Missy again

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Missy again

Postby Excel » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:19 pm

Well, thought I'd share the fact that I have a dog.....Not what I started out looking for, not what I wanted, but.....kinda fell into this & she is really a nice dog....so we'll see....don't want to train a puppy again...it's been 9 years since I trained Missy (my beloved poodle)...but am trying to remember all the lessons....Anyhow, she is a poodle mix...3-1/2 months old...just so small...maybe 8#'s...don't know if she'll get much bigger...I hope so...but we'll see. She's at my feet all the time, but as this is all new to her, I understand...she's not a 'nervous' pup considering she's so small. She's very loving & pretty smart considering I've only had her a few days...She will go potty outside .... course I have to train me to take her out often....Anyhow, it's an experience...funny how you go after one thing & end up with something totally different....Got her a harness, got a new leash (she hates it....but I'm sure after a few walks she'll be okay. Bought some dog food recommended at Petco...Boy, prices sure have gone up. Got her some treats so I can train her....she plays with them....(and they're little sqares smaller than a lump of sugar)...Got her dental sticks...thought they were small, but they're big & fat....she LOVES them & tries to carry them around....doesn't care much for toys yet....Anyhow, I'm doing my best & trying to remember all the training stuff I knew years ago....Adding pics...hope you agree that I couldn't pass her up! Well just tried to copy & paste pics...no luck...will try again later....I have Windows 7 on my laptop & really don't like it nor do I know how to use it well...sorry!
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Re: Missy again

Postby mitch5252 » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:24 pm


Bet she's absolutely adorable!

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Re: Missy again

Postby VickieP » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:31 pm

I'm happy you found a new companion, can't wait to see how cute she is!
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Re: Missy again

Postby Liz » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:56 pm

She sounds like a cutie! Good luck with the training.
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Re: Missy again

Postby BirdbyBird » Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:19 pm

Good news...we be waiting here for those pictures :)
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Re: Missy again

Postby Nasoosie » Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:26 pm

Well CONGRATULATIONS to you and Missy! I think it's so neat that many of us have adopted souls over the years, and it makes my heart sing to realize that there are that many fewer critters that will meet the execution chambers.

I can't wait to see some pics of her! She's not exactly a tiny puppy, but she is still a puppy at 3 1/2 months. She will keep you hoppin' and getting out and about and loving and cursing sometimes, even!

Hugs to you and Missy from me, Molly, and Dinah---all street waifs!
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Re: Missy again

Postby pattyk » Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:41 pm

Congrats. Did you get her at Petco? That's where I got Sammie quite a while ago.
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Re: Missy again

Postby Acadianmom » Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:49 pm

Good luck with your training. It's hard to pass up those puppies. With 5 house cats I just can't have a house dog. I have been saying I have 25 barn cats. Well, I made a list of their names and it's 28. Need to take my list to the barn and see if I missed anyone. We buy 6 big bags of cat food at a time. My DH and son put out too much food at night so I think we are also feeding some Racoons and Possums. I'm going to look for a smaller scoop, they are using one made for horses.

Looking forward to pictures.

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Re: Missy again

Postby Irmi » Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:51 pm

Congratulations & waiting on the pictures!
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Re: Missy again

