Okay, Suite Pea is coming home with me. I know, I know, I know I don't have pictures yet. Here is the link. She is Model 30T and is pretty well tricked out.
I owe a great deal of thanks to my good, generous, and marvelous friends. Colleen, for traveling with me for the last 14 months looking at various rigs all over Texas. Vicki, for being there giving me support, help and information. Liz, for saving my sanity and losing her sanity by packing a lot of Herbie while I was playing out in Doctor land. (I would have traded the colonoscopy for the packing.) Then Liz and Vicki helped to make the physical move. Many, many thanks.
Suite Pea gets her final finishes from the dealer Tuesday and Wednesday (today and tomorrow) and then her final wiring for bringing Herbie behind her on Thursday. Then we will hit the road on Sunday. Off for a celebratory burger with Colleen.