Sharon, this is a "worm" that is sending out the emails. Somehow it accessed your contact list - and usually just changing the password works - of course, you do want it to let you in though
BTW - I usually don't click on links like "open here" or any of those generic terms - I want to see the actual link - and then I copy and paste it into a browser window - so if there's anything "hidden" it doesn't come with. When you make the hyperlink using a phrase, anything can be there - now, I trust you - but I'm pretty cautious. It's why I quit doing hyperlinks here on the forum (well, most of the time) and usually put in the whole link.
On websites, that's another story - but I have to trust the website I'm on. If it seems fly-by-night, etc, I won't click on their links either. Have, of course, so should say "shouldn't" and "usually don't". hahaha - just like everything in like, try to take precautions, but sometimes take chances I shouldn't. Ask CArol about some places Liz and I got into to take pictures - that we probably shouldn't have.