Postby Excel » Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:04 pm

Yeah! Got her at Petco here in San Jose (in the parking lot ) She was on Craigs List...Anyhow, met the gal (Seller) in the front of Petco...it was raining, windy & cold...cold..cold. Poor little thing was shivering....I couldn't stand it. Forgot to ask all the questions I should have asked (of course...was thinking about the poor shivering dog)....Anyhow, got a small file on her (after I paid her) & a little bag of dog food....she said it was Beneficail or something like that....the gal looked young maybe 28 or so...poor, driving a older car....Anyhow, by the time I got the dog home she add thrown up a ton in the cloth carrier I had brought (that's all I had left from my previous Missy...Had given everything away thinking I'd never get another dog & go through the pain of loss again. Anyway, when I got home I had all these questions I forgot to ask...so I called the cell phone # I originally had for seller....guess what.... disconnected. Couldn't believe it. Anyhow, my thoughts are seller really needed the money. I will take Missy to a vet as soon as I can find a good one & have her checked out...she seems healthy enough but A check up is in order....Plus the bank account is a little low right now after buying her a nice bed, decent food, etc. But whether she has problems or not....she's mine & I will deal with them. Thanks for all the well wishes....they're appreciated. Oh, some of my family are excited for me....those that aren't well I can't be bothered with them....Oh...am not using those doggie p pads.....I think they only confuse a dog when you then try to train them to go outside...so not using them. She is going potty outside & has only had 2 accidents so far, one being my fault...and she is sleeping in my laundry room at night..cries for about 5 min. & then quiet. I have a 2 story house carpeted of course, & I really don't want her upstairs....besides, my Missy always slept downstairs for the 9 years I had her....so I'm following the same routine. Still can't figure out the pics....am trying!
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Re: Missy again

Postby AlmostThere » Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:37 pm

Congrats on your new puppy. I had to laugh when you were talking about the "joys" of having a puppy in the house. I still get the taste of Bitter Apple on my hands, that I use to spray on anything I didn't want Choco to chew on, and that brings back memories of how far he's come. By the, the spray didn't work. ;)
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Re: Missy again

Postby Sandersmr » Wed Feb 15, 2012 6:12 pm

AlmostThere wrote:Congrats on your new puppy. I had to laugh when you were talking about the "joys" of having a puppy in the house. I still get the taste of Bitter Apple on my hands, that I use to spray on anything I didn't want Choco to chew on, and that brings back memories of how far he's come. By the, the spray didn't work. ;)

My Oscar actually seems to like the taste of the bitter apple stuff... dumb dog! :roll:
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Re: Missy again

Postby Redetotry » Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:35 pm

Makes you wonder if she was stolen the way the woman who sold her acted. Do take her soon to the vet she needs to be on heartworm meds, they recommend giving year round now. She was probably feeding her Beneful which is the worst dog food on the market. Wean her off slowly as it has very little nutrition so a better food will upset her stomach until she gets used to it.
I'm so happy you found her.
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Re: Missy again

Postby Excel » Thu Feb 16, 2012 12:44 pm

The gal at Petco recommended 'Halo'...so that's what I bought...it's for puppies & small dogs....I was just going to buy Puppy Chow but I guess that's not good per Petco...???? ( My beloved Missy did fine with it when she was a pup). Anyhow, I had a meeting last night so took her to my DIL to watch....Felt like it's too soon to leave her alone....Of course DIL wants to keep her....well, this little Missy does have a super personality. My son got home just before I got there & took her out for a potty break...Of course she went potty ( show-off that she is)...Anyhow, It appears that I'll have plenty of baby sitters available if I need them. DIL had lots of toys for dogs so found out that little Missy likes the cloth ones ....so off we go to Petco today. BTW...years ago I bought a collapsible cage for my beloved Missy when I used to take her to work with me....tried to find it on the internet & no luck. This was open on all sides made of plastic & a little steel/wire...the front was a door & you could collapse it to maybe 3-4 " ....Had a handle on the top to carry it, and you could put a nice soft pad inside (plastic bottom)....I want this for traveling....not those big or small wire cages...Any ideas on where I could find something similar at least? Would appreciate any comments. 8-)
OH....yes I did check Craigs LIst & my paper to see if there's a lost dog ad....so far no, but I will continue to look....
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Re: Missy again

Postby mitch5252 » Thu Feb 16, 2012 1:31 pm

Maybe like this?

Got this one at Target. I have a second one kept in the trailer.
Don't remember where I got it, but it was not Target.

Front is zippered. But if I HAVE TO "lock" her in, I just turn the front toward the side of my dresser.


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