Because it's way too small to be a land yacht!!!
It's a Sportsmen Classic 16BH made by KZ. It came with a pair of bunks, but we had the top bunk cut back to provide a deep shelf where I keep the linens.
I plan on reworking the front of the shelf area to make it a little nicer looking, maybe using a cargo net rather than bungees, and painting the 2x2's that are the bungee frame.
I've done several other mods, including building a new table because the old one was just too tight to get into the street side banquette:
Another big mod is that we upgraded the 5000 BTU A/C to a 6500 BTU one. This was as big as we could go in the space without major re-engineering. And with the TX summers, especially one like 2011, we need all the A/C we can get. The flip side is we haven't used the furnace yet. We have a small ceramic heater that has done the trick so far and we haven't done any dry-camping.
The one down side to the Land Dinghy is she has a teeny weeny bladder - my tanks are really small in her. Hasn't been too much of a problem so far, but I think it may be an issue with my week-long camping trip in March.