to do with it!! LOL No really, it's a good one and pretty much is always spot on for me and what I'm thinking of or having going on. And today they had a thing on there about Blessings by Sign, zodiac sign of course. And I just thought I would put it out there to share. See if it matches up with ya'll.
http://www.tarot.com/articles/bysign/co ... ssings.phpThings I'm Thankful for;
My kids, they drive me to distraction sometimes, but love 'em to death.
My family, we don't stay in touch a lot but I know that their there.
My friends, they make and keep me human and grounded.
My rented home and it's oven today, without it I have no idea where I would be.
My job, as much as I hate it, I at least have one and can support myself.
There are so many little things that we can all be grateful for and very seldom think about except for days like today.
As a side thought? I am grateful for all the people out there who willingly give of themselves, their time, effort, money, homes and hearts to those in need. The Churches of whatever denomination, the organizations, clubs, companies and of course the individuals who care for and give to those who either have nothing or who have lost everything in today's economy. Those that supply soup kitchens, food pantries and thrift stores. All the hidden people who do this day after day for free, not wanting anything in return. Except maybe the feeling that they have helped in some small way. I could go on, but I guess you catch my drift. I'll get off my soapbox now!