A new brother for Rags

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A new brother for Rags

Postby bikerchic777 » Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:47 am

If you have been reading the Campfire thread, then you already know that I've been thinking of adopting a little Chihuaha that was a stray here in the park. He would follow me and Rags on our morning walks, but I couldn't catch him. The man that did catch him, kept me up to date. He tried to find the owner and had him scanned, but no microchip. His mom became attached to the little guy and they named him Temp, thinking it would be his temporary home. They have had him for a couple of months now and I kept thinking that I should have offered to take him. I finally told the man that I would take him if they decided he was one too many and he asked his mom. She said I could have him :D Rags and I stopped by for a visit, after I got home from work. He loved Rags, though Rags sat by my feet and couldn't understand why this little dog was humping all over him :lol: No question, he needs to be neutered!!! I decided to make an appt for surgery before taking him, to avoid unnecessary stress on me and Rags with all the humping. The lady agreed on that, so I will call around on Monday. I found some low cost spay/neuter clinics online. I would like to get him microchipped, too, so maybe they will do other services for a good price. He is young so lots of training is in order. We may be comparing notes, Liz ;) Trying to come up with a name, as Temp just has to go! Any ideas? What do you think about Tank? He is all of 6 lbs :lol: I kind of like the opposite names, like calling a big guy Teeny. I am open to suggestions.
Linda, Rags, and Brutus full-timing it in our 2017 Winnebago Micro Mini, Thumbelina.

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Re: A new brother for Rags

Postby Suchomlin » Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:59 am

It is 3:56 P.M. in S. Korea, so I just read your post and the name that came up was 'Riches' Rags to Riches. Maybe too corney, but it came spontaeously. I think it is wonderful that you open your heart and RV for the little guy. If you are ever in Chandler, AZ, they have Chihuaua (sp) raises on the Cinco de Mayo - 5 May. They are kind of amusing. Smile

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Re: A new brother for Rags

Postby dpf » Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:24 am

I think that Riches is cute! A friend of mine had a two Bostons named Pork and Beans.
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Re: A new brother for Rags

Postby avalen » Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:27 am

Rags to Riches, now thats cute and if Riches is too hard to say ya could always just say Richie.
Waitin for pics now of the little guy but do keep in mind the humping thing can be a dominance
ritual until they decide who's who. (but of course we all know the neutering is a must do) Did
you find a low cost clinic in your area?
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Re: A new brother for Rags

Postby Sandersmr » Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:31 pm

Congratulations! I bet Riches will really enjoy his new home!
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Re: A new brother for Rags

Postby OutandAbout » Sun Feb 05, 2012 4:20 pm

Congrats on the new puppy. I also think the humping is a dominance thing. My 2 are neutered and both still hump each other and poor Cooper, the only female. Awaiting pics. Linda
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Re: A new brother for Rags

Postby mitch5252 » Sun Feb 05, 2012 4:29 pm


I like Riches, too! Can't wait for pictures.
(Abby, as a 3# puppy, used to try and hump my foot...dominance thing.)

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Re: A new brother for Rags

Postby Bethers » Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:14 pm

Peaches, who is definitely a girl, and spayed, will occasionally hump a leg if she has the opportunity.

I like the Rags to Riches as names also. That's so cute. But if you don't like Riches, Tank works also - as I get that analogy, too. Can't wait to see pictures.
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Re: A new brother for Rags

Postby BarbaraRose » Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:26 pm

I know of someone with two dogs named Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, and another person with Macaroni and Cheese dogs.
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Re: A new brother for Rags

Postby dpf » Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:03 pm

Bethers wrote:Peaches, who is definitely a girl, and spayed, will occasionally hump a leg if she has the opportunity.

One of our spayed females Bostons would hump legs, pillows, stuffed animals, the cat, just about anything! When you caught her in the act she would look so embarassed! :roll:
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Re: A new brother for Rags

Postby bluepinecones » Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:34 pm

Always good to hear when a lucky pup finds a loving new home. Eagerly awaiting photos too.
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Re: A new brother for Rags

Postby bikerchic777 » Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:07 am

Tatjana...Never thought of that one, but I kind of like it :D Do you live in S. Korea? Just curious. Some of those other name combos mentioned were hilarious :lol: I also thought of Brutus. It's always a tough decision.

Ava...I found a spay/neuter clinic in Mesa that charges $162 for neuter, pain med, all vaccinations, heartworm check, and microchip. The other was recommended by a friend at the swap. It is Niki's Place in Gilbert. They charge $180 for neuter with pain med, all vaccines, heartworm test, and microchip. Can't remember if he has dew claws, but they remove them during surgery for $40. I would likely do that, too, as I have seen what can happen if those get caught on something....OUCH!!! I will call to make an appt in the morning. Guess I'm spoiled on the humping thing...Rags never humps anyone or anything. Gizmo used to hump Rags occasionally, though, as a dominance thing. I just think it would be best to eliminate one of the reasons. I have no intentions of breeding him and prefer dogs that are fixed ;)

I will post pics later and listen for the oohs and awes :lol:
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Re: A new brother for Rags

Postby bikerchic777 » Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:49 am

Decided on Brutus :D It just fits the little guy :lol: I was thinking about it all day and Brutus just rolled off my tongue. Hard to explain, but at least it's decided. I picked him up tonight and started calling him Brutus right away. He has an early morning appt to get neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated at a low cost clinic here. They said he could be one of the first for the day so I can pick him up at 11:00 and make it to work on time. I have my kennel all ready for him when he comes home. Thinking he will probably cry, but I will turn on the AC and it shouldn't bother anyone except Rags. I had to scold Brutus as soon as we came in the door, as he started hiking his leg on everything :shock: After several times, he got the message. Thinking that won't be such an urge after the surgery. I already put a cute little cammie collar on him 8-) I have a container with some dog things and I have a little harness from when Gizmo was a puppy and it should fit Brutus. Also had a few leashes in there and I have a small food dish. I will probably have to buy some toys since he likes to play with them. Not used to that. Rags only likes to fetch a little ball. I did get to bring one of his favorite toys so he may feel more at home. Pray for us during this adjustment period!
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Re: A new brother for Rags

Postby Suchomlin » Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:40 am

I am glad that Brutus is home. I do like Brutus as well. Frankly, I am glad that you did not name him Tank. To answer your question, yes, I am living in Dongduchon, S. Korea, about 20 miles or less from the DMZ (N. Korean border). I work at Camp Casey, an Army Base. I see a lot of Tanks with very young man on them rolling around Camp Casey, and it makes me a bit sad. So many young man who have been deployed too many times. So you may understand that Tank for me in not a good association. Smile I am looking forward hearing about Brutus' adventures and how Rags will deal with him. Take care. Tatjana
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Re: A new brother for Rags

Postby Nasoosie » Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:24 am

Brutus it is, and I love the name! Now then----pics are where???!!!
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