Birdie what a gorgeous sunrise and picture.
Liz, please do get another opinion. I hate that Roe is hurting like this. Will be waiting anxiously to hear what happens. And good luck with your own audiology appt.
I was hoping to kayak when I got to KY - but the weather isn't looking too promising for that. Last year I know I was out the first week of November. Hopefully the cold air coming in will pass through and there will be another week or two of warmer weather. But I'm going there for work, but that sure would be a nice respite. Looking forward to meeting you, Vickie. And you explained so well why it's important for me to stay at the state park rather than the rv parks down there. I can work, work, work - but when off work, I enjoy the beauty and it brings me peace. And Peaches sure likes the walks there.
I'm sitting at a Ford dealers while they check out all systems, give me an oil change, etc. After the 7 months sitting I had a new vibration driving here, so have them checking that out, also.. Last time I had a similar vibration was just before my blowout. Do not want that to happen again.
Meantime, I jumped out of the rv with just my purse and Peaches. No book to read, no computer, etc . Don't want to go interrupt them and was pleasantly surprised to find they have 2 computers and wifi for our use while waiting. Then I discovered I'm not wearing my progressivie lenses, so keep moving my glasses up and down my nose. Hahaha - yep isn't aging fun! Peaches just lays at my feet but a few minutes ago jumped up. Turns out someone came by behind me with a McDonald's bag. Guess she thought something in it was for her. She's never been to McDonald's but she liked the smell of his breakfast. One of the workers here gave her a doggie treat. She had to think about it, but decided if that was all she was getting, she best accept it graciously. Now she's back sleeping at my feet.
Here's hoping they can get me out of here early. I'd like to relax a bit after I get back - and I definitely want to take my time this afternoon in the sun hooking up the car. It's been 7 months - I don't trust myself. Easy as it is, I want to be sure I get it right. And tomorrow it's supposed to be raining. So hoping to get everything ready this afternoon, relax tonight, and only have electric to unplug (and probably cable) in the morning. Who knows when I'll have all these tv stations again. I need to numb my brain another night
Take care all - be safe on and off rthe road.