OK, girls, was wondering if any of you have any experience with this sort of thing or thoughts. As you know my travel buddy is Gus a soon to be 14 yr old smooth fox terrier (yes I know he looks a lot like a Jack Russell but his legs are longer and his chest is not as beefy as the Jack). He has been showing signs of cataracts for some time now which is not unusual for his age I'm sure. But over the last few months he has developed a new habit that I'm curious about. He will often jump back from his food/water dish as if it is moving or some how scaring him. I've tried switching dish colors from white to a dark color but still no go. Sometimes he will take food ro water from them but not often. When I come home he whines even after we've been out walking and I finally notice that his food looks untouch so for the past couple of weeks I've just started sitting in the floor and hand feeding him. And I don't mind doing that the rest of his life. But I'm totally puzzled. Tonight I got an idea about depth perception (dogs do have it I think) and perhaps his is fading with age. In stead of a hand feeding I filled a shallow dish and set it on the floor right beside his regular dish. He ate every bite. Still wouldn't drink from the water side until I filled it to the top. I've noticed when we walk around the campground he loves to go down to the shallow corner of the pond and drink pond water but he will only do it where he can step into the edge of the water. OK, so what do you think? Any ideas? Tomorrow I will try leaving the shallow dish filled and sitting beside his regular dish (he's old so I don't want to move things around on him. Who knows maybe his memory is going too. I know mine is) and I will fill the water half all the way to the top and check it when I come home for lunch 3 hours later. In the meantime I appreciate any feedback. Hey, we're a bunch of smart ladies. We can figure this out.