Kelly would appreciate prayers for her Mom. Echo hasn't been feeling well for a while. I am cutting and pasting what Kelly has posted on FB.
mom's heading to st. george in the am. going to the hospital. dr. mark called around lunchtime. labs came back from wednesday's blood drawing and it's looking even worse now. red blood cell count extremely high, white count extremely low. borderline stroke he's thinking. and her liver may be shutting down. all due to lack of oxygen... no clue what's gonna happen. i'm scared shitless and i know she is too.
. he took blood samples i think on the 31st? and she got a msg from him on her cell on monday but he'd already left the office and doesn't work tuesdays. he'd left instructions that if she called while he was there they were to interrupt whatever he was doing so he could talk to her. so she called wednesday and we stopped by on the way home and they drew more blood. he called today and let her know she needed to really be checked out and would have to go to st. george to the hospital there as the one in kanab isn't equipped or w/e to run the tests... her lower abdomen is quite swollen, causing her to walk funny. she's tired all the time, not getting rest because she can't stay asleep. mon n tues nite she slept all nite n it's been a while since she's done that. she just can't seem to stay asleep and most every nite she's waking up, sitting up in bed, dozes off n on. falls asleep at the kitchen table or in the lounge area down at the lodge. didn't think it would be something like this. don't know all the details but hope to soon. i'm working reservations tmro n told her to call me when she gets there n as soon as they can tell her anything.