Here's where LBJ sat as a child in his one room schoolhouse.
Here's another place he probably sat a lot...
The Texas White House is being restored to the way it looked in the 1960's during LBJ's term in office. So far only the office (on the left) is finished and open to the public.
Here's the desk where he sat
But this was his favorite seat...note the pillow
I'm not sure if he ever sat in this saddle the president of Mexico gave him, but he might have at least once for show.
Here's a list of other places he may have been found sitting. This is an intercom on one of the 4 desks in his office.
Wouldn't you like to sit in one of these rockers and look at the river?
Here's a picture of LBJ and his military advisers sitting on the front lawn.
And here's the place they sat
Plans are to finish restoring and open the rest of the downstairs over a 3 year period. So, come back, ya hear?